1794 in Canada


See also:

Events from the year 1794 in Canada.


Federal government



  • 1794 – Baranov builds first vessel in northwestern America at Voskres-senski on Kenai.
  • Jay Treaty establishes neutral commission to settle border disputes between United States and Canada; restores trade between the United States and British colonies of Canada; also guarantees Indians free movement across the border.[2]
  • June – Close of a session of the Canadian Legislature, which began in November last. Only six acts have been passed. Public accounts are first published for tax-payers' information.
  • June 29 – Petition of Free Negroes.



Historical documents

New York newspapers say John Jay picked for negotiation with Britain, and Congress believes outcome will determine whether U.S.A. goes to war or not[3]

London trader reports arrival of John Jay with prospects of British surrender of northwestern U.S. posts and consequences for traders there[4]

George Washington condemns British "agents" for Indigenous "hostilities, the murders of helpless women and innocent children along our frontiers"[5]

Joseph Brant said to have found Indigenous people "disheartened," and "that People interfering caused a Division" that will cost them their country[6]

Jay Treaty calls for British troops to leave U.S. territory, reciprocal free passage across most borders, compensation for British creditors, etc.[7]

Just arriving off Delaware Bay, British warships capture provisions convoy headed for France, including 11 flour-laden ships from U.S. ports[8]

Map: British territory from Upper Canada - Lower Canada border to Newfoundland and southern Labrador (Note: click on image to enlarge it)[9]

When French prisoners of war complain about being locked up with Caribbean Blacks, British tell them revolutionary France declares all men are alike[10]

Elizabeth Simcoe thinks battles dramatized on stage will harden English, making them "become their friends' executioners as the French have been"[11]

Lower Canada

Legislation sets regulations for aliens entering L.C., for detaining persons suspected of treason, and stopping seditious practices[12]

Loyal Associations form in several towns; 658 in Quebec City sign loyalty pledge to maintain Constitution, support government and oppose sedition[13]

Petitions to Gov. Lord Dorchester, signed by 150 Beauce residents, hope to atone for formerly following lead of "seditious characters"[14]

"Atoyataghroughta" of Akwesasne says his people seek peace between U.S.A. and "Indians[...]but Brant[...]puts the Tommyhawk in their hands"[15]

Men 18-60 (including immigrants of 3 months standing) must enroll in militia; families of men killed in action to receive £4 annually[16]

Reward of $20 in New Richmond, Gaspe for return of "Negro Man named Isaac, who[...]speaks good English and some broken French and Micmac"[17]

Advice is to not put children in cradles (because their motion can injure) —- not even if women don't want to be "suckling their children"[18]

River travel between Montreal and Quebec City is "very pretty [but Upper Canada's warmth] gives an idea of comfort to the most uninhabited scenes"[19]

Upper Canada

Long description of U.C.: Kingston, Newark and York/Toronto and their environs, settlement along Yonge St., and trade both to Montreal and to West[20]

Lt. Gov. Simcoe's long report on U.C.: fur trade, smuggling, settlements, agriculture, communications and Indigenous affairs (note: "savages" used)[21]

U.S. President Washington wants to know how residents of Canada (especially in U.C.) would react if U.S.A. and Britain went to war[22]

Before news of Jay Treaty, Simcoe assumes frontier post evacuation and suggests U.C. military plan that will earn Indigenous peoples' respect[23]

With Jay Treaty signed, Simcoe is told to assure Indigenous people that trade links and supplies will increase and new trading posts be developed[24]

Militia (16- to 50-year-olds) may call up others to age 60; limited exemption also for "quakers, menonists and tunkers" who are 50 and older[25]

"[...]nothing since my arrival in this Country has given me more uneasiness than the pernicious use of Spirits by the Inhabitants and Soldiers"[26]

Anglican Bishop of Quebec's long report on Protestant religion in U.C. (especially need for Anglican clergy and churches; note: "savages" used)[27]

Lt. Gov. Simcoe gives 40-year history of British-Indigenous relations to "Indian Nations Assembled"[28]

Mississaugas and Ojibwe people at Lake Simcoe and on Thames River object to surveying as sign their land is being taken from them[29]

Elizabeth Simcoe learns Indigenous people call Big Dipper "a marten[...]with a broken tail," and never kill wolves (as they aren't good eating or value)[30]

Deputy Surveyor General and militia captain Augustus Jones' petition for Burlington Bay lot to make up 1,200 acres is turned down by Council[31]

Ex-lieutenant in "Six Nation Indian Department" seeks land for 70 U.S. families who are "entire strangers to[...]deceptions[...]of Landjobers"[32]

Ex-captain in New York City militia, compensated for war losses with Nova Scotia land "Not answering for a Farmer," petitions for 3,000 acres[33]

Land boards settling Loyalists and veterans abolished; new settlers must be Christian, law-abiding and "inoffensive," and "capable of manual labor"[34]

Richard Pierpoint and 17 other Black people sign Petition of Free Negroes for grant of land in Upper Canada where they can support each other[35]

Moravian missionary on Thames River says that, despite war, "some fruit begins again to appear in the conversion of the Heathen around us"[36]

Painting: tree used as bridge over Don River at Toronto[37]

Nova Scotia

House of Commons debates whether Halifax is nearly defenceless or safe in hands of local militia leads to motion calling for further study[38]

Sketch map of Halifax shows current and proposed defences (Note: click on image to enlarge it)[39]

Though far away, war affects N.S. community by raising prices for labour and British goods and checking "growth of these new plantations"[40]

Captured U.S. privateer "is one of the Nest of Privateers, which, to the disgrace of the [neutral] American Government," sails out of Charleston, S.C.[41]

"Agricola" says N.S. agriculture has advanced to point that meat must no longer be imported from Boston and importation of bread will soon end[42]

Profile of Marine Society of Halifax with its background and goals in saving lives of marine disaster victims[43]

Act validates any past or future real estate conveyance made with her husband by any married woman, as long as judge "acknowledges" it[44]

Reward of $20 for return of "Negro" named Belfast, native of South Carolina, who attempted boarding ship in Halifax harbour bound for Newfoundland[45]

To avoid deterring Blacks from "binding out their Children," Shelburne grand jury seeks return of young indentured servant sold in West Indies[46]

Reacting to extreme markups on English goods, Free Blacks in Sierra Leone threaten white government, which offers to return them to Halifax[47]

At request of lieutenant governor's wife, classic comedy She Stoops to Conquer will be performed at Halifax Theatre[48]

New Brunswick

Lt. Gov. Carleton says war with France is important "to the most essential interests of humanity, and even to the existence of Civil Society"[49]

All white males 16-60 are liable to join militia, with limited exemptions for government officials, clergymen, physicians and Quakers[50]

Miramichi letter-writer says "very little business done here [and hopes] peace may be the means of restoring us to a more flourishing situation"[51]

Saint-John-based schooner sailing from Martinique loses its master and mate to fever, leaving landsmen aboard to find their way as far as Maine[52]


At John Graves Simcoe's request, Alexander Mackenzie summarizes his 1793 journey from Peace River to Pacific coast and back[53]

"I am so brave, I think I could kill one myself" - Army wife Archange Meredith ready to shoot any Frenchmen who invade England[54]

Archange Meredith in England finds apples very good, but not comparable to Montreal's pome gris, while cherries are better than Detroit's[55]


  1. ^ "Kings and Queens of Canada". aem. 11 August 2017. Retrieved 24 February 2021.
  2. ^ "Jay Treaty | History, Rights, & Facts | Britannica". www.britannica.com. Retrieved 2023-05-14.
  3. ^ "Halifax, May 3," The Royal Gazette: and the Nova-Scotia Advertiser Vol. V, No. 264 (May 6, 1794), Page 3 of 4 (centre column). Accessed 2 November 2023 (See also "American Affairs; Précis of Correspondence relating to alleged breaches of the treaty of peace" (pgs. 31-8))
  4. ^ Letter of William Robertson to John Askin (June 24, 1794), The John Askin Papers; Volume I: 1747-1795 (1928), pg. 508 (PDF pg. 529). Accessed 24 December 2023
  5. ^ "From George Washington to John Jay" (August 30, 1794), The Correspondence of Lieut. Governor John Graves Simcoe[...]; Volume III, 1794-1795, pgs. 16-17 (See also (pgs. 19-20) Simcoe's mention of British Fort Miami and Battle of Fallen Timbers) Accessed 13 November 2023
  6. ^ "Extract of a Letter from[...]Storekeeper for the Indian Department at Niagara, Dated 24th October 1794[....]," The Correspondence of Lieut. Governor John Graves Simcoe[...]; Volume III, 1794-1795, pgs. 150-1 Accessed 17 November 2023
  7. ^ Articles 2, 3, 6 and others, Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation(....) (signed November 19, 1794). (See also "The Jay Treaty 1794 and Associated Documents" and example of Jay's negotiation with British) Accessed 1 November 2023
  8. ^ "Halifax, July 24; Capture of the French Convoy," The Royal Gazette: and the Nova-Scotia Advertiser Vol. VI, No. 276 (July 29, 1794), Page 1 of 4. (See also John Jay's "Important State Paper" (Page 4 of 4, left column) reporting "irregularly captured" U.S. shipping, and report (Page 1) of British, U.S. and other ships and boats taken by French squadron near Newfoundland) Accessed 2 November 2023
  9. ^ "A New and Correct Map of the British Colonies in North America(....)" (published May 12, 1794), Boston Public Library. (See also "A Chart of the Banks of Newfoundland) Accessed 23 November 2023
  10. ^ "London, Sept. 5," The Royal Gazette: and the Nova-Scotia Advertiser Vol. VI, No. 290 (November 4, 1794), Page 4 of 4 (left column). Accessed 3 November 2023
  11. ^ "Sun. 16th [March 1794]," The Diary of Mrs. John Graves Simcoe (1911), pg. 219 (PDF frame 219). Accessed 22 November 2023
  12. ^ "An Act(...)for Establishing Regulations respecting Aliens(....)" (May 31, 1794; in English and French), University of Alberta Libraries. Accessed 23 November 2023
  13. ^ "Quebec, July 10; Association Committee, Quebec" (July 9, 1794), The Royal Gazette: and the Nova-Scotia Advertiser Vol. VI, No. 279 (August 19, 1794), Page 3 of 4 (left column). (See Association pledge) Accessed 2 November 2023
  14. ^ "Quebec, October 30; Neuvelle Beauce, or St. Igan," The Royal Gazette: and the Nova-Scotia Advertiser Vol. VI, No. 296 (December 16, 1794), Page 4 of 4 (left column). (See also petitions (pg. 4) from other parishes) Accessed 3 November 2023
  15. ^ "To George Washington from George Clinton" (March 20, 1794; footnote 1), U.S. National Archives. Accessed 21 November 2023
  16. ^ "An Act to Provide for the Greater Security of this Province by the better Regulation of the Militia(....)" (May 31, 1794; in English and French), University of Alberta Libraries. Accessed 23 November 2023
  17. ^ "Run away from the Subscriber[....]," The Quebec Gazette, Num. 1506 (May 22, 1794, Cahier 2), pg. 1. Accessed 8 November 2023
  18. ^ "The use of Cradles Pernicious to Children," The Quebec Magazine (April 1794), pg. 169 (PDF frame 44). Accessed 8 November 2023
  19. ^ "Tues. 23rd [September 1794]," The Diary of Mrs. John Graves Simcoe (1911), pg. 257 (PDF frame 257). Accessed 22 November 2023
  20. ^ "A Letter from a Gentleman to His Friend, Descriptive of the Different Settlements in the Province of Upper Canada" (November 20, 1794), The Correspondence of Lieut. Governor John Graves Simcoe[...]; Volume III, 1794-1795, pgs. 189-96 Accessed 20 November 2023
  21. ^ "From J.G. Simcoe to Henry Dundas" (September 11, 1794), The Correspondence of Lieut. Governor John Graves Simcoe[...]; Volume III, 1794-1795, pgs. 52-69 (See also Simcoe's further report (pgs. 226-9) on eastern U.C.) Accessed 15 November 2023
  22. ^ "From George Washington to George Clinton" (March 31, 1794), U.S. National Archives. (See New York governor's reply) Accessed 21 November 2023
  23. ^ "From J.G. Simcoe to the Duke of Portland" (October 23, 1794), The Correspondence of Lieut. Governor John Graves Simcoe[...]; Volume III, 1794-1795, pgs. 141-4 Accessed 16 November 2023
  24. ^ "From the Duke of Portland to J.G. Simcoe" (November 19, 1794), The Correspondence of Lieut. Governor John Graves Simcoe[...]; Volume III, 1794-1795, pgs. 185-6 Accessed 17 November 2023
  25. ^ "An Act for the further Regulation of the Militia in this Province" (1794), 34 George III - Chapter 7, British North American Legislative Database, 1758-1867. Accessed 1 November 2023 (See also practical suggestions for deployment of militia following Battle of Fallen Timbers)
  26. ^ "From J.G. Simcoe to Lord Dorchester" (October 25, 1794), The Correspondence of Lieut. Governor John Graves Simcoe[...]; Volume III, 1794-1795, pg. 152 Accessed 17 November 2023
  27. ^ "From J.G. Simcoe to Henry Dundas" (September 15, 1794), The Correspondence of Lieut. Governor John Graves Simcoe[...]; Volume III, 1794-1795, pgs. 91 Accessed 13 November 2023
  28. ^ "His Excellency Lieutenant Governor Simcoe's Reply to the Indian Nations Assembled at the Wyandot Village on the 13th Day of October, 1794," The Correspondence of Lieut. Governor John Graves Simcoe[...]; Volume III, 1794-1795, pgs. 121-5 Accessed 16 November 2023
  29. ^ "From William Chewett to E.B. Littlehales" (August 31, 1794), The Correspondence of Lieut. Governor John Graves Simcoe[...]; Volume III, 1794-1795, pg. 24 Accessed 13 November 2023
  30. ^ January 1794 entries, The Diary of Mrs. John Graves Simcoe (1911), pg. 213 (PDF frame 213). Accessed 22 November 2023
  31. ^ "Jones, Augustus," Land Petitions of the Niagara Settlers "J" Accessed 10 November 2023
  32. ^ "Servos, Jacob," Land Petitions of the Niagara Settlers "Senn to Shathuck" Accessed 10 November 2023
  33. ^ "Pell, Jonathan A.," Land Petitions of the Niagara Settlers "Parks to Pepin" Accessed 10 November 2023
  34. ^ "Executive council Chamber of the Province of Upper Canada, November 6, 1794" Accessed 7 November 2023
  35. ^ The Petition of the Free Negroes Library and Archives Canada. Accessed 27 December 2023
  36. ^ "9. A letter from(....)" (April 9, 1794), 1790-1795, vol. 01: Periodicals Accounts Relating to the Missions of the Church of the United Brethren, pgs. 268-9 (frames 292-3), Memorial University of Newfoundland. Accessed 9 November 2023
  37. ^ Elizabeth Simcoe, "Winchester Street, bridge over Don River (Playter's bridge)" (1794), Toronto Public Library. Accessed 8 November 2023 (See also Elizabeth Simcoe's comments (pg. 335) about scariness of crossing this bridge)
  38. ^ "London; House of Commons; Feb. 21; Defence of Halifax," The Royal Gazette: and the Nova-Scotia Advertiser Vol. V, No. 263 (April 29, 1794), Page 2 of 4 (right column). (See also (pg. 3 of this issue) that 10 guineas are offered to those enlisting in local regiment, after 3 guineas has been offered in previous weeks, and also prayer to be spoken in all Anglican churches for good fortune of armies and fleets, and sermon delivered by Bishop of Nova Scotia) Accessed 2 November 2023
  39. ^ James Straton, "Sketch of the town and harbour of Halifax (November 1794), Library and Archives Canada. Accessed 23 November 2023
  40. ^ Letter of Rev. John Wiswall (October 25, 1794), PDF frame 98, Esther Clark Wright and Atlantic Baptist Archives, Acadia University. Accessed 8 November 2023
  41. ^ "Halifax, Nov. 6," The Royal Gazette: and the Nova-Scotia Advertiser Vol. VI, No. 291 (November 11, 1794), Page 1 of 4. Accessed 3 November 2023
  42. ^ "To the Secretary of the Agricultural Society at Halifax," The Royal Gazette: and the Nova-Scotia Advertiser Vol. V, No. 254 (February 25, 1794), Page 3 of 4 (left column). Accessed 1 November 2023
  43. ^ "Halifax, Dec. 13; To the Freeholders of Nova-Scotia[....]," The Royal Gazette: and the Nova-Scotia Advertiser Vol. VI, No. 296 (December 16, 1794), Page 4 of 4 (left column). Accessed 3 November 2023
  44. ^ "An Act to render valid, conveyances of Real Estates of married Women by them made, or to be made, during their coverture" (1794), 34 George III - Chapter 3, British North American Legislative Database, 1758-1867. Accessed 1 November 2023
  45. ^ "Runaway slave advertisement" (March 15, 1794), Nova Scotia Archives. Accessed 10 November 2023
  46. ^ "Case of a black boy carried off to the West Indies" (April 22, 1794), Nova Scotia Archives. Accessed 10 November 2023
  47. ^ "Sierra Leone," The Royal Gazette: and the Nova-Scotia Advertiser Vol. VI, No. 295 (December 9, 1794), Page 3 of 4 (left column). (See also further details (Page 2 of 5, centre column) of "turbulence of several disaffected Nova-Scotia settlers") Accessed 3 November 2023
  48. ^ "Halifax Theatre; For the Benefit of the Indigent;[....](At the particular Request of Mrs. Wentworth); Will be Preformed She Stoops to Conquer[....]," The Royal Gazette: and the Nova-Scotia Advertiser Vol. V, No. 257 (March 18, 1794), Page 3 of 4 (right column). Accessed 2 November 2023
  49. ^ "Saint-John, Feb. 14; House of Assembly; His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor's Speech[....]," The Royal Gazette: and the Nova-Scotia Advertiser Vol. V, No. 255 (March 4, 1794), Page 2 of 4 (right column). Accessed 2 November 2023
  50. ^ "An Act for the better Regulating the Militia in this Province" (1794), 34 George III - Chapter 1, British North American Legislative Database, 1758-1867. Accessed 1 November 2023
  51. ^ Letter to Edward Winslow (July 12, 1794), University of New Brunswick. Accessed 8 November 2023
  52. ^ "Saint John, Sept. 12," The Royal Gazette: and the Nova-Scotia Advertiser Vol. VI, No. 286 (October 7, 1794), Page 2 of 4 (centre column). Accessed 2 November 2023
  53. ^ "From Alexander Mackenzie to J.G. Simcoe" (September 10, 1794), The Correspondence of Lieut. Governor John Graves Simcoe[...]; Volume III, 1794-1795, pg. 51 (See also Elizabeth Simcoe's comments (PDF 243) on Mackenzie's trip) Accessed 15 November 2023
  54. ^ Letter of Archange Meredith (translation; March 27, 1794), The John Askin Papers; Volume I: 1747-1795 (1928), pg. 498 (PDF pg. 519). Accessed 24 December 2023
  55. ^ "From Archange Meredith to John Askin" (March 26, 1794), The John Askin Papers; Volume I: 1747-1795 (1928), pgs. 493-5 (PDF pgs. 512-14). Accessed 27 December 2023

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308th Infantry BrigadeActiveFormed 22 January 1945Country United KingdomBranch British ArmyTypeInfantry BrigadeRoleLines of CommunicationMilitary unit 308th Infantry Brigade (308 Bde) was a formation of the British Army organised from surplus Royal Artillery (RA) personnel retrained as infantry towards the end of the Second World War. Origin By the end of 1944, 21st Army Group was suffering a severe manpower shortage, particularly among the infantry.[1] In January 1945, the War O...

Парагільмен — пам'ятка природи, Україна. Зима 2010 р. Пам'ятка природи «Вежа Диявола», Вайомінг, США Па́м'ятка приро́ди — окремі унікальні природні об'єкти, що мають наукове, пізнавальне, історичне, культурно-естетичне значення. Поняття введено А. Гумбольдтом (1819). Се...



Humanoid robot Two Robonaut 2 robots A robonaut is a humanoid robot, part of a development project conducted by the Dexterous Robotics Laboratory at NASA's Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston, Texas. Robonaut differs from other current space-faring robots in that, while most current space robotic systems (such as robotic arms, cranes and exploration rovers) are designed to move large objects, Robonaut's tasks require more dexterity. The core idea behind the Robonaut series is to h...