Vila Real (Assembly of the Republic constituency)

Vila Real
for the Assembly of the Republic
Outline map
Location of Vila Real within Portugal
DistrictVila Real
Population184,525 (2022)[1]
Electorate207,989 (2024)
Area4,307 km2 (2022)[2]
Current Constituency
  • 5 (1995–present)
  • 6 (1979–1995)
  • 7 (1976–1979)

Vila Real is one of the 22 multi-member constituencies of the Assembly of the Republic, the national legislature of Portugal. The constituency was established in 1976 when the Assembly of the Republic was established by the constitution following the restoration of democracy. It is conterminous with the district of Vila Real. The constituency currently elects five of the 230 members of the Assembly of the Republic using the closed party-list proportional representation electoral system. At the 2024 legislative election it had 207,989 registered electors.

Electoral system

Vila Real currently elects five of the 230 members of the Assembly of the Republic using the closed party-list proportional representation electoral system.[4][5] Seats are allocated using the D'Hondt method.[6][7]

Election results


Election Unitary Democrats
Left Bloc
People Animals Nature
Democratic Renewal
Social Democrats
PSD / PàF / AD / PPD
CDS – People's
Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats Votes % Seats
2024 1,600 1.40% 0 2,865 2.51% 0 34,660 30.39% 2 1,062 0.93% 0 46,046 40.38% 2 2,380 2.09% 0 20,038 17.57% 1
2022 1,775 1.72% 0 2,442 2.36% 0 43,489 42.11% 3 815 0.79% 0 42,128 40.79% 2 1,898 1.84% 0 1,665 1.61% 0 7,569 7.33% 0
2019 2,513 2.63% 0 6,071 6.35% 0 37,312 39.04% 2 1,632 1.71% 0 39,136 40.95% 3 427 0.45% 0 4,520 4.73% 0 792 0.83% 0
2015 3,262 3.07% 0 5,697 5.35% 0 36,462 34.27% 2 664 0.62% 0 56,262 52.88% 3
2011 3,656 3.15% 0 2,784 2.40% 0 34,825 30.01% 2 617 0.53% 0 61,455 52.96% 3 10,385 8.95% 0
2009 3,620 2.95% 0 6,929 5.64% 0 45,531 37.08% 2 51,820 42.20% 3 12,728 10.37% 0 184 0.15% 0
2005 3,275 2.67% 0 3,019 2.46% 0 55,123 44.98% 3 50,545 41.25% 2 8,509 6.94% 0
2002 2,516 2.03% 0 1,116 0.90% 0 40,368 32.49% 2 68,518 55.15% 3 10,225 8.23% 0
1999 3,004 2.46% 0 1,001 0.82% 0 50,713 41.57% 2 56,646 46.43% 3 8,507 6.97% 0
1995 2,567 1.97% 0 506 0.39% 0 53,259 40.80% 2 61,290 46.95% 3 10,420 7.98% 0
1991 3,377 2.64% 0 34,051 26.64% 2 522 0.41% 0 79,190 61.95% 4 6,692 5.24% 0
1987 5,559 4.23% 0 544 0.41% 0 27,639 21.03% 1 1,832 1.39% 0 84,965 64.64% 5 6,741 5.13% 0
1985 7,804 6.19% 0 1,108 0.88% 0 30,129 23.90% 2 11,350 9.00% 0 55,388 43.93% 3 16,375 12.99% 1
1983 7,089 5.57% 0 832 0.65% 0 42,758 33.57% 2 55,547 43.61% 3 16,768 13.16% 1
1980 7,374 5.32% 0 1,097 0.79% 0 32,733 23.61% 1 89,209 64.35% 5
1979 8,920 6.44% 0 2,222 1.60% 0 36,184 26.11% 2 84,071 60.66% 4
1976 4,086 3.39% 0 1,192 0.99% 0 34,277 28.44% 2 50,736 42.10% 4 23,808 19.76% 1

(Figures in italics represent alliances.)




Results of the 2024 legislative election held on 10 March 2024:[8]

Party Votes % Seats
Democratic Alliance AD 46,046 40.38% 2
Socialist Party PS 34,660 30.39% 2
Chega CH 20,038 17.57% 1
National Democratic Alternative ADN 2,959 2.59% 0
Left Bloc BE 2,865 2.51% 0
Liberal Initiative IL 2,380 2.09% 0
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU 1,600 1.40% 0
LIVRE L 1,592 1.40% 0
People Animals Nature PAN 1,062 0.93% 0
React, Include, Recycle RIR 319 0.28% 0
New Right ND 278 0.24% 0
Volt Portugal Volt 121 0.11% 0
Ergue-te E 117 0.10% 0
Valid Votes 114,037 100.00% 5
Blank Votes 1,494 1.28%
Rejected Votes – Other 1,527 1.30%
Total Polled 117,058 56.28%
Registered Electors 207,989

The following candidates were elected:[9] Amílcar Almeida (AD); António Alberto Machado (AD); Fátima Correia Pinto (PS); Carlos Silva (PS); and Manuela Tender (CH).


Results of the 2022 legislative election held on 30 January 2022:[10]

Party Votes % Seats
Socialist Party PS 43,489 42.11% 3
Social Democratic Party PSD 42,128 40.79% 2
Chega CH 7,569 7.33% 0
Left Bloc BE 2,442 2.36% 0
Liberal Initiative IL 1,898 1.84% 0
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU 1,775 1.72% 0
CDS – People's Party CDS–PP 1,665 1.61% 0
People Animals Nature PAN 815 0.79% 0
LIVRE L 566 0.55% 0
React, Include, Recycle RIR 369 0.36% 0
Socialist Alternative Movement MAS 206 0.20% 0
We, the Citizens! NC 144 0.14% 0
Ergue-te E 79 0.08% 0
Volt Portugal Volt 76 0.07% 0
Earth Party PT 64 0.06% 0
Valid Votes 103,285 100.00% 5
Blank Votes 943 0.90%
Rejected Votes – Other 1,080 1.03%
Total Polled 105,308 49.42%
Registered Electors 213,093

The following candidates were elected:[11] Artur Soveral Andrade (PSD); Cláudia Bento (PSD); Fátima Correia Pinto (PS); Francisco Rocha (PS); and Agostinho Santa (PS).



Results of the 2019 legislative election held on 6 October 2019:[12]

Party Votes % Seats
Social Democratic Party PSD 39,136 40.95% 3
Socialist Party PS 37,312 39.04% 2
Left Bloc BE 6,071 6.35% 0
CDS – People's Party CDS–PP 4,520 4.73% 0
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU 2,513 2.63% 0
People Animals Nature PAN 1,632 1.71% 0
Chega CH 792 0.83% 0
Alliance A 696 0.73% 0
React, Include, Recycle RIR 649 0.68% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 570 0.60% 0
LIVRE L 547 0.57% 0
Liberal Initiative IL 427 0.45% 0
Democratic Republican Party PDR 189 0.20% 0
People's Monarchist Party PPM 188 0.20% 0
We, the Citizens! NC 171 0.18% 0
National Renewal Party PNR 161 0.17% 0
Valid Votes 95,574 100.00% 5
Blank Votes 2,246 2.24%
Rejected Votes – Other 2,416 2.41%
Total Polled 100,236 45.75%
Registered Electors 219,081

The following candidates were elected:[13] Artur Soveral Andrade (PSD); Cláudia Bento (PSD); Luís Leite Ramos (PSD); Francisco Rocha (PS); and Ascenso Simões (PS).


Results of the 2015 legislative election held on 4 October 2015:[14]

Party Votes % Seats
Portugal Ahead PàF 56,262 52.88% 3
Socialist Party PS 36,462 34.27% 2
Left Bloc BE 5,697 5.35% 0
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU 3,262 3.07% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 1,010 0.95% 0
Democratic Republican Party PDR 804 0.76% 0
People Animals Nature PAN 664 0.62% 0
ACT! (Portuguese Labour Party
and Socialist Alternative Movement)
AGIR 518 0.49% 0
LIVRE L 383 0.36% 0
People's Monarchist Party PPM 318 0.30% 0
The Earth Party Movement MPT 301 0.28% 0
National Renewal Party PNR 280 0.26% 0
We, the Citizens! NC 279 0.26% 0
United Party of Retirees and Pensioners PURP 153 0.14% 0
Valid Votes 106,393 100.00% 5
Blank Votes 1,932 1.75%
Rejected Votes – Other 1,954 1.77%
Total Polled 110,279 47.96%
Registered Electors 229,963

The following candidates were elected:[15] Luís Pedro Pimentel (PàF); Luís Leite Ramos (PàF); Francisco Rocha (PS); Ascenso Simões (PS); and Maria Manuela Tender (PàF).


Results of the 2011 legislative election held on 5 June 2011:[16]

Party Votes % Seats
Social Democratic Party PSD 61,455 52.96% 3
Socialist Party PS 34,825 30.01% 2
CDS – People's Party CDS–PP 10,385 8.95% 0
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU 3,656 3.15% 0
Left Bloc BE 2,784 2.40% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 675 0.58% 0
Party for Animals and Nature PAN 617 0.53% 0
People's Monarchist Party PPM 574 0.49% 0
The Earth Party Movement MPT 304 0.26% 0
Portuguese Labour Party PTP 254 0.22% 0
Hope for Portugal Movement MEP 234 0.20% 0
National Renewal Party PNR 147 0.13% 0
Democratic Party of the Atlantic PDA 121 0.10% 0
Valid Votes 116,031 100.00% 5
Blank Votes 2,043 1.71%
Rejected Votes – Other 1,477 1.24%
Total Polled 119,551 50.80%
Registered Electors 235,328

The following candidates were elected:[17] Pedro Passos Coelho (PSD); Pedro Silva Pereira (PS); Luís Leite Ramos (PSD); Rui Jorge Santos (PS); and Maria Manuela Tender (PSD).



Results of the 2009 legislative election held on 27 September 2009:[18]

Party Votes % Seats
Social Democratic Party PSD 51,820 42.20% 3
Socialist Party PS 45,531 37.08% 2
CDS – People's Party CDS–PP 12,728 10.37% 0
Left Bloc BE 6,929 5.64% 0
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU 3,620 2.95% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 764 0.62% 0
Hope for Portugal Movement MEP 358 0.29% 0
People's Monarchist Party PPM 330 0.27% 0
Merit and Society Movement MMS 275 0.22% 0
The Earth Party Movement and Humanist Party MPT-PH 258 0.21% 0
Pro-Life Party PPV 184 0.15% 0
Valid Votes 122,797 100.00% 5
Blank Votes 1,573 1.25%
Rejected Votes – Other 1,754 1.39%
Total Polled 126,124 53.38%
Registered Electors 236,262

The following candidates were elected:[19] José de Bianchi (PS); António Cabeleira (PSD); António Montalvão Machado (PSD); Pedro Silva Pereira (PS); and Isabel Sequeira (PSD).


Results of the 2005 legislative election held on 20 February 2005:[20]

Party Votes % Seats
Socialist Party PS 55,123 44.98% 3
Social Democratic Party PSD 50,545 41.25% 2
CDS – People's Party CDS–PP 8,509 6.94% 0
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU 3,275 2.67% 0
Left Bloc BE 3,019 2.46% 0
New Democracy Party ND 631 0.51% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 562 0.46% 0
Humanist Party PH 507 0.41% 0
National Renewal Party PNR 207 0.17% 0
Democratic Party of the Atlantic PDA 164 0.13% 0
Valid Votes 122,542 100.00% 5
Blank Votes 1,663 1.32%
Rejected Votes – Other 1,630 1.30%
Total Polled 125,835 56.81%
Registered Electors 221,516

The following candidates were elected:[21] Rosário Águas (PSD); Paula Barros (PS); Ricardo Martins (PSD); Pedro Silva Pereira (PS); and Ascenso Simões (PS).


Results of the 2002 legislative election held on 17 March 2002:[22]

Party Votes % Seats
Social Democratic Party PSD 68,518 55.15% 3
Socialist Party PS 40,368 32.49% 2
CDS – People's Party CDS–PP 10,225 8.23% 0
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU 2,516 2.03% 0
Left Bloc BE 1,116 0.90% 0
Humanist Party PH 431 0.35% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 419 0.34% 0
People's Monarchist Party PPM 334 0.27% 0
The Earth Party Movement MPT 307 0.25% 0
Valid Votes 124,234 100.00% 5
Blank Votes 842 0.66%
Rejected Votes – Other 1,654 1.31%
Total Polled 126,730 57.42%
Registered Electors 220,723

The following candidates were elected:[23] Assunção Esteves (PSD); Bessa Guerra (PSD); António Nazaré Pereira (PSD); Pedro Silva Pereira (PS); and Ascenso Simões (PS).



Results of the 1999 legislative election held on 10 October 1999:[24]

Party Votes % Seats
Social Democratic Party PSD 56,646 46.43% 3
Socialist Party PS 50,713 41.57% 2
CDS – People's Party CDS–PP 8,507 6.97% 0
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU 3,004 2.46% 0
Left Bloc BE 1,001 0.82% 0
People's Monarchist Party PPM 654 0.54% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 645 0.53% 0
National Solidarity Party PSN 509 0.42% 0
The Earth Party Movement MPT 328 0.27% 0
Valid Votes 122,007 100.00% 5
Blank Votes 861 0.69%
Rejected Votes – Other 1,542 1.24%
Total Polled 124,410 56.69%
Registered Electors 219,442

The following candidates were elected:[25] António Martinho (PS); Manuel do Nascimento Martins (PSD); António Nazaré Pereira (PSD); Vitor Ramalho (PS); and Francisco Tavares (PSD).


Results of the 1995 legislative election held on 1 October 1995:[26]

Party Votes % Seats
Social Democratic Party PSD 61,290 46.95% 3
Socialist Party PS 53,259 40.80% 2
CDS – People's Party CDS–PP 10,420 7.98% 0
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU 2,567 1.97% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 772 0.59% 0
Revolutionary Socialist Party PSR 683 0.52% 0
National Solidarity Party PSN 528 0.40% 0
People's Party PG 519 0.40% 0
Popular Democratic Union UDP 506 0.39% 0
Valid Votes 130,544 100.00% 5
Blank Votes 692 0.52%
Rejected Votes – Other 1,934 1.45%
Total Polled 133,170 59.45%
Registered Electors 224,022

The following candidates were elected:[27] Eurico Figueiredo (PS); António Martinho (PS); Costa Pereira (PSD); Fernando Pereira (PSD); and Eduardo Azevedo Soares (PSD).


Results of the 1991 legislative election held on 6 October 1991:[28]

Party Votes % Seats
Social Democratic Party PSD 79,190 61.95% 4
Socialist Party PS 34,051 26.64% 2
Social Democratic Centre Party CDS 6,692 5.24% 0
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU 3,377 2.64% 0
National Solidarity Party PSN 1,560 1.22% 0
Revolutionary Socialist Party PSR 1,064 0.83% 0
People's Monarchist Party PPM 766 0.60% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 606 0.47% 0
Democratic Renewal Party PRD 522 0.41% 0
Valid Votes 127,828 100.00% 6
Blank Votes 802 0.61%
Rejected Votes – Other 2,141 1.64%
Total Polled 130,771 60.96%
Registered Electors 214,502

The following candidates were elected:[29] José Costa Leite (PSD); Eurico Figueiredo (PS); António Martinho (PS); Valente de Oliveira (PSD); Fernando Pereira (PSD); and Nuno Ribeiro da Silva (PSD).



Results of the 1987 legislative election held on 19 July 1987:[30]

Party Votes % Seats
Social Democratic Party PSD 84,965 64.64% 5
Socialist Party PS 27,639 21.03% 1
Social Democratic Centre Party CDS 6,741 5.13% 0
Unitary Democratic Coalition CDU 5,559 4.23% 0
Democratic Renewal Party PRD 1,832 1.39% 0
Christian Democratic Party PDC 1,485 1.13% 0
Revolutionary Socialist Party PSR 778 0.59% 0
Communist Party (Reconstructed) PC(R) 752 0.57% 0
Popular Democratic Union UDP 544 0.41% 0
People's Monarchist Party PPM 436 0.33% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 365 0.28% 0
Portuguese Democratic Movement MDP 351 0.27% 0
Valid Votes 131,447 100.00% 6
Blank Votes 1,152 0.85%
Rejected Votes – Other 3,315 2.44%
Total Polled 135,914 66.27%
Registered Electors 205,087

The following candidates were elected:[31] Daniel Bastos (PSD); Assunção Esteves (PSD); Carlos Lage (PS); Valente de Oliveira (PSD); Fernando Pereira (PSD); and João Teixeira (PSD).


Results of the 1985 legislative election held on 6 October 1985:[32]

Party Votes % Seats
Social Democratic Party PSD 55,388 43.93% 3
Socialist Party PS 30,129 23.90% 2
Social Democratic Centre Party CDS 16,375 12.99% 1
Democratic Renewal Party PRD 11,350 9.00% 0
United People Alliance APU 7,804 6.19% 0
Christian Democratic Party PDC 1,482 1.18% 0
Popular Democratic Union UDP 1,108 0.88% 0
Workers' Party of Socialist Unity POUS 802 0.64% 0
Revolutionary Socialist Party PSR 744 0.59% 0
Communist Party (Reconstructed) PC(R) 521 0.41% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 372 0.30% 0
Valid Votes 126,075 100.00% 6
Blank Votes 1,188 0.90%
Rejected Votes – Other 4,037 3.07%
Total Polled 131,300 66.70%
Registered Electors 196,854

The following candidates were elected:[33] Amândio Azevedo (PSD); Daniel Bastos (PSD); Aloísio Fonseca (PS); Coimbra Martins (PS); Francisco Teixeira (CDS); and João Teixeira (PSD).


Results of the 1983 legislative election held on 25 April 1983:[34]

Party Votes % Seats
Social Democratic Party PSD 55,547 43.61% 3
Socialist Party PS 42,758 33.57% 2
Social Democratic Centre Party CDS 16,768 13.16% 1
United People Alliance APU 7,089 5.57% 0
Christian Democratic Party PDC 1,146 0.90% 0
People's Monarchist Party PPM 1,093 0.86% 0
Popular Democratic Union UDP 832 0.65% 0
Revolutionary Socialist Party PSR 544 0.43% 0
Workers' Party of Socialist Unity POUS 438 0.34% 0
Portuguese Marxist–Leninist Communist Organization OCMLP 413 0.32% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 394 0.31% 0
Socialist Workers League LST 359 0.28% 0
Valid Votes 127,381 100.00% 6
Blank Votes 779 0.59%
Rejected Votes – Other 4,091 3.09%
Total Polled 132,251 71.43%
Registered Electors 185,138

The following candidates were elected:[35] Amândio Azevedo (PSD); Daniel Bastos (PSD); José Fillol (PS); Carlos Augusto Pires (PS); Tomás Espirito Santo (CDS); and João Teixeira (PSD).


Results of the 1980 legislative election held on 5 October 1980:[36]

Party Votes % Seats
Democratic Alliance AD 89,209 64.35% 5
Republican and Socialist Front FRS 32,733 23.61% 1
United People Alliance APU 7,374 5.32% 0
Workers' Party of Socialist Unity POUS 2,259 1.63% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 2,163 1.56% 0
Revolutionary Socialist Party PSR 1,503 1.08% 0
Popular Democratic Union UDP 1,097 0.79% 0
Labour Party PT 987 0.71% 0
Portuguese Marxist–Leninist Communist Organization OCMLP 740 0.53% 0
Christian Democratic Party,
Independent Movement
for the National Reconstruction /
Party of the Portuguese Right

and National Front
564 0.41% 0
Valid Votes 138,629 100.00% 6
Blank Votes 816 0.57%
Rejected Votes – Other 4,128 2.88%
Total Polled 143,573 80.94%
Registered Electors 177,379

The following candidates were elected:[37] Amândio Azevedo (AD); Daniel Bastos (AD); Maria da Glória Duarte (AD); António Azevedo Gomes (FRS); Joaquim Pinto (AD); and Alexandre Reigoto (AD).



Results of the 1979 legislative election held on 2 December 1979:[38]

Party Votes % Seats
Democratic Alliance AD 84,071 60.66% 4
Socialist Party PS 36,184 26.11% 2
United People Alliance APU 8,920 6.44% 0
Christian Democratic Party PDC 2,367 1.71% 0
Popular Democratic Union UDP 2,222 1.60% 0
Portuguese Workers' Communist Party PCTP 1,739 1.25% 0
Left-wing Union for the Socialist Democracy UEDS 1,563 1.13% 0
Revolutionary Socialist Party PSR 1,130 0.82% 0
Portuguese Marxist–Leninist Communist Organization OCMLP 402 0.29% 0
Valid Votes 138,598 100.00% 6
Blank Votes 1,212 0.83%
Rejected Votes – Other 6,007 4.12%
Total Polled 145,817 85.03%
Registered Electors 171,488

The following candidates were elected:[39] Amândio Azevedo (AD); Daniel Bastos (AD); Manuel Fontoura (AD); Júlio Montalvão Machado (PS); Chaves Medeiros (PS); and Alexandre Reigoto (AD).


Results of the 1976 legislative election held on 25 April 1976:[40]

Party Votes % Seats
Democratic People's Party PPD 50,736 42.10% 4
Socialist Party PS 34,277 28.44% 2
Social Democratic Centre Party CDS 23,808 19.76% 1
Portuguese Communist Party PCP 4,086 3.39% 0
Popular Democratic Union UDP 1,192 0.99% 0
People's Monarchist Party PPM 1,079 0.90% 0
Christian Democratic Party PDC 1,041 0.86% 0
Worker–Peasant Alliance AOC 936 0.78% 0
Movement of Socialist Left MES 890 0.74% 0
Internationalist Communist League LCI 877 0.73% 0
People's Socialist Front FSP 648 0.54% 0
Re-Organized Movement of the Party of the Proletariat MRPP 534 0.44% 0
Communist Party of Portugal (Marxist–Leninist) PCP(ML) 406 0.34% 0
Valid Votes 120,510 100.00% 7
Rejected Votes 9,623 7.39%
Total Polled 130,133 78.30%
Registered Electors 166,189

The following candidates were elected:[41] Amândio Azevedo (PPD); António Barreto (PS); Manuel Fontoura (PPD); Chaves Medeiros (PS); Fernando Pinto (PPD); Alexandre Reigoto (CDS); and António Veríssimo (PPD).


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  8. ^ "Série I - Comissão Nacional de Eleições: Mapa Oficial n.º 2-A/2024 - Mapa oficial com o resultado da eleição e a relação dos deputados eleitos para a Assembleia da República realizada em 10 de março de 2024" (PDF). Diário da República (in Portuguese). Vol. 2024, no. 59A. Lisbon, Portugal. 23 March 2024. pp. 12–15. Archived from the original (PDF) on 5 April 2024. Retrieved 23 March 2024 – via National Elections Commission.
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  13. ^ "Série I - Comissão Nacional de Eleições: Mapa Oficial n.º 9-A/2019 - Relação dos deputados eleitos e mapa oficial da eleição da Assembleia da República realizada em 6 de outubro de 2019" (PDF). Diário da República (in Portuguese). Vol. 2019, no. 203. Lisbon, Portugal. 22 October 2019. p. 268-(9). Archived from the original (PDF) on 8 July 2023. Retrieved 15 March 2022 – via National Elections Commission.
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