拉斐尔的葬礼十分隆重,有许多人参加。在他的大理石墓碑上,皮埃特羅·本博写下了墓志铭:“Ille hic est Raffael, timuit quo sospite vinci, rerum magna parens et moriente mori.”(拉丁语),意为“拉斐尔在此处安息。在他生前,大自然感到了败北的恐惧;而当他一旦溘然长逝,大自然又唯恐他死去。”
^尽管Michiel认为画家在生日时去世,艺术史学家John Shearman在演讲中表明这是一个明显的错误:“死亡的确切时间可以从日落时分计算出来。”。经过计算,出生日与死亡日的巧合(与其说是某月某日的不同,倒不如说是圣周的周五和周六,和每年变化的节日。)是为了强调拉斐尔也是生于耶稣受难节,就比如1483年的3月28日。但Michiel笔记中有个模棱两可的地方值得关注,并不是经常被注意到:Venerdi Santo venendo il Sabato, giorno della sua Nativita,可能意味着拉斐尔生于星期六,如果是那样,他的生日就是1483年的4月7日。[6]。
The standard source of biographical information is now: V. Golzio, Raffaello nei documenti nelle testimonianze dei contemporanei e nella letturatura del suo secolo, Vatican City and Westmead, 1971
Raphael: From Urbino to Rome; Hugo Chapman, Tom Henry, Carol Plazzotta, Arnold Nesselrath, Nicholas Penny, National Gallery Publications Limited, 2004, ISBN1-85709-999-0 (exhibition catalogue)
The Raphael Trail: The Secret History of One of the World's Most Precious Works of Art; Joanna Pitman, 2006. ISBN0091901715
Raphael: A Critical Catalogue of his Pictures, Wall-Paintings and Tapestries, catalogue raisonné by Luitpold Dussler published in the United States by Phaidon Publishers, Inc., 1971, ISBN0-7148-1469-5 (out of print, but an online version is here [1] (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆))