The film begins in Mauritius, where Bhanumati / Bhanu, a naughty girl, resides with her uncle Bobby. Prakash, an orphan, is acquainted with Bhanu. They couple up and are shortly blessed with a baby boy, Raja. Once Prakash hears that an act of violence took place in his hometown in Rayalaseema, he tries to contact his mother through a letter but fails. So, he rushes to India along with his wife and kid. Bhanu understands that Prakash has hidden his identity and belongs to a highly feudal society. His father, Narasimha, is a powerful factionist. Since Prakash couldn't bear the savagery in that society, he had migrated to Mauritius.
As soon as the pair lands, Narasimha's foes try to kill Prakash. They almost succeed when Narasimha's aides counter-attack and rescue them. They are taken home to Prakash's ancestral home, which repulses and frightens Bhanu, seeing their best culture. She actively hinders Narasimha's attempts to get to know his grandson. She finds solace in the company of her mother-in-law, who showers her, Prakash, and Raja with utmost affection. After a while, Prakash decides to go back. He hands their passports over to his best friend, Inspector Chinna, and tells him to make their travel arrangements back to Mauritius.
Narasimha has to attend a wedding ceremony, but Prakash goes instead. On his way there, the antagonists attack Prakash and kill him. Learning this information, Bhanu quickly packs up, fearing for her child's safety. However, she stops at the request of her mother-in-law, who requests her to at least stay till Prakash's funeral. Narasimha refuses to give up the child as he needs an heir to take a vendetta for his son's death. Bhanu is distraught, protests, and makes several attempts to escape. Hence, Narasimha imprisons her in their house.
Meanwhile, Sarai Veeraraju, a petty thief, commits various crimes to achieve his life ambition of living in Dubai. Bhanu absconds with the aid of her mother-in-law. She collects their passports and tickets from Chinna when Narasimha's deputies chase her. She coincidentally happens across Veeraraju, who protects her from her assailants. Bhanu offers Veeraraju the money he needs to go to Dubai and pleads with him to help her board a train to Hyderabad. Narasimha decides to kill Bhanu and take Raju back when his wife reprimands him, telling him that they, too, were partially responsible for their son's death, which reforms him. When Narasimha's enemies ambush them, Veeraraju plans to get her on the train. Both Narasimha's enemies and acolytes chase them. Veeraraju accomplishes the task and helps her board the train to Hyderabad. But, sadly, he dies amidst the violence. At last, Narasimha continues pursuing Bhanu until the airport and catches her before she can get on her flight. But instead of stopping her, he asks her to forgive him, allowing her and Raja to leave. Finally, the movie ends with Bhanu forgiving Narasimha and Raja saying goodbye to his grandfather.
Rakesh P of Deccan Herald wrote, "For those movie-buffs who fee: drooped after watching mushy romances and maudlin melodramas, Ananthapuram provides a respite. Director Krishna Vamsi, who is known for his technical virtuosity, has shot violence and gore very aesthetically and succeeds in making it a gripping entertainer".[8] D. S. Ramanujam of The Hindu reviewing the Tamil version wrote that Parthiban and Prakash Raj "have contributed handsomely in Duet Cinema's Anthapuram". He added, "It is a taxing role for Soundarya and she fulfils it with complete assurance. Mansur Ali Khan quite fits the part while Sai Kumar cuts a neat figure in the role of a son who wants his father to give up his ways of bloodshed".[9] K. P. S. of Kalki reviewing the same, wrote the old Thevar Magan has been washed anew; blood is used for washing instead of water.[10]