伊拉斯谟,全名德西德里乌斯·伊拉斯谟·罗特罗达穆斯(Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus;1466年10月28日—1536年7月12日),也译作伊拉斯姆斯、埃拉斯默斯、艾拉思姆斯、伊拉斯莫斯,史学界通称鹿特丹的伊拉斯谟(Erasmus von Rotterdam),是文藝復興時期尼德兰(今荷兰和比利时)的人文主义思想家和神学家、天主教神父,為北方文藝復興的代表人物。伊拉斯谟是一个用纯拉丁语写作的古典学者,並曾撰文尖锐地批評罗马天主教会的驕奢腐敗,引發了歐洲各地教會呼籲變革的聲浪。儘管如此,在宗教改革運動爆發後並未支持改革派,同時對於天主教會內的「動亂」感到自責,甚至因此婉拒了教皇國授予的枢机职位。
伊拉斯谟在《论死亡之准备》(Treatise on Preparation For Death)一文中表達了自己的宗教觀,他認為永生的保证不來自于教堂中的圣礼和仪式,而仅在于对基督赎罪的信念。他被視為文藝復興時期最重要的人道主義者之一,終其一生都在為保衛天主教的福音傳播構思而奮鬥。
1492年,25岁的伊拉斯谟成为被授予神父之職,並且正式宣誓成為修士。但在之后的日子里他並未认真投身神职工作,反而将僧院制度作为了他批判教会统治中的主要抨击目标。在他从事神职工作后不久,就得到了一个离开修道院的机会。基于他精湛的拉丁语水平和闻名的作家身分,他被邀请担任康布雷采邑主教贝亨的亨利(德语:Heinrich von Glymes und Berghes)的秘书。
伊拉斯謨和宗教改革家馬丁路德曾在同一個平信徒修院(Brethren of Common Life)和同一個修會制度(Augustinian Monastery)下修道,深受伊拉斯謨文章影響的路德對其相當钦佩、并渴望與伊拉斯谟結交。然而後來兩人由於對自身性格、宗教理念的不同開始交惡、分道揚鑣。此後伊拉斯谟公開指責馬丁路德的文章為野蠻的書,馬丁·路德則發表了《論意志之束縛(英语:On the Bondage of the Will)》一文進行反駁。
^Stevens, Forrest Tyler. Erasmus's "Tigress": The Language of Friendship, Pleasure, and the Renaissance Letter. Queering The Renaissance. Duke University Press 1994.
Gulik, Egbertus van. Erasmus and His Books (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018).
McDonald, Grantley. Biblical Criticism in Early Modern Europe: Erasmus, the Johannine Comma, and Trinitarian Debate (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016)
Christ-von Wedel, Christine. Erasmus of Rotterdam: Advocate of a New Christianity (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013)
Bietenholz, Peter G. Encounters with a Radical Erasmus. Erasmus' Work as a Source of Radical Thought in Early Modern Europe (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009)
Dodds, Gregory D. Exploiting Erasmus: The Erasmian Legacy and Religious Change in Early Modern England (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009)
Furey, Constance M. Erasmus, Contarini, and the Religious Republic of Letters. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Huizinga, Johan. Erasmus and the Age of Reformation, with a Selection from the Letters of Erasmus, in series, Harper Torchbacks, and also in The Cloister Library. New York: Harper & Row, 1957. xiv, 266 pp.
Quinones, Ricardo J. Erasmus and Voltaire: Why They Still Matter (University of Toronto Press; 2010) 240 pp. Draws parallels between the two thinkers as voices of moderation with relevance today.
Winters, Adam. Erasmus' Doctrine of Free Will. Jackson, TN: Union University Press, 2005.
Zweig, Stefan Erasmus of Rotterdam. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. (Garden City Publishing Co., Inc; 1937)
The Acrostic Study Bible. St. Louis: Gateway International Publishing. 2011. (原始内容存档于4 December 2012). The first modern Parallel Greek New Testament, using Erasmus's 1522 edition (used by Tyndale and the King James writers).
Garcia-Villoslada, Ricardo. 'Loyola y Erasmo, Taurus Ediciones, Madrid, Spain, 1965.
Lorenzo Cortesi, Esortazione alla filosofia. La Paraclesis di Erasmo da Rotterdam, Ravenna, SBC Edizioni, 2012, ISBN978-88-6347-271-4
Pep Mayolas, Erasme i la construcció catalana d'Espanya, Barcelona, Llibres de l'Índex, 2014
Payne, John B., Erasmus, His Theology of the Sacraments, Research in Theology 1970
Collected Works of Erasmus (U of Toronto Press, 1974–2011). 78 volumes published thus far; see U. Toronto Press, in English translation
The Correspondence of Erasmus (U of Toronto Press, 1975–2011), 14 volumes down to 1528 are published
Rabil, Albert. "Erasmus: Recent Critical Editions and Translations," Renaissance Quarterly 54#1 2001. Discusses both the Toronto translation and the entirely separate Latin edition published in Amsterdam since 1969 (online edition (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆))
Joseph Sauer: Desiderius Erasmus (Article in the Catholic Encyclopedia, 1909)
James D. Tracy: Erasmus of the Low Countries, Berkeley – Los Angeles – London: University of California Press 1997
Desiderius Erasmus: "War is sweet to those who have no experience of it ..." Protest against Violence and War - Online-Exhibition (2017) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)