Honorary Membership conferred by the American Library Association is the Association's highest award.[1] "Honorary membership may be conferred on a living citizen of any country whose contribution to librarianship or a closely related field is so outstanding that it is of lasting importance to the advancement of the whole field of library service. It is intended to reflect honor upon the ALA as well as upon the individual."[2] The Honorary Membership award was established in 1879.
Founder, Imagination Library, award-winning singer-songwriter, actress, businesswoman and philanthropist. Longstanding support and commitment to inspiring a love of books and reading.
Lifelong commitment to developing positive images of gays and lesbians in the literature and on library shelves and to ensuring equal access to information for all people.[18]
Notable contributions to the profession as a librarian, educator and library trustee, her leadership role at the local, state, national and international levels, and unstinting contributions to the education of children and young adults.[21][22]
Cataloging theorist ranked among the greatest minds in library science. Groundbreaking work devoted to modern cataloging in the 20th century place him with Antonio Panizzi and Charles Cutter.[24]
Director, libraries at the University of California, Los Angeles, President, American Library Association, President, Association of College and Research Libraries.
Director of libraries and professor of bibliography at the University of Colorado, author- Academic Library Buildings : A Guide to Architectural Issues and Solutions[42][43]
Coordinator of Children's Services at New York Public Library, storyteller, known for contributions to children's literature, especially regarding the portrayal of Black Americans. Storyteller-in-Residence University of South Carolina.[77]
Director. American Library Association, Washington Office 1957–1972, secured funding for rural library service authorized under the Library Services Act.[78]
Printer who was "one of the finest representatives of the Arts and Crafts movement in American book arts,"[121] historian of typography, founder Merrymount Press, author of Printing Types: Their History, Forms and Use.[122]
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