耶路撒冷希腊正教牧首区(希臘語:Ελληνορθόδοξο Πατριαρχείο Ιεροσολύμων,阿拉伯语:كنيسة الروم الأرثوذكس في القدس),是正教会的自治教会之一。它成立於5世紀中葉,是基督教世界最古老的宗主教區(Patriarchate)之一[1], 總部位於耶路撒冷聖墓教堂,由耶路撒冷宗主教(現任提奧斐盧斯三世, Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem)領導。 宗主教區的教會管轄範圍包括巴勒斯坦、約旦和以色列聖地的大約20萬至50萬名東正教基督徒[2][3]。
^The first Church. Jerusalem Patriarchate News Gate. [2021-09-15]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-09) (美国英语).
^Baumann, Martin. Religions of the World: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices, second Edition [6 volumes]. ABC-CLIO. 2010: 125. ISBN 9781598842043. Total membership is estimated at 200,000, with no more than 3,500 remaining in Jerusalem itself.
^Conway, Martin. World Christianity in the 20th Century. Hymns Ancient and Modern Ltd. 2008: 98. ISBN 9780334040439. Greek Orthodox Church, with a membership of around 500,000, is the largest church in Israel / Palestine.