
編輯劳伦·威廉姆斯(Lauren Williams

Vox是美国沃克斯传媒旗下的新闻评论网站,持自由主义立场[2]。网站于2014年4月由以斯拉·凯恩英语Ezra Klein马修·伊格莱西亚斯英语Matthew Yglesias梅丽莎·贝尔英语Melissa Bell (journalist)创办,特点是解释性新闻[3]。Vox还拥有一个YouTube频道、多个博客节目,也和Netflix合作打造五档节目。


Vox成立前,以斯拉·克莱因英语Ezra Klein是《华盛顿邮报》旗下公共政策博客“Wonkblog”的主编[4]。一开始,他打算向报社编辑筹集资金创办新网站,然而提议遭到拒绝,于是在2014年1月离开报社,供职于另一家通讯公司沃克斯传媒[4][5]。《纽约时报》形容沃克斯传媒是“一家打造媒体的技术型公司”,而非一家站在“传统媒体”对立面的企业[5]。克莱因利用自己的职务成立Vox,为网站聘请新的记者[4]。他希望“改善新闻技术”,打造一个令新闻通俗易懂的网络平台[5]。网站团队的20人都是各自话题领域的专家,他们包括《Slate》的马修·伊格莱西亚斯英语Matthew Yglesias梅丽莎·贝尔英语Melissa Bell,以及克莱因在《华盛顿邮报》时的同事[5][6][7][8]。网站于2014年4月6日正式上线,克莱因担纲主编[4][9]

克莱因在开篇社论《政治是如何愚弄我们的》("How politics makes us stupid")中,援引了耶鲁法学院教授丹·卡汉英语丹·卡汉的民众保护自己不受与自己核心信念冲突的信息威胁的理论,表达他个人对政界两极分化现状的苦恼[10]

2016年6月,Vox暂停网站作者埃米特·雷森英语Emmett Rensin职务。雷森曾在推特上发布多条号召制造骚乱反对特朗普的推文,其中6月3日的一条敦促人们:“如果特朗普来到你的镇上,只管骚乱吧。”推文发布的第二天,加利福尼亚州圣荷西反唐纳·川普抗议运动演变成暴力冲突[11][12][13][14]。同年,伊丽莎白·普兰克英语Elizabeth Plank获聘为网站的政治记者[15],她在2017年上线了与沃克斯传媒合作的系列节目《女性分裂合众国》(Divided States of Women[16]

2017年9月,克莱因发布声明,宣布退居普通编辑行列,总编位置由劳伦·威廉姆斯接替[17][18]。2020年底,克莱因、威廉姆斯与伊格莱西亚斯相继离开Vox[19]。2021年3月,《大西洋杂志》常务编辑斯瓦蒂·沙玛英语Swati Sharma (journalist)出任Vox总编[20]


Vox的创始编辑表示,网站力求用一般在传统新闻来源中找不到的背景信息来解释新闻[21]。为了重新使用在2014年重新发布前的作品,Vox打造了金丝雀亮黄色的“堆叠式卡片”,提供一篇文章的背景和术语定义。这些卡片将会以“一个人用些许态度创建的维基页面”的形式永久留存[22]。例如,术语“保健交易”(insurance exchange)可能会在患者保护与平价医疗法案的报道中重复使用[22]




2018年5月,Vox联合Netflix推出周播电视节目《流行大百科英语Explained (TV series)[26][27]。由于该节目获得不错的反响,双方之后又推出了衍生节目《头脑解密英语The Mind, Explained[28]、《性爱解密英语Sex, Explained[29]、《冠状病毒解密英语Coronavirus, Explained[30]和《投票选举解密英语Whose Vote Counts, Explained[31]



  • 《杂草集》(The Weeds):双周播圆桌会议型播客,由克莱因、伊格莱西亚斯、健康政策记者莎拉·克里夫(Sarah Kliff)、移民记者达拉·林德(Dara Lind)和高级政治记者简·考斯顿(Jane Coaston)联袂主持,聚焦美国国内新闻及公共政策的细节[32][33][34]
  • 《以斯拉·凯恩秀》(The Ezra Klein Show):双周播专访型播客,每期凯恩会采访政界及媒体界嘉宾[35]
  • 《猎奇大观》(I Think You're Interesting):由Vox“泛评家”艾米丽·范德沃夫(Emily VanDerWerff)主持,采访艺术界、娱乐界和流行文化界人物[32][36]
  • 《世界说》(Worldly),周播圆桌会议型播客,关注美国海外政策及外交事务,由Vox外交及安全政策作者詹妮弗·威廉姆斯(Jennifer Williams)、扎克·波尚(Zach Beauchamp)和亚历克斯·沃德(Alex Ward)主持,约奇·德瑞岑英语Yochi Dreazen曾任主持[32][37]
  • 《影响论坛》(The Impact),周播故事播客,由克里夫主持,探讨执行中政策决定的影响[38]
  • 《今日新鲜事》(Today, Explained),日播播客,肖恩·拉马斯瓦拉姆(Sean Ramaswaram),简明解释新闻术语[32][39]
  • 《未来畅想》(Future Perfect),周播播客,迪伦·马修斯(Dylan Matthews)主持,探讨能够彻底改变世界的潜在挑衅性想法,经常谈论跟有效利他主義有关的想法[40][41][42]
  • 《黄金时间》(Primetime),艾米丽·范德沃夫主持的短期播客,聚焦电视媒体与总统任期的关系,每周播出[32][43]
  • 《重置》(Reset),艾丽尔·杜海姆-罗斯(Arielle Duhaime-Ross)主持的周播播客,每周二、周四和周日播出,聚集科技界的最新资讯[32][44]
  • 《流行空间》(Switched on Pop),音乐学家内特·斯隆(Nate Sloan)和词曲作者查理·哈丁(Charlie Harding)主持的周播节目,探讨流行音乐文化现象[32][45]



网站上线便获得媒体纷纷关注[48]。差不多同一时间,FiveThirtyEight和《纽约时报》的“The Upshot”等其他几家数据和科普网站上线[49][50]。外界指网站的特点标题党式标题增强了共享性,类似于“时事维基百科”[48]

上线后不久,保守主义作家大卫·哈桑尼英语David Harsanyi在《联邦主义者英语The Federalist (website)》杂志的文章《Vox是如何愚弄我们的》("How Vox makes us stupid")中,批评网站的“解释性新闻”概念,指该站别有用心地甄选事实,所谓“解释性新闻”固有地排除了相反和不同的观点[51]。《本周英语The Week》的帕斯卡-伊曼纽尔·高布里(Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry)指出网站制造“用问答形式伪装的偏袒性评论”,批评网站的创始阵容“大多数由意识形态上倾向自由主义的人士组成”[52]。该刊的龙·斯派思(Ryu Spaeth)描述了网站的运作:“它从本质上采集新闻(换而言之是给定时间中发生在世界上的事件),把它放入吸引年轻、自由主义受众的框架”[53]

经济学人》评论了凯恩的开篇社论[54],表示网站“光明、有前途”,网站“提供更多,更好,更清晰的信息”的前提“非常值得尊敬”,将网站的使命与约翰·济慈消极能力英语Negative capability作积极的评价[10]。2014年12月,Deadspin英语Deadspin网站发表文章详细列出Vox每次纠正文章的事实性错误的情况[55]。《华盛顿邮报》评论人克里斯托弗·J·哈珀英语Christopher J. Harper批判网站的报道多次出错[56]

《纽约时报》的大卫·卡尔英语David Carr认为凯恩跟其他“著名记者”离开报社打造Vox等数字初创公司,如同沃尔特·莫斯伯格英语Walter Mossberg卡拉·斯威舍英语Kara Swisher创办Recode英语Recode戴维·波格纳特·西尔弗[5]。2015年,怀疑调查委员会英语Committee for Skeptical Inquiry朱莉娅·贝鲁兹英语Julia Belluz颁发罗伯特·B·巴雷斯批判性思维奖(Robert B. Balles Prize for Critical Thinking),表彰他在Vox的工作[57]



Vox的原创节目获得国家电视艺术与科学学院颁发的新闻及纪录片艾美奖英语News & Documentary Emmy Award认可。其中,2017年纪录片《2016年奥运会:里约不愿让世界看到的一面》(2016 Olympics: What Rio Doesn't Want the World to See)获得“最佳新闻特辑”奖提名,《Vox正流行》(Vox Pop)获“最佳艺术、文化和娱乐报道”和“最佳视觉设计和美术指导”两项提名[59],《穆斯林的隐秘生活》(The Secret Life of Muslims)获得“最佳纪录短片”提名[60]。2018年,《无边界》(Borders)获得“新闻类最佳视频新闻”提名[61],《余音绕梁》(Earworm)获得“最佳视觉设计和美术指导”和“艺术、生活方式和文化类节目最佳新效果”提名[62]。2019年,《余音绕梁》再度获得“艺术、生活方式和文化类节目最佳新效果”提名[63]





  1. ^ vox.com Traffic Statistics. Alexa Internet. [2020-02-23]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-23). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Bump, Philip. The political moderate is dead. Long live the moderate.. The Washington Post. 2014-07-11 [2020-02-23]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-24). 
  3. ^ Bercovici, Jeff. Why Do So Many Journalists Hate Vox?. Forbes. 2014-05-12 [2019-06-09]. (原始内容存档于2019-11-12). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Yu, Roger. Ezra Klein launches news site Vox.com. USA Today. 2014-04-07 [2018-07-26]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-28). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Carr, David. Ezra Klein Is Joining Vox Media as Web Journalism Asserts Itself. The New York Times. 2014-01-26 [2014-12-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-12-27). 
  6. ^ Vox.com is going to be a great test of Ezra Klein's critique of journalism. Columbia Journalism Review. 2014-04-07 [2020-02-23]. (原始内容存档于2016-12-22). 
  7. ^ Klein, Ezra. Vox is our next. The Verge. 2014-01-26 [2020-02-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-02-20). 
  8. ^ Staff, Vox. About us. Vox. 2017-04-03 [2020-02-23]. (原始内容存档于2020-01-16). 
  9. ^ Hartmann, Margaret. Understanding Ezra Klein's Newly Launched Vox.com. New York Media LLC Money. [2018-01-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-08). 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Ezra Klein's strangled Vox. The Economist. 2014-04-11 [2016-11-04]. ISSN 0013-0613. (原始内容存档于2017-08-06). 
  11. ^ Byers, Dylan. Vox suspends editor for encouraging riots at Donald Trump rallies. CNN. 2016-06-03 [2016-06-03]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-08). 
  12. ^ Halper, Evan. Vox suspends editor who called for anti-Trump riots. Los Angeles Times. 2016-06-03 [2016-06-03]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-09). 
  13. ^ Emmett Rensin [emmettrensin]. Advice: If Trump comes to your town, start a riot (Twitter post). 2016-06-02 [2016-06-02]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-23). 
  14. ^ Wemple, Eric. What will a suspension do for a Vox editor who urged anti-Trump riots?. Washington Post. 2016-06-03 [2016-06-05]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-08). 
  15. ^ Vox Snags Mic's Elizabeth Plank for Election Coverage. The Hollywood Reporter. 2016-03-01 [2017-06-24]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-08). 
  16. ^ Barr, Jeremy. Vox Media Launching New Video Series Focused on Women. The Hollywood Reporter. 2017-10-05 [2018-07-26]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-23). 
  17. ^ Stelter, Brian. Lauren Williams named editor in chief of Vox; Ezra Klein to be editor at large. CNN Money. [2017-09-29]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-08). 
  18. ^ Klein, Ezra. Lauren Williams is the new editor-in-chief of Vox. Vox Media, Inc. [2018-01-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-08). 
  19. ^ Lee, Edmund. Ezra Klein Leaves Vox for The New York Times. The New York Times. 2020-11-20 [2024-02-22]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于2024-03-27) (美国英语). 
  20. ^ Tracy, Marc. Vox Finds Its Next Top Editor at The Atlantic. The New York Times. 2021-02-16 [2021-03-26]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于2021-03-11) (美国英语). 
  21. ^ Klein, Ezra; Bell, Melissa; Yglesias, Matt. Nine questions about Vox. Vox. 2014-03-09 [2018-02-22]. (原始内容存档于2019-11-21). 
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 Kaufman, Leslie. Vox Takes Melding of Journalism and Technology to a New Level. The New York Times. 2014-04-06 [2014-12-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-12-27). 
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 Vox Channel About Page. youtube.com. [2018-10-30]. (原始内容存档于2019-11-12). 
  24. ^ Patel, Sahil. How YouTube latecomer Vox beat the odds and built a big channel. Digiday. 2017-05-15 [2018-07-26]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-17). 
  25. ^ Vox Channel Home Page. youtube.com. [2019-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2019-11-12). 
  26. ^ Why Vox's Netflix show 'Explained' is different from Vox's YouTube videos, explained (by Ezra Klein). Recode. [2018-08-29]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-28). 
  27. ^ Weissman, Cale Guthrie. Vox's new Netflix show is just the start of its video ambitions. Fast Company. 2018-05-23 [2018-07-26]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-08). 
  28. ^ The Mind, Explained - Netflix Documentary Series Review. The Review Geek. 2019-09-12 [2019-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-23). 
  29. ^ Stream It Or Skip It: 'Sex, Explained' On Netflix, A New Season Of Vox's Docuseries That's All About Doin' It. Decider. 2020-01-02 [2020-01-15]. (原始内容存档于2020-01-03). 
  30. ^ Jarvey, Natalie. Netflix Unpacks Coronavirus Pandemic With New Season of 'Explained'. The Hollywood Reporter. 2020-04-25 [2020-05-24]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-25). 
  31. ^ Gordon, Claire. Whose vote counts, the Netflix series, explained. Vox. 2020-09-28 [2020-10-05]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-02). 
  32. ^ 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 32.4 32.5 32.6 32.7 Podcasts. Vox. Vox Media. [2018-03-02]. (原始内容存档于2020-01-16). 
  33. ^ The Weeds. Vox. Vox Media. [2018-03-02]. (原始内容存档于2020-01-15). 
  34. ^ Vox's The Weeds. Stitcher. [2019-03-08]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-29). 
  35. ^ The Ezra Klein Show. Vox. Vox Media. [2018-03-02]. (原始内容存档于2018-01-11). 
  36. ^ I Think You're Interesting. Vox. Vox Media. [2018-03-02]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-08). 
  37. ^ Worldly. Vox. Vox Media. [2018-03-02]. (原始内容存档于2020-01-17). 
  38. ^ The Impact. Vox. Vox Media. [2018-03-02]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-07). 
  39. ^ Today, Explained. Vox. Vox Media. [2018-03-02]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-24). 
  40. ^ Matthews, Dylan. Future Perfect, explained. Vox. 2018-10-15 [2018-12-08]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-25). 
  41. ^ Matthews, Dylan. How to save a stranger's life (Future Perfect Podcast Ep. 1). Vox. 2018-10-15 [2018-12-08]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-26). 
  42. ^ Matthews, Dylan. How to pick a career that counts. Vox. 2018-11-28 [2018-12-08]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-24). 
  43. ^ Primetime. www.vox.com. [2019-06-08]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-05). 
  44. ^ Reset. Vox. Vox Media. [2020-02-23]. (原始内容存档于2020-01-13). 
  45. ^ Switched on Pop. Vox. Vox Media. [2020-02-23]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-16). 
  46. ^ Yglesias, Matthew. Stop freaking out about the debt. Vox. Vox Media. 2014-03-28 [2019-12-17]. (原始内容存档于2019-08-02). 
  47. ^ Cosman, Ben. Ezra Klein's Vox Is Already Being Labeled 'Left-Wing Propaganda' by Conservatives. The Atlantic. [2016-11-03]. (原始内容存档于2019-11-12) (美国英语). 
  48. ^ 48.0 48.1 How Vox is going to make its way to the top. The Daily Dot. 2014-04-07 [2016-11-04]. (原始内容存档于2019-11-12). 
  49. ^ The Upshot, Vox and FiveThirtyEight: data journalism's golden age, or TMI?. The Guardian. 2014-04-22 [2016-11-04]. ISSN 0261-3077. (原始内容存档于2019-11-12) (英国英语). 
  50. ^ Ezra Klein launches news site Vox.com. USA TODAY. [2016-11-04]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-28). 
  51. ^ Politics. How Vox makes us stupid. [2016-03-17]. (原始内容存档于2019-11-12). 
  52. ^ Vox, derp, and the intellectual stagnation of the left. The Week. [2016-03-17]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-16). 
  53. ^ Ryu Spaeth. The Gawker meltdown and the Vox-ification of the news media. 2015-07-21 [2016-10-24]. (原始内容存档于2019-11-12). 
  54. ^ Klein, Ezra. How politics makes us stupid. Vox. Vox Media. 2014-04-05 [2019-12-17]. (原始内容存档于2020-01-09). 
  55. ^ Draper, Kevin. 46 Times Vox Totally Fucked Up a Story. The Concourse. [2016-11-04]. (原始内容存档于2020-01-21) (美国英语). 
  56. ^ Harper, Christopher. Vox news website needs to take serious look at how it 'reinvents' journalism. The Washingtion Times. 2015-01-07 [2016-03-17]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-26). 
  57. ^ Fidalgo, Paul. CSI's Balles Prize in Critical Thinking Awarded to Julia Belluz of Vox.com. Skeptical Inquirer. 2016, 40 (5): 6. 
  58. ^ Douthat, Ross. The Bill Clinton Question. The New York Times. 2016-01-16 [2020-02-23]. (原始内容存档于2019-11-12). 
  59. ^ Peterson, Tim. Vox Entertainment is developing a TV show with Vox.com's Emmy-nominated YouTube producer. Digiday. 2018-08-09 [2018-09-05]. (原始内容存档于2019-11-12). 
  60. ^ Nominees for the 38th Annual News and Documentary Emmy Awards Announced (PDF). National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. [2018-09-05]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2019-09-10). 
  61. ^ Scott, Caroline. How Vox expanded its network by crowdsourcing for its latest documentary series. Journalism.co.uk. 2018-08-23 [2018-09-05]. (原始内容存档于2019-11-12). 
  62. ^ Nominees for the 39th Annual News and Documentary Emmy Awards Announced (PDF). National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. 2018-07-26 [2018-09-05]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2018-09-16). 
  63. ^ Nominees for the 40th Annual News & Documentary Emmy® Awards Annuonced. The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. 2019-07-25 [2020-02-24]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-08). 
  64. ^ Weigel, David. Here's What You Need to Know About Politico's Coverage of Vox, in Two Charts. Slate. 2014-08-23 [2018-07-26]. (原始内容存档于2018-09-15). 
  65. ^ vox.com Traffic Statistics. SimilarWeb. [2019-09-22]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-22) (英语). 
  66. ^ Ezra Klein hopes Vox can change the fact that 'people who are more into the news read the news more'. Nieman Lab. [2017-11-20]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-07). 


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Container nel terminal merci di Port Elizabeth Per importazione si intende l'insieme dei beni e dei servizi che uno Stato acquista da altri Stati del mondo. Le importazioni vengono misurate solitamente in termini monetari, ma anche in base alle caratteristiche merceologiche o alle modalità di utilizzo. Si suole pertanto indicare nelle statistiche il valore dei beni e servizi acquistati, la quantità di ciascun tipo di essi e l'impiego come bene o servizio finale o intermedio. Indice 1 Descri...


Patung Harmonia di Pennsylvania. Dalam mitologi Yunani, Harmonia adalah dewi harmoni dan kerukunan. Padanan Romawinya adalah Konkordia, dan lawannya adalah Eris yang dipadankan dengan Diskordia dari Romawi. Harmonia adalah anak dari Ares dan Afrodit, dan ibu dari Ino, Polidorus, Autonoe, Agaue dan Semele. Dalam mitologi Athena menganugerahkan kota Thebes untuk Kadmos dan Zeus memberi Harmonia pada Kadmos sebagai istri. Pada hari pernikahan mereka, semua dewa memberikan hadiah. Kadmos memberi ...


Collegiate public research university in Durham, United Kingdom Durham UniversityCoat of arms of the universityLatin: Universitas DunelmensīsOther nameThe University of DurhamMottoLatin: Fundamenta eius super montibus sanctisMotto in EnglishHer foundations are upon the holy hills (Psalm 87:1)TypePublic research universityEstablished1832; 192 years ago (1832) (university status)Academic affiliations ACU Coimbra Group EUA Matariki Network of Universities N8 Research Part...

2000 Filipino film AzucenaDirected byCarlos Siguion-ReynaWritten byEnrique RamosProduced byCarlos Siguion-ReynaStarringRicky DavaoGlydel MercadoDante RiveroAlessandra de RossiCinematographyRomulo AraojoEdited byManet DayritMusic byRyan CayabyabProductioncompanyReyna FilmsDistributed byMillennium CinemaRelease date May 31, 2000 (2000-05-31) Running time118 minutesCountryPhilippinesLanguagesFilipinoEnglish Azucena is a 2000 Filipino drama film directed by Carlos Siguion-Reyna. Th...


Cet article est une ébauche concernant une localité kazakhe. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. Kostanaï Qostanai Héraldique Le centre de Kostanaï. Administration Pays Kazakhstan Oblys Kostanaï Code postal 110000 Indicatif téléphonique +7 7142 Démographie Population 252 115 hab. (2009[1]) Densité 341 hab./km2 Géographie Coordonnées 53° 12′ nord, 63° 38�...


This article is about the students' association. For other uses, see Uniq (disambiguation). UniQ Aotearoa Logo UniQ Aotearoa (UniQ) was Queer Students' Association of New Zealand, a collection of queer student groups at universities, polytechs and colleges of education in New Zealand.[1][2] UniQ was active at most New Zealand universities and several polytechnics. The term queer was considered to had been reclaimed [clarification needed] and was used by UniQ to acknowl...

Berkelium(III) iodide Names Other names berkelium triiodide Identifiers CAS Number 23171-53-1 3D model (JSmol) Interactive image ChemSpider 64886032 PubChem CID 129660023 InChI InChI=1S/Bk.3HI/h;3*1H/q+3;;;/p-3Key: HQJHQZJIELHZEV-UHFFFAOYSA-K SMILES [Bk+3].[I-].[I-].[I-] Properties Chemical formula BkI3 Molar mass 628 g·mol−1 Appearance yellow solid Density g/cm3 Boiling point 650 °C (1,202 °F; 923 K) Structure Crystal structure trigonal Hazards Occupatio...


Former province of Sicily, Italy Place in Sicilia, ItalyProvince of PalermoProvince(1860–2015) FlagCoat of armsMap highlighting the location of the province of Palermo in ItalyCountry ItalyRegionSiciliaCapital(s)PalermoComuni82Area • Total4,992 km2 (1,927 sq mi)Population (2012) • Total1,249,533 • Density250/km2 (650/sq mi)Time zoneUTC+1 (CET) • Summer (DST)UTC+2 (CEST)Postal code90010, 90010-90035, 90037-90049, 9...


Species of bird Not to be confused with the other birds, for which see Magpie and Magpie duck. Magpie goose Near East Point, Northern Territory Conservation status Least Concern  (IUCN 3.1)[1] Scientific classification Domain: Eukaryota Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Aves Order: Anseriformes Family: Anseranatidae Genus: AnseranasLesson, 1828 Species: A. semipalmata Binomial name Anseranas semipalmata(Latham, 1798) Synonyms Anas semipalmata Latham, 1798 The magpie ...

豪栄道 豪太郎 場所入りする豪栄道基礎情報四股名 澤井 豪太郎→豪栄道 豪太郎本名 澤井 豪太郎愛称 ゴウタロウ、豪ちゃん、GAD[1][2]生年月日 (1986-04-06) 1986年4月6日(38歳)出身 大阪府寝屋川市身長 183cm体重 160kgBMI 47.26所属部屋 境川部屋得意技 右四つ・出し投げ・切り返し・外掛け・首投げ・右下手投げ成績現在の番付 引退最高位 東大関生涯戦歴 696勝493敗...


Частина серії проФілософіяLeft to right: Plato, Kant, Nietzsche, Buddha, Confucius, AverroesПлатонКантНіцшеБуддаКонфуційАверроес Філософи Епістемологи Естетики Етики Логіки Метафізики Соціально-політичні філософи Традиції Аналітична Арістотелівська Африканська Близькосхідна іранська Буддій�...



Human retrovirus, cause of AIDS This article is about the virus. For the infection caused by the virus, see HIV/AIDS. For other uses, see HIV (disambiguation). AIDS virus redirects here. For the computer virus, see AIDS (computer virus). Human immunodeficiency viruses Scanning electron micrograph of HIV-1 (in green) budding from cultured lymphocyte. Multiple round bumps on cell surface represent sites of assembly and budding of virions. Scientific classification (unranked): Virus Realm: Ribov...

2016 (2016) Super League Grand Final  () Warrington Wolves Wigan Warriors 6 12 12 Total WAR 60 6 WIG 210 12 Date8 October 2016StadiumOld TraffordLocation ManchesterHarry Sunderland Trophy Liam Farrell ( Wigan Warriors)HeadlinersFeederRefereeRobert HicksAttendance70,202Broadcast partnersBroadcastersSky SportsCommentatorsEddie HemmingsSuper League Grand Final← 20152017 → The 2016 Super League Grand Final was the 19th official Grand Final and conclusive and champ...


Lega nazionale A 2018-2019 Competizione Lega Nazionale A Sport hockey su pista Edizione 87ª Organizzatore SRHV Luogo  Svizzera Partecipanti 9 Risultati Vincitore  Biasca(1º titolo) Retrocessioni  Thunerstern Cronologia della competizione 2017-2018 2019-2020 Manuale La Lega nazionale A 2018-2019 è stata la 87ª edizione del torneo di primo livello del campionato svizzero di hockey su pista. Il torneo è stato vinto dal Biasca per la prima volta nella sua storia. Indice 1 Squ...


قازان    علم شعار الاسم الرسمي (بالتتارية: Казан)‏(بالتتارية اللاتينية: Qazan)‏  الإحداثيات 55°47′27″N 49°06′52″E / 55.790833333333°N 49.114444444444°E / 55.790833333333; 49.114444444444   [1] تاريخ التأسيس 1005  تقسيم إداري  البلد روسيا (1991–)[2][3]  التقسيم الأعلى تتارست...

50.48355555555630.472027777778Koordinaten: 50° 29′ 1″ N, 30° 28′ 19″ O Kirche des heiligen Kyrill und Athanasius von Alexandria Portal der Kirche Die Kirche des heiligen Kyrill (ukrainisch Кирилівська церква; vollständiger Name: Kirche des heiligen Kyrill und Athanasius von Alexandria (церква Святих Кирила та Атанасія Александрійських)) ist ein denkmalgeschütztes Kirchengebäude im Nordweste...


Hulla Muestra de hulla.Tipo SedimentariaColor Negro brillante[editar datos en Wikidata]  Carbones de menor a mayor rango Turba Lignito Carbón sub-bituminoso Carbón bituminoso (incluida la hulla) Antracita La hulla es una roca sedimentaria orgánica, un tipo de carbón mineral que contiene entre un 80 y un 90 % de carbono. Es dura y quebradiza, estratificada, de color negro y brillo mate o también graso. Su origen se encuentra en los bosques primitivos, principalmente de...