City (stylized as CITY) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Keiichi Arawi. It began serialization in September 2016 in Kodansha's Seinen manga magazine Morning. It has been published in 13 tankōbon volumes. In North America, the series is licensed by Vertical. An anime television series adaptation, titled City the Animation and produced by Kyoto Animation, is set to premiere in 2025.
Similar to Nagumo, she is a university sophomore at the same university as Nagumo and Niikura. However, she has an airhead personality and likes to stalk Nagumo.
Makabe family
Tsurubishi Makabe (真壁 鶴菱, Makabe Tsurubishi)
The owner and head chef of their family restaurant that specializes in Western-style cuisine. He is married to his wife, who is an archaeologist, and father to their children, Tatewaku and Matsuri.
Tatewaku Makabe (真壁 立涌, Makabe Tatewaku)
The older brother of Matsuri, who is a second-year high school student and a substitute player at his school's soccer team.
Matsuri Makabe (真壁 まつり, Makabe Matsuri)
The younger sister of Tatewaku, who is a middle school student. She spends her free time with Ecchan, her best friend.
Obaba (御婆, Obaba)
Tsurubishi's mother-in-law and Tatewaku and Matsuri's grandmother. She is the owner of Mokumesei Manor, an apartment complex where the Mont Blanc Trio resides.
Adatara family
Dr. Adatara (安達太良博士, Adatara-hakase)
The patriarch of the family and he is a retired scientist.
Mr. Adatara (安達太良父, Adatara-chichi)
The owner of their liquor store. He and Mrs. Adatara have five children.
Mrs. Adatara (安達太良母, Adatara-haha)
Wife of Mr. Adatara and mother to their five children.
Tatsuta Adatara (安達太良 達太, Adatara Tatsuta)
The eldest son of the family. He used to be a former soccer player and the current heir to the family-owned liquor store.
Kamome Adatara (安達太良 かもめ, Adatara Kamome)
The eldest daughter of the family. She served as a manager to Shia Azumaya.
Ryōta Adatara (安達太良 良太, Adatara Ryōta)
The second son of the family and classmate of Tatewaku and Riko. He is called by the class as the "modern-day William Tell".
Umi Adatara (安達太良 うみ, Adatara Umi)
The eldest of the twins.
Sora Adatara (安達太良 そら, Adatara Sora)
The youngest of the twins.
The series is written and illustrated by Keiichi Arawi and began serialization in Kodansha's Morning magazine on September 29, 2016.[4][5] The series concluded on February 4, 2021.[6][7] Kodansha published the series in 13 volumes.[8] An online autograph contest was held to celebrate the final volume's release.[9] The series returned in Morning on December 12, 2024, three years after its conclusion.[10]
At Anime Expo 2017, Vertical announced they licensed the series for English publication.[11]
An anime television series adaptation, titled City the Animation, was announced on September 21, 2024. It is set to be produced by Kyoto Animation as the studio's first non-sequel anime in six years and directed by Taichi Ishidate, and is scheduled to premiere in 2025.[3][37]
At San Diego Comic-Con 2019, Rob McMonigal picked the series as the best continuing series for grown-ups.[38]
The series has been praised by most critics. Sean Gaffney from A Case Suitable for Treatment gave the series praise, saying it "made him smile".[39] Ian Wolf from Anime UK News stated that he liked the series, stating that fans of Arawi's style in Nichijou will also like this series.[1] Ross Locksley from UK Anime Network felt similarly about the manga, rating it a seven and saying the rating is a nine for fans of Nichijou and a five for anyone else.[40] However, Katherine Dacey from The Manga Critic was more critical, calling the series' jokes "tired slapstick [humor]" and the characters "strenuously unpleasant".[41]