在1908年夏季,勋伯格的妻子玛蒂尔德离开他数月,与一位年轻的奥地利画家里夏德·格斯特尔(英语:Richard Gerstl)(后来在玛蒂尔德回到婚姻后于同年11月自杀)发生了关系。这一时期标志着勋伯格作品的明显变化。在妻子离开期间,他创作了《你靠在一棵银柳树上》(德語:Du lehnest wider eine Silberweide),这是他改编自德国神秘主义诗人施特凡·格奥尔格同名诗集的套曲《悬园之书(英语:The Book of the Hanging Gardens)》(德語:Das Buch der hängenden Gärten,作品15)中的第13首。这是他的第一首完全没有调参照的作品。[10]
当代作曲家与公众之间关系的恶化导致他在1918年在维也纳成立了私人音乐演出协会(德语:Verein für musikalische Privataufführungen)。他试图提供一个论坛,以便现代音乐作品能够经过精心准备和排练,并在受到时尚和商业压力影响的条件下仍得到适当的演出。从成立到1921年因经济原因结束为止,该协会向付费会员呈现了353场演出,有时每周一场。在最初的一年半中,勋伯格没有让自己的任何作品被演出。[15]协会音乐会的听众而是听到了斯克里亚宾、德彪西、马勒、韦伯恩、贝尔格、雷格等20世纪音乐早期的重要人物的复杂当代作品。[16]
后来,勋伯格发展出最有影响力的十二音作曲方法,该方法在法语和英语中被勒内·莱博维茨(英语:René Leibowitz)和汉弗莱·瑟尔(英语:Humphrey Searle)于1947年被称为序列音乐。这种技术被他的许多学生采用,他们构成了所谓的第二维也纳乐派学派。他们包括安东·韦伯恩、阿尔班·贝尔格和汉斯·艾斯勒,他们都受到勋伯格的深刻影响。他出版了多本书,从他著名的《和声学》到《音乐作曲基础》(英語: Fundamentals of Musical Composition)等[17],其中许多仍在印刷并被音乐家和新作曲家使用。
在1920年代初,勋伯格致力于发展一种能够使音乐织体更简单、更清晰的秩序方式。这导致了“以只与彼此相关的十二个音符进行作曲的方法”[48],其中八度音阶内的十二个音高(在作曲中并未实现)被视为相等,没有任何一个音符或音调被赋予古典和声中所占据的重要性。他认为这一理论的重要性等同于物理中阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的相对论的地位。勋伯格在与朋友约瑟夫·鲁费尔(英语:Josef Rufer)散步时以他典型的方式宣布了这一发现,当时他说:“我已经做出了一个发现,它将确保德国音乐在未来一百年中仍占主导地位。”[49]这个时期的作品包括《为乐团而作的变奏曲》(作品31号,1928年);伴奏音乐《电影场景配乐(英语:Begleitungsmusik zu einer Lichtspielscene)》(作品34,1930年);《钢琴作品》(作品Op. 33a/b号,1931年)以及钢琴协奏曲(作品42号,1942年)。人们普遍认为勋伯格作曲方法严谨,但他对这种技巧的使用因每个独立作品的要求而各不相同。因此,他未完成的歌剧《摩西与亚伦》的结构与他的《为小提琴与钢琴而作的幻想曲》(作品47号,1949年)不同。
^“《政治、宗教和文化利益周刊》(德語:Wochenschrift für politische, religiöse und Cultur-Interessen)刊登了通告《来自布拉格的保琳·纳霍德小姐与来自普雷斯堡的塞缪尔·勋伯格的婚礼》。这些信息与宗教社区发布的公告不符:1872年3月17日,12时30分,塞缪尔·勋伯格,来自塞切尼的商人,亚伯拉罕先生和特丽西娅女士的儿子,出生于1838年9月15日,住址为塔博尔街4号;保琳·纳霍德,来自普雷斯堡,约瑟夫先生和卡罗琳娜女士的女儿,出生于1843年3月8日,住址为塔博尔街4号。宣布姻缘并代表出席的是普雷斯堡的代表,日期是1872年3月2日。”
^Brown, Kellie D. The sound of hope: Music as solace, resistance and salvation during the holocaust and world war II. McFarland. 2020: 16. ISBN 978-1-4766-7056-0.
Auner, Joseph H. 1999. "Schoenberg and His Public in 1930: The Six Pieces For Male Chorus, Op. 35". In Schoenberg and His World, edited by Walter Frisch, 85–125. Bard Music Festival Series. Princeton: Princeton University Press. ISBN978-0-691-04860-4 (cloth); ISBN978-0-691-04861-1 (pbk).
Cook, Nicholas. 1998. Music: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN978-0-19-285340-0
Crawford, Dorothy L. 2009. A Windfall of Musicians: Hitler's Émigrés and Exiles in Southern California. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. ISBN978-0-300-15548-8
Earle, Ben. 2003. "Taste, Power and Trying to Understand Op. 36: British Attempts to Popularize Schoenberg". Music & Letters 84, no. 4: 608–43.
Feisst, Sabine. 2011. Schoenberg's New World: The American Years. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN978-0-19-537238-0
Leeuw, Ton de. 2005. Music of the Twentieth Century: A Study of Its Elements and Structure, translated from the Dutch by Stephen Taylor. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. ISBN978-90-5356-765-4 Translation of Muziek van de twintigste eeuw: een onderzoek naar haar elementen en structuur. Utrecht: Oosthoek's Uitgevers Mij. N.V., 1964. Third impression, Utrecht: Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema, 1977. ISBN978-90-313-0244-4
McCoy, Marilyn. 1999. "A Schoenberg Chronology". In Schoenberg and His World, edited by Walter Frisch, 1–15. Bard Music Festival Series. Princeton: Princeton University Press. ISBN978-0-691-04860-4 (cloth); ISBN978-0-691-04861-1 (pbk).
MacDonald, Malcolm. 2008. Schoenberg, second, revised edition. The Master Musicians Series. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN978-0-19-517201-0; ISBN978-0-19-803840-5
Marcus, Kenneth H. 2016. Schoenberg and Hollywood Modernism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN978-1-107-06499-7
Marquis Who's Who. n.d. (Who Was Who in America, Volume III {1951–1960}). (accessed 4 October 2012).[需要完整来源]
Schoenberg, Arnold. 1964. Arnold Schoenberg Letters, selected and edited by Erwin Stein, translated from the original German by Eithne Wilkins and Ernst Kaiser. London: Faber. Paperback reprint, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987. ISBN978-0-520-06009-8
Schoenberg, Arnold. 1967. Fundamentals of Musical Composition. Edited by Gerald Strang, with an introduction by Leonard Stein. New York: St. Martin's Press. Reprinted 1985, London: Faber and Faber. ISBN978-0-571-09276-5
Schoenberg, Arnold. 1975. Style and Idea: Selected Writings of Arnold Schoenberg. Edited by Leonard Stein, with translations by Leo Black. New York: St. Martins Press; London: Faber & Faber. ISBN978-0-520-05294-9 Expanded from the 1950 Philosophical Library (New York) publication edited by Dika Newlin. The volume carries the note "Several of the essays ... were originally written in German (translated by Dika Newlin)" in both editions.
Schoenberg, Arnold. 1984. Style and Idea: Selected Writings, translated by Leo Black. Berkeley: California University Press.
Schoenberg, E. Randol. 2018. Doctor Faustus Dossier, The: Arnold Schoenberg, Thomas Mann and Their Contemporaries, 1930–1951. ISBN978-0-520-29683-1 University of California Press.
Shoaf, R. Wayne. 1992. "Satellite Collections in the Archive of the Arnold Schoenberg Institute". Journal of the Arnold Schoenberg Institute 15, no. 1 (June): 9–110.
Small, Christopher. 1977. Schoenberg. Novello Short Biographies. Sevenoaks, Kent: Novello.
Stein, Erwin (ed.). 1987. Arnold Schoenberg: Letters, translated by Eithne Wilkins and Ernst Kaiser. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. ISBN978-0-520-06009-8 (Reprint of Schoenberg (1964).)
Anon. 1997–2013. "'Degenerate' Music (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)". In A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust. The Florida Center for Instructional Technology, College of Education, University of South Florida (accessed 16 June 2014).
Auner, Joseph. 1993. A Schoenberg Reader. New Haven: Yale University Press. ISBN978-0-300-09540-1
Berry, Mark. 2019. Arnold Schoenberg. London: Reaktion Books.
Boulez, Pierre. 1991. "Schoenberg is Dead" (1952). In his Stocktakings from an Apprenticeship, collected and presented by Paule Thévenin, translated by Stephen Walsh, with an introduction by Robert Piencikowski, 209–14. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN978-0-19-311210-0
Brand, Julianne, Christopher Hailey, and Donald Harris (editors). 1987. The Berg-Schoenberg Correspondence: Selected Letters. New York, London: W. W. Norton and Company. ISBN978-0-393-01919-3
Buhle, Paul, and David Wagner. 2002. Radical Hollywood: The Untold Story Behind America's Favorite Movies. New York: The New Press. ISBN978-1-56584-819-1
Cohen, Mitchell, "A Dissonant Schoenberg in Berlin and Paris," "Jewish Review of Books," April 2016.
da Costa Meyer, Esther. 2003. "Schoenberg's Echo: The Composer as Painter". In Schoenberg, Kandinsky, and the Blue Rider, edited by Fred Wasserman and Esther da Costa Meyer, foreword by Joan Rosenbaum, preface by Christian Meyer. London and New York: Scala. ISBN978-1-85759-312-9
Eybl, Martin. 2004. Die Befreiung des Augenblicks: Schönbergs Skandalkonzerte von 1907 und 1908: eine Dokumentation. Wiener Veröffentlichungen zur Musikgeschichte 4. Vienna, Cologne, Weimar: Böhlau. ISBN978-3-205-77103-6
Frisch, Walter (ed.). 1999. Schoenberg and His World. Bard Music Festival Series. Princeton: Princeton University Press. ISBN978-0-691-04860-4 (cloth); ISBN978-0-691-04861-1 (pbk).
Hyde, Martha M. 1982. Schoenberg's Twelve-Tone Harmony: The Suite Op. 29 and the Compositional Sketches. Studies in Musicology, series edited by George Buelow. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press. ISBN978-0-8357-1512-6
Kandinsky, Wassily. 2000. "Arnold Schönberg als Maler/Arnold Schönberg as Painter". Journal of the Arnold Schönberg Center, no. 1:131–76.
Petropoulos, Jonathan. 2014. Artists Under Hitler. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. ISBN978-0-300-19747-1
Ringer, Alexander. 1990. "Arnold Schoenberg: The Composer as Jew". Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN978-0-19-315466-7
Rollet, Philippe (ed.). 2010. Arnold Schönberg: Visions et regards, with a preface by Frédéric Chambert and Alain Mousseigne. Montreuil-sous-Bois: Liénart. ISBN978-2-35906-028-7
Schoenberg, Arnold. 1922. Harmonielehre, third edition. Vienna: Universal Edition. (Originally published 1911). Translation by Roy E. Carter, based on the third edition, as Theory of Harmony. Berkeley, Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1978. ISBN978-0-520-04945-1
Schoenberg, Arnold. 1959. Structural Functions of Harmony. Translated by Leonard Stein. London: Williams and Norgate; Revised edition, New York, London: W. W. Norton 1969. ISBN978-0-393-00478-6
Shawn, Allen. 2002. Arnold Schoenberg's Journey. New York: Farrar Straus and Giroux. ISBN978-0-374-10590-7
Stegemann, Benedikt. 2013. Theory of Tonality: Theoretical Studies. Wilhelmshaven: Noetzel. ISBN978-3-7959-0963-5
Weiss, Adolph. 1932. "The Lyceum of Schonberg", Modern Music 9, no. 3 (March–April): 99–107.
Wright, James K. 2007. Schoenberg, Wittgenstein, and the Vienna Circle. Bern: Verlag Peter Lang. ISBN978-3-03911-287-6
Wright, James and Alan Gillmor (eds.). 2009. Schoenberg's Chamber Music, Schoenberg's World. New York: Pendragon Press. ISBN978-1-57647-130-2