Coimbra (Assembly of the Republic constituency)

for the Assembly of the Republic
Outline map
Location of Coimbra within Portugal
Population411,450 (2022)[1]
Electorate371,769 (2024)
Area3,974 km2 (2022)[2]
Current Constituency
  • 9 (2011–present)
  • 10 (1991–2011)
  • 11 (1983–1991)
  • 12 (1976–1983)

Coimbra is one of the 22 multi-member constituencies of the Assembly of the Republic, the national legislature of Portugal. The constituency was established in 1976 when the Assembly of the Republic was established by the constitution following the restoration of democracy. It is conterminous with the district of Coimbra. The constituency currently elects nine of the 230 members of the Assembly of the Republic using the closed party-list proportional representation electoral system. At the 2024 legislative election it had 371,769 registered electors.

Electoral system

Coimbra currently elects nine of the 230 members of the Assembly of the Republic using the closed party-list proportional representation electoral system.[4][5] Seats are allocated using the D'Hondt method.[6][7]

Election results


Election Unitary Democrats
Left Bloc
People Animals Nature
Democratic Renewal
Social Democrats
PSD / PàF / AD / PPD
CDS – People's
Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats
2024 6,819 2.90% 0 12,371 5.27% 0 79,120 33.70% 4 3,839 1.64% 0 74,040 31.54% 3 9,592 4.09% 0 37,428 15.94% 2
2022 7,281 3.47% 0 10,888 5.19% 0 97,324 46.42% 6 2,569 1.23% 0 62,804 29.96% 3 7,791 3.72% 0 3,244 1.55% 0 13,182 6.29% 0
2019 11,402 5.90% 0 22,805 11.80% 1 79,596 41.18% 5 5,356 2.77% 0 54,286 28.09% 3 1,682 0.87% 0 7,103 3.68% 0 1,844 0.95% 0
2015 15,476 7.34% 0 21,773 10.33% 1 77,688 36.86% 4 2,165 1.03% 0 81,880 38.85% 4
2011 14,138 6.56% 0 13,034 6.05% 0 66,199 30.72% 3 2,535 1.18% 0 91,028 42.24% 5 22,391 10.39% 1 336 0.16% 0
2009 13,538 5.93% 0 25,514 11.17% 1 89,855 39.33% 4 72,461 31.71% 4 20,706 9.06% 1
2005 13,463 5.71% 0 15,444 6.56% 0 111,042 47.14% 6 78,062 33.14% 4 13,365 5.67% 0
2002 11,840 5.16% 0 5,664 2.47% 0 96,806 42.21% 5 95,944 41.83% 5 15,629 6.81% 0
1999 14,200 6.24% 0 4,536 1.99% 0 109,536 48.16% 6 81,760 35.95% 4 13,875 6.10% 0
1995 12,947 5.20% 0 1,249 0.50% 0 125,166 50.30% 6 87,817 35.29% 4 17,976 7.22% 0
1991 12,419 5.15% 0 84,879 35.21% 4 1,325 0.55% 0 123,176 51.09% 6 8,715 3.61% 0
1987 17,394 7.35% 1 1,045 0.44% 0 69,745 29.46% 4 8,395 3.55% 0 121,641 51.39% 6 11,025 4.66% 0
1985 24,989 10.45% 1 1,967 0.82% 0 70,257 29.38% 3 41,648 17.41% 2 72,725 30.41% 4 21,208 8.87% 1
1983 26,471 11.00% 1 112,518 46.78% 6 68,935 28.66% 3 25,375 10.55% 1
1980 26,231 10.15% 1 2,124 0.82% 0 95,350 36.89% 5 122,488 47.39% 6
1979 29,944 11.65% 1 3,529 1.37% 0 94,256 36.68% 5 120,298 46.82% 6
1976 17,405 7.77% 1 2,771 1.24% 0 98,162 43.81% 6 64,162 28.64% 4 29,967 13.38% 1

(Figures in italics represent alliances.)




Results of the 2024 legislative election held on 10 March 2024:[8]

Party Votes % Seats
Socialist Party PS 79,120 33.70% 4
Democratic Alliance AD 74,040 31.54% 3
Chega CH 37,428 15.94% 2
Left Bloc BE 12,371 5.27% 0
Liberal Initiative IL 9,592 4.09% 0
LIVRE L 6,890 2.93% 0
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU 6,819 2.90% 0
People Animals Nature PAN 3,839 1.64% 0
National Democratic Alternative ADN 2,426 1.03% 0
React, Include, Recycle RIR 731 0.31% 0
New Right ND 578 0.25% 0
Volt Portugal Volt 427 0.18% 0
Together for the People JPP 185 0.08% 0
Ergue-te E 177 0.08% 0
Alternative 21 (Earth Party and Alliance) PT-A 162 0.07% 0
Valid Votes 234,785 100.00% 9
Blank Votes 4,797 1.98%
Rejected Votes – Other 2,558 1.06%
Total Polled 242,140 65.13%
Registered Electors 371,769

The following candidates were elected:[9] Ana Abrunhosa (PS); Pedro Coimbra (PS); Raquel Ferreira (PS); Rita Júdice (AD); Ricardo Lino (PS); Maurício Marques (AD); Eliseu Neves (CH); António Pinto Pereira (CH); and Martim Syder (AD).


Results of the 2022 legislative election held on 30 January 2022:[10]

Party Votes % Seats
Socialist Party PS 97,324 46.42% 6
Social Democratic Party PSD 62,804 29.96% 3
Chega CH 13,182 6.29% 0
Left Bloc BE 10,888 5.19% 0
Liberal Initiative IL 7,791 3.72% 0
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU 7,281 3.47% 0
CDS – People's Party CDS–PP 3,244 1.55% 0
People Animals Nature PAN 2,569 1.23% 0
LIVRE L 2,197 1.05% 0
React, Include, Recycle RIR 706 0.34% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 526 0.25% 0
Alliance A 320 0.15% 0
Volt Portugal Volt 257 0.12% 0
Socialist Alternative Movement MAS 242 0.12% 0
Earth Party PT 203 0.10% 0
Ergue-te E 120 0.06% 0
Valid Votes 209,654 100.00% 9
Blank Votes 3,120 1.45%
Rejected Votes – Other 2,329 1.08%
Total Polled 215,103 57.37%
Registered Electors 374,935

The following candidates were elected:[11] José Carlos Alexandrino (PS); Pedro Coimbra (PS); Raquel Ferreira (PS); Ricardo Lino (PS); Tiago Estevão Martins (PS); João Barbosa de Melo (PSD); Mónica Quintela (PSD); Fátima Ramos (PSD); and Marta Temido (PS).



Results of the 2019 legislative election held on 6 October 2019:[12]

Party Votes % Seats
Socialist Party PS 79,596 41.18% 5
Social Democratic Party PSD 54,286 28.09% 3
Left Bloc BE 22,805 11.80% 1
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU 11,402 5.90% 0
CDS – People's Party CDS–PP 7,103 3.68% 0
People Animals Nature PAN 5,356 2.77% 0
Alliance A 2,106 1.09% 0
LIVRE L 1,920 0.99% 0
Chega CH 1,844 0.95% 0
Liberal Initiative IL 1,682 0.87% 0
React, Include, Recycle RIR 1,152 0.60% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 1,032 0.53% 0
National Renewal Party PNR 624 0.32% 0
Democratic Republican Party PDR 449 0.23% 0
We, the Citizens! NC 441 0.23% 0
Earth Party PT 414 0.21% 0
United Party of Retirees and Pensioners PURP 410 0.21% 0
Socialist Alternative Movement MAS 251 0.13% 0
People's Monarchist Party PPM 244 0.13% 0
Together for the People JPP 149 0.08% 0
Valid Votes 193,266 100.00% 9
Blank Votes 6,910 3.39%
Rejected Votes – Other 3,755 1.84%
Total Polled 203,931 53.67%
Registered Electors 380,004

The following candidates were elected:[13] António Maló de Abreu (PSD); João Ataíde (PS); Pedro Coimbra (PS); Cristina Jesus (PS); Paulo Leitão (PSD); Tiago Estevão Martins (PS); José Manuel Pureza (BE); Mónica Quintela (PSD); and Marta Temido (PS).


Results of the 2015 legislative election held on 4 October 2015:[14]

Party Votes % Seats
Portugal Ahead PàF 81,880 38.85% 4
Socialist Party PS 77,688 36.86% 4
Left Bloc BE 21,773 10.33% 1
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU 15,476 7.34% 0
Democratic Republican Party PDR 3,626 1.72% 0
People Animals Nature PAN 2,165 1.03% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 1,889 0.90% 0
LIVRE L 1,292 0.61% 0
National Renewal Party PNR 1,099 0.52% 0
ACT! (Portuguese Labour Party
and Socialist Alternative Movement)
AGIR 1,081 0.51% 0
The Earth Party Movement MPT 851 0.40% 0
We, the Citizens! NC 683 0.32% 0
People's Monarchist Party PPM 526 0.25% 0
United Party of Retirees and Pensioners PURP 451 0.21% 0
Together for the People JPP 272 0.13% 0
Valid Votes 210,752 100.00% 9
Blank Votes 5,946 2.70%
Rejected Votes – Other 3,500 1.59%
Total Polled 220,198 56.32%
Registered Electors 390,950

The following candidates were elected:[15] Pedro Coimbra (PS); Helena Freitas (PS); João Galamba (PS); Margarida Mano (PàF); Maurício Marques (PàF); Elza Pais (PS); José Manuel Pureza (BE); Fátima Ramos (PàF); and Manuel Rodrigues (PàF).


Results of the 2011 legislative election held on 5 June 2011:[16]

Party Votes % Seats
Social Democratic Party PSD 91,028 42.24% 5
Socialist Party PS 66,199 30.72% 3
CDS – People's Party CDS–PP 22,391 10.39% 1
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU 14,138 6.56% 0
Left Bloc BE 13,034 6.05% 0
Party for Animals and Nature PAN 2,535 1.18% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 2,014 0.93% 0
Hope for Portugal Movement MEP 900 0.42% 0
The Earth Party Movement MPT 662 0.31% 0
Portuguese Labour Party PTP 600 0.28% 0
National Renewal Party PNR 591 0.27% 0
People's Monarchist Party PPM 557 0.26% 0
New Democracy Party ND 526 0.24% 0
Pro-Life Party PPV 336 0.16% 0
Valid Votes 215,511 100.00% 9
Blank Votes 8,155 3.60%
Rejected Votes – Other 3,093 1.36%
Total Polled 226,759 57.34%
Registered Electors 395,464

The following candidates were elected:[17] José Manuel Canavarro (PSD); Nuno Encarnação (PSD); Ana Jorge (PS); Maurício Marques (PSD); João Serpa Oliva (CDS-PP); João Portugal (PS); Mário Ruivo (PS); Pedro Saraiva (PSD); and Nilza de Sena (PSD).



Results of the 2009 legislative election held on 27 September 2009:[18]

Party Votes % Seats
Socialist Party PS 89,855 39.33% 4
Social Democratic Party PSD 72,461 31.71% 4
Left Bloc BE 25,514 11.17% 1
CDS – People's Party CDS–PP 20,706 9.06% 1
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU 13,538 5.93% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 2,504 1.10% 0
Hope for Portugal Movement MEP 1,077 0.47% 0
People's Monarchist Party PPM 691 0.30% 0
Portuguese Labour Party PTP 542 0.24% 0
Merit and Society Movement MMS 463 0.20% 0
The Earth Party Movement and Humanist Party MPT-PH 450 0.20% 0
National Renewal Party PNR 446 0.20% 0
Workers' Party of Socialist Unity POUS 241 0.11% 0
Valid Votes 228,488 100.00% 10
Blank Votes 5,248 2.22%
Rejected Votes – Other 2,815 1.19%
Total Polled 236,551 60.04%
Registered Electors 394,004

The following candidates were elected:[19] Rosário Águas (PSD); Horácio Antunes (PS); Vítor Baptista (PS); Nuno Encarnação (PSD); Ana Jorge (PS); João Serpa Oliva (CDS-PP); Paulo Mota Pinto (PSD); José Manuel Pureza (BE); Maria Antónia Almeida Santos (PS); and Pedro Saraiva (PSD).


Results of the 2005 legislative election held on 20 February 2005:[20]

Party Votes % Seats
Socialist Party PS 111,042 47.14% 6
Social Democratic Party PSD 78,062 33.14% 4
Left Bloc BE 15,444 6.56% 0
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU 13,463 5.71% 0
CDS – People's Party CDS–PP 13,365 5.67% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 1,551 0.66% 0
New Democracy Party ND 1,285 0.55% 0
Humanist Party PH 664 0.28% 0
Workers' Party of Socialist Unity POUS 360 0.15% 0
National Renewal Party PNR 341 0.14% 0
Valid Votes 235,577 100.00% 10
Blank Votes 5,841 2.39%
Rejected Votes – Other 2,761 1.13%
Total Polled 244,179 64.41%
Registered Electors 379,094

The following candidates were elected:[21] Fernando Antunes (PSD); Horácio Antunes (PS); Vítor Baptista (PS); Paulo Pereira Coelho (PSD); Matilde Sousa Franco (PS); João Portugal (PS); Teresa Portugal (PS); Maria Antónia Almeida Santos (PS); Zita Seabra (PSD); and Jaime Soares (PSD).


Results of the 2002 legislative election held on 17 March 2002:[22]

Party Votes % Seats
Socialist Party PS 96,806 42.21% 5
Social Democratic Party PSD 95,944 41.83% 5
CDS – People's Party CDS–PP 15,629 6.81% 0
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU 11,840 5.16% 0
Left Bloc BE 5,664 2.47% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 1,048 0.46% 0
People's Monarchist Party PPM 809 0.35% 0
The Earth Party Movement MPT 650 0.28% 0
Humanist Party PH 532 0.23% 0
Workers' Party of Socialist Unity POUS 222 0.10% 0
National Renewal Party PNR 212 0.09% 0
Valid Votes 229,356 100.00% 10
Blank Votes 2,776 1.18%
Rejected Votes – Other 2,176 0.93%
Total Polled 234,308 61.75%
Registered Electors 379,453

The following candidates were elected:[23] João Rui de Almeida (PS); Vítor Baptista (PS); Massano Cardoso (PSD); Paulo Pereira Coelho (PSD); Miguel Coleta (PSD); Fausto Correia (PS); Manuel Dias Loureiro (PSD); Teresa Morais (PSD); Helena Roseta (PS); and Maria Antónia Almeida Santos (PS).



Results of the 1999 legislative election held on 10 October 1999:[24]

Party Votes % Seats
Socialist Party PS 109,536 48.16% 6
Social Democratic Party PSD 81,760 35.95% 4
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU 14,200 6.24% 0
CDS – People's Party CDS–PP 13,875 6.10% 0
Left Bloc BE 4,536 1.99% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 1,251 0.55% 0
People's Monarchist Party PPM 948 0.42% 0
The Earth Party Movement MPT 640 0.28% 0
Humanist Party PH 430 0.19% 0
Workers' Party of Socialist Unity POUS 243 0.11% 0
Valid Votes 227,419 100.00% 10
Blank Votes 2,564 1.10%
Rejected Votes – Other 2,280 0.98%
Total Polled 232,263 61.38%
Registered Electors 378,410

The following candidates were elected:[25] Manuel Alegre (PS); João Rui de Almeida (PS); Paulo Pereira Coelho (PSD); Maria Teresa Coimbra (PS); Fausto Correia (PS); Carlos Encarnação (PSD); Nuno Freitas (PSD); Pedro Santana Lopes (PSD); Luís Parreirão (PS); and José Penedos (PS).


Results of the 1995 legislative election held on 1 October 1995:[26]

Party Votes % Seats
Socialist Party PS 125,166 50.30% 6
Social Democratic Party PSD 87,817 35.29% 4
CDS – People's Party CDS–PP 17,976 7.22% 0
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU 12,947 5.20% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 1,575 0.63% 0
Revolutionary Socialist Party PSR 1,490 0.60% 0
Popular Democratic Union UDP 1,249 0.50% 0
National Solidarity Party PSN 615 0.25% 0
Valid Votes 248,835 100.00% 10
Blank Votes 2,414 0.95%
Rejected Votes – Other 3,551 1.39%
Total Polled 254,800 67.01%
Registered Electors 380,227

The following candidates were elected:[27] Manuel Alegre (PS); João Rui de Almeida (PS); Carlos Beja (PS); Fausto Correia (PS); Carlos Encarnação (PSD); Osório Gomes (PS); Barbosa de Melo (PSD); Fernanda Mota Pinto (PSD); Maria João Rodrigues (PS); and Calvão da Silva (PSD).


Results of the 1991 legislative election held on 6 October 1991:[28]

Party Votes % Seats
Social Democratic Party PSD 123,176 51.09% 6
Socialist Party PS 84,879 35.21% 4
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU 12,419 5.15% 0
Social Democratic Centre Party CDS 8,715 3.61% 0
National Solidarity Party PSN 4,113 1.71% 0
Revolutionary Socialist Party PSR 2,315 0.96% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 1,553 0.64% 0
Democratic Renewal Party PRD 1,325 0.55% 0
People's Monarchist Party PPM 1,104 0.46% 0
Left Revolutionary Front FER 1,041 0.43% 0
Democratic Party of the Atlantic PDA 457 0.19% 0
Valid Votes 241,097 100.00% 10
Blank Votes 2,548 1.03%
Rejected Votes – Other 3,054 1.24%
Total Polled 246,699 66.26%
Registered Electors 372,347

The following candidates were elected:[29] Manuel Alegre (PS); João Rui de Almeida (PS); Álvaro Amaro (PSD); Costa Andrade (PSD); António Campos (PS); Carlos Encarnação (PSD); Barbosa de Melo (PSD); José Penedos (PS); Fernanda Mota Pinto (PSD); and Luís Pais de Sousa (PSD).



Results of the 1987 legislative election held on 19 July 1987:[30]

Party Votes % Seats
Social Democratic Party PSD 121,641 51.39% 6
Socialist Party PS 69,745 29.46% 4
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU 17,394 7.35% 1
Social Democratic Centre Party CDS 11,025 4.66% 0
Democratic Renewal Party PRD 8,395 3.55% 0
People's Monarchist Party PPM 1,712 0.72% 0
Communist Party (Reconstructed) PC(R) 1,241 0.52% 0
Revolutionary Socialist Party PSR 1,111 0.47% 0
Workers' Party of Socialist Unity POUS 1,048 0.44% 0
Popular Democratic Union UDP 1,045 0.44% 0
Portuguese Democratic Movement MDP 1,026 0.43% 0
Christian Democratic Party PDC 859 0.36% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 472 0.20% 0
Valid Votes 236,714 100.00% 11
Blank Votes 2,784 1.14%
Rejected Votes – Other 3,717 1.53%
Total Polled 243,215 69.07%
Registered Electors 352,105

The following candidates were elected:[31] Manuel Alegre (PS); João Rui de Almeida (PS); Costa Andrade (PSD); António Campos (PS); José de Castro (CDU); Paulo Pereira Coelho (PSD); Osório Gomes (PS); Fernando Nogueira (PSD); Manuel Pereira (PSD); Mário Raposo (PSD); and Luís Pais de Sousa (PSD).


Results of the 1985 legislative election held on 6 October 1985:[32]

Party Votes % Seats
Social Democratic Party PSD 72,725 30.41% 4
Socialist Party PS 70,257 29.38% 3
Democratic Renewal Party PRD 41,648 17.41% 2
United People Alliance APU 24,989 10.45% 1
Social Democratic Centre Party CDS 21,208 8.87% 1
Popular Democratic Union UDP 1,967 0.82% 0
Christian Democratic Party PDC 1,630 0.68% 0
Revolutionary Socialist Party PSR 1,554 0.65% 0
Workers' Party of Socialist Unity POUS 1,390 0.58% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 1,123 0.47% 0
Communist Party (Reconstructed) PC(R) 672 0.28% 0
Valid Votes 239,163 100.00% 11
Blank Votes 2,753 1.12%
Rejected Votes – Other 4,767 1.93%
Total Polled 246,683 70.14%
Registered Electors 351,684

The following candidates were elected:[33] Manuel Alegre (PS); Costa Andrade (PSD); António Campos (PS); Arménio Carvalho (PRD); Carlos Sá Furtado (PRD); Manuel Dias Loureiro (PSD); Carlos Santana Maia (PS); Fernando Nogueira (PSD); Manuel Pereira (PSD); Manuel Queiró (CDS); and Jaime Serra (APU).


Results of the 1983 legislative election held on 25 April 1983:[34]

Party Votes % Seats
Socialist Party PS 112,518 46.78% 6
Social Democratic Party PSD 68,935 28.66% 3
United People Alliance APU 26,471 11.00% 1
Social Democratic Centre Party CDS 25,375 10.55% 1
Popular Democratic Union and Revolutionary Socialist Party UDP-PSR 1,808 0.75% 0
Christian Democratic Party PDC 1,430 0.59% 0
Workers' Party of Socialist Unity POUS 1,255 0.52% 0
People's Monarchist Party PPM 1,011 0.42% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 918 0.38% 0
Socialist Workers League LST 592 0.25% 0
Portuguese Marxist–Leninist Communist Organization OCMLP 230 0.10% 0
Valid Votes 240,543 100.00% 11
Blank Votes 2,038 0.82%
Rejected Votes – Other 5,626 2.27%
Total Polled 248,207 74.90%
Registered Electors 331,399

The following candidates were elected:[35] Manuel Alegre (PS); Dinis Alves (PS); Costa Andrade (PSD); António Campos (PS); Henrique Vieira Gomes (PS); Carlos Santana Maia (PS); Manuel Pereira (PSD); Carlos Mota Pinto (PSD); José Cunha Sá (PS); Jaime Serra (APU); and Cruz Vilaça (CDS).


Results of the 1980 legislative election held on 5 October 1980:[36]

Party Votes % Seats
Democratic Alliance AD 122,488 47.39% 6
Republican and Socialist Front FRS 95,350 36.89% 5
United People Alliance APU 26,231 10.15% 1
Workers' Party of Socialist Unity POUS 4,067 1.57% 0
Revolutionary Socialist Party PSR 2,596 1.00% 0
Popular Democratic Union UDP 2,124 0.82% 0
Labour Party PT 2,064 0.80% 0
Christian Democratic Party,
Independent Movement
for the National Reconstruction /
Party of the Portuguese Right

and National Front
1,762 0.68% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 973 0.38% 0
Portuguese Marxist–Leninist Communist Organization OCMLP 792 0.31% 0
Valid Votes 258,447 100.00% 12
Blank Votes 1,733 0.65%
Rejected Votes – Other 5,431 2.04%
Total Polled 265,611 81.58%
Registered Electors 325,589

The following candidates were elected:[37] Manuel Alegre (FRS); Costa Andrade (AD); Duarte Arnaut (FRS); Vitor Brás (FRS); António Campos (FRS); Jorge Silva Leite (APU); Mário Maduro (AD); Fernando Marinho (FRS); Manuel Pereira (AD); Francisco Lucas Pires (AD); Jaime Ramos (AD); and Mário Raposo (AD).



Results of the 1979 legislative election held on 2 December 1979:[38]

Party Votes % Seats
Democratic Alliance AD 120,298 46.82% 6
Socialist Party PS 94,256 36.68% 5
United People Alliance APU 29,944 11.65% 1
Popular Democratic Union UDP 3,529 1.37% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 2,653 1.03% 0
Left-wing Union for the Socialist Democracy UEDS 2,599 1.01% 0
Workers' Party of Socialist Unity POUS 1,878 0.73% 0
Revolutionary Socialist Party PSR 1,396 0.54% 0
Portuguese Marxist–Leninist Communist Organization OCMLP 395 0.15% 0
Valid Votes 256,948 100.00% 12
Blank Votes 2,290 0.85%
Rejected Votes – Other 9,136 3.40%
Total Polled 268,374 84.14%
Registered Electors 318,971

The following candidates were elected:[39] Manuel Alegre (PS); Duarte Arnaut (PS); Henrique de Barros (PS); António Campos (PS); Jaime Adalberto Simões Fernandes (AD); Jorge Silva Leite (APU); Fernando Marinho (PS); Joaquim Marques Gaspar Mendes (AD); Manuel Pereira (AD); Francisco Lucas Pires (AD); Mário Raposo (AD); and Maria Simões Saraiva (AD).


Results of the 1976 legislative election held on 25 April 1976:[40]

Party Votes % Seats
Socialist Party PS 98,162 43.81% 6
Democratic People's Party PPD 64,162 28.64% 4
Social Democratic Centre Party CDS 29,967 13.38% 1
Portuguese Communist Party PCP 17,405 7.77% 1
Popular Democratic Union UDP 2,771 1.24% 0
People's Socialist Front FSP 1,718 0.77% 0
Christian Democratic Party PDC 1,671 0.75% 0
Workers' Revolutionary Party PRT 1,584 0.71% 0
Re-Organized Movement of the Party of the Proletariat MRPP 1,430 0.64% 0
People's Monarchist Party PPM 1,356 0.61% 0
Internationalist Communist League LCI 1,159 0.52% 0
Movement of Socialist Left MES 1,090 0.49% 0
Worker–Peasant Alliance AOC 1,066 0.48% 0
Communist Party of Portugal (Marxist–Leninist) PCP(ML) 498 0.22% 0
Valid Votes 224,039 100.00% 12
Rejected Votes 16,046 6.68%
Total Polled 240,085 77.43%
Registered Electors 310,085

The following candidates were elected:[41] Manuel Alegre (PS); Duarte Arnaut (PS); António Campos (PS); Manuel da Costa (PS); Gabriel Frada (PPD); Dias Lourenço (PCP); Barbosa de Melo (PPD); João António Martelo de Oliveira (PPD); João Porto (CDS); António Jorge Portugal (PS); Victor Hugo Santos (PPD); and Joaquim Barros de Sousa (PS).


  1. ^ "Resident population (No.) by Place of residence, Sex and Age group; Annual". Lisbon, Portugal: Statistics Portugal. 15 June 2023. Archived from the original on 21 April 2023. Retrieved 9 February 2024.
  2. ^ "Area (km²) of territorial units by Geographic localization (Administrative division from 2013 onwards); Annual". Lisbon, Portugal: Statistics Portugal. 14 June 2023. Retrieved 9 February 2024.
  3. ^ "Deputados em funções (lista corrida)" (in Portuguese). Lisbon, Portugal: Assembly of the Republic. Retrieved 5 May 2024.
  4. ^ "Election for Assembleia da República (Portuguese Assembly of the Republic)". Election Guide. Arlington, U.S.A.: International Foundation for Electoral Systems. Archived from the original on 1 October 2023. Retrieved 10 February 2024.
  5. ^ "Electoral Assistance: ElecData, Compendium of Electoral Data - Portugal". Strasbourg, France: Council of Europe. Archived from the original on 7 February 2023. Retrieved 10 February 2024.
  6. ^ Caramani, Daniele (2000). Flora, Peter; Kraus, Franz; Rothenbacher, Franz (eds.). The Societies of Europe: Elections in Western Europe 1815-1996 - Electoral Results by Constituencies. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. p. 60. ISBN 978-0-333-77-111-2. Retrieved 10 February 2024.
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