阮福淍接到阮有鏡死訊,追贈他為協贊功臣、特進、掌營,諡忠勤。並賞賜錢財,下令厚葬。嘉隆四年(1805年),阮福映追敘阮主時大臣功勞,阮有鏡列在功臣上等,追贈宣力功臣、特進、輔國上將軍、錦衣衞都指揮使司都指揮使、都督府掌府事、副將掌奇,從祀太廟。嘉隆九年(1810年),又列祀開國功臣廟。明命十二年(1831年),追贈開國功臣、壯武將軍、神機營都統,改諡壯桓,封永安侯(越南语:Vĩnh An Hầu/永安侯)。
^Erik Harms Saigon's Edge: On the Margins of Ho Chi Minh City 2011 - Page 37 "Although most sources identify the founding of what is now Ho Chi Minh City with the military occupation of the area, the naming of districts, and the establishment of administrative works by Nguyễn Hữu Cảnh in 1698, Professor Nguyễn Đình Đầu argues that it did not become a true "city" until Nguyễn Cửu Đàm built an 8.5km crescent wall (Bán Bích Lũy) in 1772 to protect it against the Siamese threat."