普法尔茨的索菲(德語:Sophie von der Pfalz,1630年10月14日—1714年6月8日),又称汉诺威的索菲(德語:Sophie von Hannover)、汉诺威的索菲娅(英語:Sophia of Hanover),是“冬王”普法尔茨选帝侯腓特烈五世和伊丽莎白·斯图亚特(Elisabeth Stuart)最小的女儿。她按血统可以称西莫恩的普法尔茨女伯爵索菲娅(英语:Sophia, Countess Palatine of Simmern),因婚姻可以称布伦瑞克-呂讷堡公爵夫人(德语:Herzogin von Braunschweig-Lüneburg)、汉诺威选帝侯夫人(德语:Kurfürstin von Hannover,英语:Electress Sophia of Hanover)。在提及后来成为她儿媳的侄女索菲公主(Sophie Dorothea von Braunschweig-Lüneburg)的时候,她也经常被称为索菲公爵夫人,以茲區別。
尽管比安妮女王年岁大得多,索菲娅的健康状况却更好一些。1714年,索菲娅在黑伦豪森庭园散步时突遇大雨而跑步躲雨,随即她因此病倒并且离世,时年83岁[2]。索菲娅于1714年6月9日下葬。[1]她的长子,汉诺威选帝侯格奥尔格·路德维希在数星期后继承英国王位,称“乔治一世”。索菲娅的女儿汉诺威的索菲·夏洛特(德语:Sophie Charlotte von Hannover,1668年—1705年)与后来成为普鲁士国王的腓特烈一世结婚。这种德国王室与英国王室的联系以及之后数代的婚姻关系成为第一次世界大战裡的伏笔。
^《1701年嗣位法令》第一条。原文为“Therefore, for a further Provision of the Succession of the Crown in the Protestant Line, We, Your Majesties most dutifull and Loyall Subjects, the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, do beseech Your Majesty that, it may be enacted and declared, and be it enacted and declared by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Comons in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That the most Excellent Princess Sophia, Electress and Dutchess Dowager of Hannover, Daughter of the most Excellent Princess Elizabeth, late Queen of Bohemia, Daughter of our late Sovereign Lord King James the First, of happy Memory, be and is hereby declared to be the next in Succession, in the Protestant Line, to the Imperiall Crown and Dignity of the forsaid Realms of England, France and Ireland, with the Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging after His Majesty and the Princess Ann of Denmark, and in Default of Issue of the said Princess Ann and of His Majesty respectively.”