《最终幻想X》以計算時間战斗(Count Time Battle)[4](美版称“条件回合制战斗”,Conditional Turn-Based Battle缩写CTB)系统取代自《最终幻想IV》起使用的即时战斗(Active Time Battle、ATB)系统。ATB的理念使用了实时元素,而CTB为等待玩家操作的回合制形式,因此CTB设计可让玩家在无时间压力的环境下选择指令。屏幕右上方的圖表时间轴列出了之後數回合中的行动对象,而所選行动会可能改變回合顺序。玩家在战斗中至多能同時控制三名角色,並可透過换人系统随时替换参战队员。可以打出高伤害的特殊攻击极限技以“过载”名义在《最终幻想X》中重新出现。大多数技能要用按键输入来强化威力[5]。虽然角色最开始只能在受到强力攻击后增加过载,但之后可以切换为其它解锁过载增长方式[6]。
游戏有三首歌曲使用声乐元素,其中有日本流行乐民谣《真好》(素敵だね)。歌曲由野岛一成作词,植松伸夫作曲,日本民谣歌手Rikki演唱——音乐团队在寻找冲绳歌曲歌手时与Rikki签约[72]。日版和英文版游戏都使用了《完美》。和《最终幻想VIII》的《Eyes on Me》与《最终幻想IX》的《Melodies of Life》类似,游戏片尾曲使用了弦乐版的《真好》。其他填词歌曲是:比尔·缪尔以英文演唱的重金属片头曲《Otherworld》;以及由日文假名演唱,在游戏中多次出现的《祈子之歌》[73]。
日版《最终幻想X》还内含收录采访录像、画像制作的附加碟片“The Other Side of Final Fantasy”,《蓝天之翼》、《王国之心》和《最终幻想:灵魂深处》的预告片,以及《最终幻想XI》的首个演示视频[86]。游戏国际版于2002年1月在日本为《最终幻想X国际版》名义,2002年5月发行的PAL版亦继承了国际版的要素。国际版在原NTSC版上增加了一些特性,如和“黑暗”召唤兽及飞空艇上超级头目“Penance”的战斗[8]。日本国际版还收录了《永远的安宁节》——连接《最终幻想X》及后传《最终幻想X-2》故事的14分钟的影片剪辑[87]。影片剪辑以《永远的安宁节 最终幻想X-2 前奏》名义收录于《无限:沙加收藏版》的附加DVD中。它于2003年10月31日在欧洲首发,使用英文配音[88]。
国际版和PAL版都收录了附加DVD《Beyond Final Fantasy》,内含对游戏开发者及两名英文版配音员——詹姆斯·阿诺德·泰勒(提达)、赫蒂·布里斯(尤娜)——的访谈。此外还有《最终幻想X》和《王国之心》的预告片,游戏概念图和促销画廊,以及Rikki演唱歌曲《真好》的音乐视频[89]。2005年,收录《最终幻想》和《最终幻想X-2》的合辑《最终幻想X/X-2 Ultimate Box》在日本发行[90]。2012年12月18日,收录游戏的《Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary Ultimate Box》发行[91]。
史克威尔还出品了许多商品与书籍[92],如《The Art of Final Fantasy X》和三本《Ultimania》攻略,一系列画集与攻略本,书籍皆由DigiCube在日本发行。这些书籍或收录《最终幻想X》的原画与游戏攻略,或深入补充游戏设定;之中还收录数篇游戏设计师采访。[93]。
日本和西方媒体都给游戏打出高分。日本电子游戏杂志《Fami通》和《Fami通 PS2》给游戏打出接近满分的39/40[123];而在《Fami通》2006年上半年的史上最佳游戏读者票选中,游戏获得首位[124]。另一日本游戏杂志《The Play Station》给游戏打出29/30。三本杂志特别称赞了游戏的情节、画面和影片[123]。游戏在GameRankings和Metacritic的汇总得分为91%和92/100[111][112]。制作人桥本真司称总体评价“极好”,得到媒体的称赞和奖项[59]。
^ Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Rikku: We're Al Bhed. Can't you tell? Wait, you're not an Al Bhed-hater, are you? / Tidus: I don't even know what an Al Bhed is. / Rikku: Where are you from? / Tidus: Zanarkand. I'm a blitzball player. Star player of the Zanarkand Abes! / Rikku: Did you...hit your head or something? / Tidus: Um, you guys hit me. / Rikku: Oh, right... Do you remember anything before that? / Tidus [voiceover]: So I told her everything there was to tell about Zanarkand; about life there, blitzball, and Sin's attack...and about how Auron and I were engulfed in this light.
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Macalania. Wakka: But you Al Bhed use the forbidden machina! You know what that means? Sin was born because people used machina!
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Kilika. Tidus: What's a "sending"? Are we going somewhere? / Lulu: You truly are clueless. Are you sure it's just your memory that's the problem? ... The dead need guidance. Filled with grief over their own death, they refuse to face their fate. They yearn to live on, and resent those still alive. You see, they envy the living. And in time, that envy turns to anger, even hate. Should these souls remain in Spira, they become fiends that prey on the living. Sad, isn't it? The sending takes them to the Farplane, where they may rest in peace.
^ Final Fantasy X International. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Beyond Final Fantasy: Producer.
^ Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Besaid. Tidus: We're taking the same boat as Yuna, right? Why do we gotta wait here? / Wakka: Yuna came to [Besaid] ten years ago, when the last Calm started. [...] Since then, she's been like a little sister to me and Lulu. But she had the talent...she became an apprentice. Now, today, she leaves as a summoner. / Lulu: This is our journey. We should leave together.
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Besaid. Lulu: Kimahri Ronso, of the Ronso tribe. He's learned the fiends' way of fighting. [...]Wakka: He's another of Yuna's guardians. [...]Yuna: Sometimes we don't understand him either. Kimahri doesn't talk much, anyway. But he has protected me since I was a child!
^ 15.015.1Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Besaid. Wakka: I'm Wakka, coach and captain of the Besaid Aurochs, brudda!
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Besaid. Wakka: My little brother, Chappu. He looked like you [Tidus]. [...] He was with the Crusaders...when they fought Sin last year. He didn't make it. [...] I became a guardian to fight Sin, ya? / Tidus: Revenge, then? / Wakka: That was the idea. But, I'm more worried about a stupid game now than avenging my brother. Well, after the next tournament, I'll be a guardian full-time.
^ 17.017.1Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Luca. Tidus: Who are you, anyway? You knew my old man, didn't you? / Auron: Yeah. / Tidus: And you also knew Yuna's father? / Auron: That's correct. / Tidus: Hey, man, there's no way. That's just impossible. / Auron: Nothing impossible about it. Jecht, Braska, and I...together, we defeated Sin, ten years ago. Then I went to Zanarkand, where I watched over you, so that one day, I could bring you to Spira.
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Zanarkand (Dream). Zanar (Commentator): Ten years later, the Jecht Memorial Cup tournament is today! The two teams that have won through to the finals are, of course, the Abes from A-East, and the Duggles from C-South. I know there's a lot of people out there today to see the star of the Abes [Tidus]! In just one year, he's become the team's number one player! He's Jecht's blood, and the new hope of blitzball!
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Zanarkand (Dream). Auron: Look! [...] We called it "Sin". / Tidus: Sin...?
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Al Bhed Salvage Ship. Rikku: Yeah, there is no Zanarkand anymore. Sin destroyed it a thousand years ago. So, no one plays blitzball there. / Tidus: ...Huh?! Wh-What you do mean, a thousand years ago? But I saw Sin attack Zanarkand! You're saying that happened a thousand years ago? No way!
^ 21.021.1Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Mi'ihen Highroad. Yuna: The Final Summoning. It's the only way to defeat Sin. The only way. With it, we can call the Final Aeon. That's the goal of the pilgrimage. The Fayth of the Final Summoning lies waiting in the far north, to greet summoners [who] complete their pilgrimage. At the world's edge – in Zanarkand. [...] / Auron: She means the ruins of a city destroyed a thousand years ago.
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Besaid. Wakka: A major blitz[ball] tournament's coming up. All the teams in Spira'll be there. It's so huge, I'm sure someone there will recognize you! [...] It'll be fun! Whaddaya say, huh? Come on, come on! / Tidus: ...Sure thing.
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. S.S. Liki. Tidus [voiceover]: I was just fooling myself. Maybe it was that day...on the sea, under the burning sun... I started to give up hope. I was in a foreign world; I wasn't going home. This was my new reality, and I was stuck in it for good.
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Kilika. Tidus: So, what're these sinspawn, anyway? / Lulu: Fiends. They fall from Sin's body, and are left behind in its wake. / Wakka: Leave 'em alone and Sin comes back for 'em. Ya gotta be quick!
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Luca. Auron: Yuna / Yuna: Sir? / Auron: I wish to become your guardian. Do you accept? / [...]Lulu: But why? / Auron: I promised Braska. [...] And...[Tidus] comes too. / Tidus: Hi, guys. Eh...howdy. / Auron: This one I promised Jecht.
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. S.S. Liki. Yuna: You're a blitzball player, aren't you? from Zanarkand, right? / Tidus: You...hear that from Wakka? [...] Wakka... Wakka doesn't believe me at all. / Yuna: But...I believe you. [...] I've heard...that in Zanarkand, there's a great stadium, all lit up, even at night. [...] / Tidus: How do you know that? / Yuna: A man named Jecht told me. He was my father's guardian. / Tidus: [to self] J...Jecht...? [out loud] My father... his name is Jecht. / Yuna: Amazing! You know, our meeting like this must be the blessing of Yevon! / Tidus: Sounds like him, but it can't be him. / Yuna: Why not? / Tidus: My old man, he died. Ten years ago, off the coast of Zanarkand. / Yuna: I-I'm sorry. / Tidus: He went out to sea for training one day...and never came back. And no one's seen him since then. / Yuna: Why, that's the day that Jecht came to Spira! / Tidus: Wha – ? / Yuna: It's true! I first met Jecht ten years and three months ago! I remember that was the day my father left. The date fits, doesn't it?
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Macalania. Rikku: Well, my dad's sister is Yunie's mother, you get it?
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Guadosalam. Yuna: [Seymour]...He asked me to marry him! / Tidus: You serious?! / Auron: [to Seymour] You know what Yuna must do. / Seymour: Of course. Lady Yuna—no, all summoners—are charged with bringing peace to Spira. But this means more than just defeating Sin. She must ease the suffering of all Spira. She must be a leader for the people. I proposed to Lady Yuna as a maester of Yevon. / Auron: Spira is no playhouse. A moment's diversion may amuse an audience, but it changes nothing.
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Macalania Temple. Jyscal: Listen to me very carefully, for I shall tell you the truth about my son, Seymour. His mind is closed even to me, a maester of Yevon. But I can feel flames of darkness burning in his heart. He is using Yevon, the Guado, and even the summoners. If he is not stopped, he will surely bring destruction and chaos to Spira. I will leave this world soon, killed by my own son. [...] / Auron: Wonderful. / Rikku: Will Yuna be all right? / Auron: Without us, no.
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Macalania Temple. Seymour: Yuna...you would pity me now? [dies] / Tromell: Lord Seymour! What happened here?! / Wakka: What...What have I done...? / Tidus: Wait a minute! It's not our fault at all! Seymour struck first; he's the bad guy! / Tromell: Y-You did this?! / Auron: Yuna. Send him. / Tromell: No, stop! Stay away from him, traitors!
^ 31.031.1Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Bikanel Island – Sanubia Desert. Rikku: Oh! Hey, guys! Where's Yunie? / Tidus: Gone. / Lulu: Gone... Some guardian I am. / Rikku: Um... There's something I wanna tell you, but promise you won't say anything. [...] I know where we are. We're on Bikanel Island. There's a place us Al Bhed call "Home" here. Yunie's there, I'm sure of it! Other Al Bhed must've come and rescued her! / Wakka: "Rescued"? You mean "kidnapped"! / Tidus: What does it matter as long as she's safe?! / Rikku: That's right! Anyway, I will take you there if you promise that you won't tell anyone about it.
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Bikanel Island – Home. Rikku: Summoners journey to get the Final Aeon. Yuna told you, didn't she? With the Final Aeon, she can beat Sin. But then...but then... If she calls it, the Final Aeon's going to kill her! Even if she defeats Sin, it will kill Yunie too, you know! / Tidus: Was I the only one who didn't know...? [...] I can't let her die! I'll find her!
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Fahrenheit. Tidus: I'm telling you, [Yuna] won't die! / Cid: ...Boy, don't forget those words, 'cause if you do...I'm gonna make you regret it. / Tidus: I won't. So you know where she is? / Cid: 'Course not! That's why we're gonna look! Using this airship!
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Fahrenheit (en route to Bevelle). Lulu: The palace of St. Bevelle. Heart of Yevon. [...]Rikku: What's Seymour doing alive? Didn't we...take care of him in Macalania? / Auron: He is dead. As dead as Jyscal was. His attachment to this world kept him from the next. [...] Yuna must be trying to send him.
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Bevelle. Seymour: You would play at marriage just for a chance to send me? Your resolve is admirable. All the more fitting to be my lovely wife.
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Bevelle. Tidus: Lemme go! I'm gonna kill that Seymour! / Kimahri: Yuna said leave! We leave! / Lulu: We'll join up with her later!
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Bevelle Temple. Kinoc: You are to stand trial. / Auron: I expect it will be a fair trial. / Kinoc: Of course it will.
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Introduction (Zanarkand). Tidus [voiceover]: Listen to my story. This...may be our last chance.
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Tidus [voiceover]: We escaped with our skins intact, but Yuna lost something. I could tell: her faith was shaken. Yevon had betrayed her. I felt like I should do or say something – anything – but nothing came.
^ 40.040.1Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Dream Zanarkand. Fayth: Yes, you're a dream of the fayth. You, your father, your mother, everyone. All dreams. And if the fayth stop dreaming... [...]Tidus: No! So what if I'm a dream? I...I like being here. / Fayth: We've been dreaming so long...we're tired. Would you and your father... Would you let us rest?
^ 41.041.1Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Dream Zanarkand. Fayth: Long ago, there was a war. [...] A war between Zanarkand and Bevelle. Bevelle's machina assured their victory from the start. Spira had never seen such power. The summoners of Zanarkand didn't stand a chance. Zanarkand was doomed to oblivion. That's why we tried to save it—if only in a memory.
^Studio BentStuff (编). Final Fantasy X Ultimania Ω. DigiCube. 2001: 84. ISBN 4-88787-021-3(日语).
^ 43.043.1Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Bevelle Temple. Fayth: If you defeat Yu Yevon, it will end. Tell me, what do you know about Yu Yevon? / Tidus: He's what makes Sin come back! / Yuna: Sin is his armor. It protects him. / Fayth: Yu Yevon was once a summoner, long ago. He was peerless. Yet now he lives for one purpose: only to summon. [...] Even if you defeat[ed] Sin with the Final Summoning, Yu Yevon will live. Yu Yevon will join with the Final Aeon. He will transform it into a new Sin. / Yuna: Yu Yevon merges with the aeon... / Fayth: Then, protected by this new Sin he has created, Yu Yevon continues the summoning.
^Studio BentStuff (编). Final Fantasy X Ultimania Ω. DigiCube. 2001: 82. ISBN 4-88787-021-3(日语).
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Zanarkand. Yunalesca: Sin is eternal. Every aeon that defeats it becomes Sin it its place...and thus is Sin reborn. / Tidus: So that's why Jecht became Sin.
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Zanarkand. Tidus: I give up. So, what would an adult do, then? They know they can just throw away a summoner, then they can do whatever they like. You're right. I might not even have a chance. But no way am I gonna just stand here and let Yuna go. And what Auron said about there being a way...I think it's true. [...] I'll go ask Yunalesca. She's got to know something. / Rikku: You really think she'll help you? / Tidus: I don't know, but I have to try. This is my story. It'll go the way I want it...or I'll end it here.
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Zanarkand. Yunalesca: If I die, so does the Final Aeon. And with it...Spira's only hope. / Tidus: Then we'll find Spira a new hope!
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Sin. Seymour: Sin has chosen me. I am part of Sin! I am one with Sin, forever! Immortal! / Tidus: Sin just absorbed you. / Seymour: I will learn to control it, from within. I have all the time in the world! Since you were gracious enough to dispose of Yunalesca...the only means of destroying Sin is forever gone! Now nothing can stop us!
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Sin. Jecht: Well, I am Sin, you know. [...] / Tidus: That's enough! Let's finish this, okay? / Jecht: You're right. Well, then...let's go! [transforms into Braska's Final Aeon] / Tidus: I promise this'll be quick! Hit me with all you got, Dad!
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Sin. Tidus: What I'm trying to say is...after we beat Yu Yevon, I'll disappear!
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Celsius. Auron: I am also an unsent. You are not surprised? / Tidus: I think...I kinda knew. It was Yunalesca, wasn't it?
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Sin. Auron: Don't stop. / Yuna: But I... / Auron: It's all right. It's been...long enough. This...is your world now.
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Tidus: Yuna, I have to go. I'm sorry I couldn't show you Zanarkand. Goodbye. / Wakka: Hey! / Rikku: We're gonna see you again...? [...] / Yuna: [to Tidus] I love you.
^Square Co. Final Fantasy X. PlayStation 2. Square EA. 2001-12-20. Yuna: Everyone... everyone has lost something precious. Everyone here has lost homes, dreams, and friends. Everybody...now, Sin is finally dead. Now, Spira is ours again. Working together...now, we can make new homes for ourselves, and new dreams. Although I know the journey will be hard, we have lots of time. Together, we will rebuild Spira.
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Come leggere il tassoboxMammiferi Classificazione scientifica Dominio Eukaryota Regno Animalia Sottoregno Eumetazoa Superphylum Deuterostomia Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrata Infraphylum Gnathostomata Superclasse Tetrapoda (clado) Amniota Classe MammaliaLinnaeus, 1758 Sottoclassi Prototheria Theria Allotheria † I mammiferi (Mammalia Linnaeus, 1758) sono una classe di vertebrati a diffusione cosmopolita caratterizzata dall'allattamento della prole. La classe dei mammiferi conta 5 5...
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هذه المقالة عن المجموعة العرقية الأتراك وليس عن من يحملون جنسية الجمهورية التركية أتراكTürkler (بالتركية) التعداد الكليالتعداد 70~83 مليون نسمةمناطق الوجود المميزةالبلد القائمة ... تركياألمانياسورياالعراقبلغارياالولايات المتحدةفرنساالمملكة المتحدةهولنداالنمساأسترالي�...
Municipality and town in Antioquia, Colombia This article includes a list of general references, but it lacks sufficient corresponding inline citations. Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. (June 2021) (Learn how and when to remove this message) Municipality & Town in Andean Region, ColombiaCocornáMunicipality & Town FlagLocation of the municipality of Cocorná in the Antioquia DepartmentCocornáLocation in ColombiaCoordinates: 6°3′25″N 75°...
Verona History NameVerona OwnerUnion Nav. Co.; Kitsap County Trans. Co. RoutePuget Sound Completed1910, Dockton Out of service1936 FateDismantled. General characteristics Length112.9 ft (34.4 m) Beam22.8 ft (6.9 m) Depth7.3 ft (2.2 m) depth of hold Installed powersteam engine Propulsionpropeller The steamship Verona was a small steamboat of the Puget Sound Mosquito Fleet. Career Verona was built in 1910 at the Martinolich shipyard at Dockton, Washington. The ves...
Pour les articles homonymes, voir Logique (homonymie). Si ce bandeau n'est plus pertinent, retirez-le. Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus. Certaines informations figurant dans cet article ou cette section devraient être mieux reliées aux sources mentionnées dans les sections « Bibliographie », « Sources » ou « Liens externes » (octobre 2019). Vous pouvez améliorer la vérifiabilité en associant ces informations à des références à l'aide d'appels de n...
Battle of AchuapaPart of United States occupation of Nicaragua, Banana WarsAchuapaBattle of Achuapa (Nicaragua)Date31 December 1930Locationnear Achuapa, NicaraguaResult Sandinistan victoryBelligerents United States SandinistasCommanders and leaders Sgt. Arthur M. Palrang †[1] Miguel Angel OrtezStrength 10 marines unknownCasualties and losses 8 killed2 wounded[2]: 353 8 mules captured 11 killed4 wounded(estimate)[1]vteU.S. occupation of ...
Calvignascocomune LocalizzazioneStato Italia Regione Lombardia Città metropolitana Milano AmministrazioneSindacoGiuseppe Gandini (lista civica) dal 10-6-2018 TerritorioCoordinate45°19′35.04″N 9°01′35.4″E45°19′35.04″N, 9°01′35.4″E (Calvignasco) Altitudine105 m s.l.m. Superficie1,73 km² Abitanti1 226[1] (31-12-2021) Densità708,67 ab./km² FrazioniBettola, Ponte Comuni confinantiBubbiano, Casorate Primo (PV), Rosate, V...
Former railway station in Lincolnshire, England Aby for ClaythorpeFormer goods shed in March 2010.General informationLocationAby, East LindseyEnglandPlatforms3Other informationStatusDisusedHistoryOriginal companyEast Lincolnshire RailwayPre-groupingGreat Northern RailwayPost-groupingLondon and North Eastern Railway Eastern Region of British RailwaysKey dates3 September 1848Opened as Claythorpe1 November 1885Renamed Aby for Claythorpe11 September 1961Closed The former station house in 1992 Aby...
1970 Dahomeyan presidential election 9–28 March 1970 1991 → Registered997,226Turnout56.69% Candidate Justin Ahomadégbé-Tomêtin Sourou-Migan Apithy Hubert Maga Popular vote 200,092 176,828 152,551 Percentage 36.57% 32.32% 27.88% President before election Paul-Émile de Souza Elected President Election annulled Politics of Benin Constitution Human rights Government President (List) Patrice Talon Vice President Mariam Chabi Talata Cabinet of Benin Parliament National ...
2009-10 Australian bushfire seasonNASA MODIS burned area detections from June 2009 to May 2010Date(s)Winter (June) 2009 - Autumn (May) 2010LocationAustraliaStatisticsBurned area800,000+ hectaresImpactsDeaths2Non-fatal injuries20Structures destroyed70+ total — 64 houses — numerous non-residential structures← Previous season Next season → A bushfire season occurred predominantly from June 2009 to May 2010. Increased attention has been given to this season as authorities and g...
Linguistic phenomenon Grammatical features Related to nouns Animacy Case Dative construction Dative shift Quirky subject Nominative Comitative Instrumental Classifier Measure word Construct state Countability Count noun Mass noun Collective noun Definiteness Gender Genitive construction Possession Suffixaufnahme (case stacking) Noun class Number SingularDualPlural Singulative-Collective-Plurative Specificity Universal grinder Related to verbs Associated motion Clusivity Conjugation Evidential...