1836年,亨特作為州權輝格黨人當選為美国众议院議員。1838年再次當選,並成為美國眾議院議長——有史以來擔任該職位的最年輕的人。1840年他再次當選連任,但沒有被選為議長。1842年,在連任選舉中落敗但於1844年重返。亨特贊成吞併德克薩斯並在俄勒岡問題上達成妥協(反對威爾莫特條款(英语:Wilmot Proviso)),並領導了將亞歷山大市回歸維吉尼亞州的努力(將其從選區中移除)哥倫比亞)。1842年選舉失敗後,亨特改變政黨,成為民主黨黨員。1845年再次宣誓就任國會議員,並支持1846年關稅(英语:Tariff of 1846)。[10]
亨特的許多加內特親戚都成為了聯盟國陸軍軍官,他的表弟馬斯科·加內特法官(1808年-1880年)指揮了埃塞克斯縣的國民警衛隊。亨特的表兄弟(透過他的母親)是職業美國陸軍軍官,後來成為邦聯將軍羅伯特·S·加內特(英语:Robert S. Garnett)和理查德·B·加內特,兩人都在衝突中喪生。亨特的兒子詹姆斯·D·亨特(James D. Hunter)作為列兵加入了弗吉尼亚第9骑兵团(英语:9th Virginia Cavalry Regiment),該連隊於1861年12月組建,軍官中有加內特中尉,最初的任務是保護拉帕漢諾克河以及拉帕漢諾克河港口城市法爾茅斯(英语:Falmouth, Virginia)和弗雷德里克斯堡。詹姆斯·D·亨特(James D. Hunter)只服役了幾個月,之後於1862年7月因病休假,但確實參加了傑布·斯圖爾特(JEB Stuart))將軍和威廉·拉塔尼(William Latane)上尉領導的突襲行動(他成為邦聯烈士,是斯圖爾特自吹自擂的聯邦軍隊中唯一的傷亡者) )以及李將軍的七日攻勢,結束了聯邦半岛会战。[12] 雖然他的長子RMT Hunter Jr.在疾病戰爭初期去世,但他的次子Robert D. Hunter曾擔任北維吉尼亞陸軍參謀和工程師。[13]
^University of Virginia. A Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the University of Virginia. Second Session, Commencing February 1, 1826. Charlottesville, VA: Chronicle Steam Book Printing House, 1880, p. 10.
^1830 U.S. Federal Census for Essex County, Virginia pp. 37-38 of 78
^The 1840 census for Essex County Virginia mislabels him as RWS Hunter, and used a checkbox method abandoned in later censuses. His household in 1840 included 25 persons employed in agriculture, 5 persons employed in manufacture and trade, and one professional person (presumably himself). Hunter's slaves in that 1840 census included 13 boys and 9 girls under 10 years, 9 males and 12 females aged 10 to 23, 4 males and 4 females aged 24 through 35, 14 males and 8 females aged 36 through 54, and 5 males and 5 females aged55 or above, The corresponding state census is not available online.
^1850 U.S. Federal Census, Slave Schedule for Essex County Virginia. The initial census page listing R.M.T. Hunter as owner includes 18 males aged 35 to 70 years and 5 females aged between 45 and 50 years old, although following page lists children in the opposite chronological order and the crossed-out slaveowner's name at the top of the next several pages is Richard Boyton (who owned more than 300 slaves in Essex County). The rest of Hunter's slaves are on the previous page with a number "50" but include 18 females between 35 and 15 years old (all at five-year intervals), 10 8-year-old female children, 5 5-year-old female children, and a two-year-old, one-year-old and four two-month female children, in addition to 5 two-month-old boys, a four-year-old, 5 five-year-old boys, 9 ten-year-old boys and 5 15-year-old boys and ten 25-year-old men. men
^One page lists 65 slaves ranging from a 52 year old male and 62 year old female, to children and even infants; the following page continued by enumerating another 61 slaves he owned, ranging from a 62 year old male and 65 year old female to two infants. Although the census for Fredericksburg in neighboring Spotsylvania County shows another six slaves owned by "Taliaferro Hunter", such was another man, who soon enlisted in the Confederate army.
^Cynthia Miller Leonard, The Virginia General Assembly 1618-1978 (Richmond: Virginia State Library 1978) pp. 371, 375, 379 and note
^Escott, Paul D. After Secession: Jefferson Davis and the Failure of Confederate Nationalism. Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press. 1992: 254. ISBN 9780807118078. [F]or a great many of the most powerful southerners the idea of arming and freeing the slaves was repugnant because the protection of slavery had been and still remained the central core of Confederate purpose... Slavery was the basis of the planter class's wealth, power, and position in society. The South's leading men had built their world upon slavery and the idea of voluntarily destroying that world, even in the ultimate crisis, was almost unthinkable to them. Such feelings moved Senator R.M.T. Hunter to deliver a long speech against the bill to arm the slaves.