DC Showcase: Green Arrow is a 2010 shortanimated film, directed by Joaquim Dos Santos and written by Greg Weisman, featuring Neal McDonough as Green Arrow, who must protect a young princess at an airport. The film, which was released on September 28, 2010 as a bonus feature on the Superman/Batman: Apocalypse DVD, was the third of the DC Showcase series and was included on the compilation DVD DC Showcase Original Shorts Collection in an extended version.[1]
The short is considered by Weisman to be adjacent to the Young Justice cartoon, meaning a version of this event happened within the show's continuity.[2] In 2022, the back-up story of Young Justice: Targets shows the canon version of this event, which has differences to the short.[3]
While waiting outside Star City international airport for his girlfriend Dinah Laurel Lance, Oliver Queen discovers Merlyn is there to assassinate Princess Perdita of Vlatava. After fighting off a group of thugs, Oliver rescues Perdita, who he learns recently became Vlatava's queen following her father's assassination and Merlyn was hired by her uncle, who stands to become the new king in the event of her death. Eventually, Oliver defeats Merlyn and his men but is overpowered by Perdita's uncle, Count Vertigo. Nonetheless, Dinah arrives to defeat him. Afterward, Oliver proposes to Dinah with Perdita's help and they kiss.