1863年11月19日,也就是美國內戰中蓋茲堡戰役結束的四個半月後,林肯在賓夕法尼亞州蓋茲堡的蓋茲堡國家公墓(英语:Gettysburg National Cemetery)(Gettysburg National Cemetery)揭幕式中發表此次演說,哀悼在長達五個半月的蓋茲堡之役中陣亡的將士。林肯的演講於當天第二順位發表,修辭細膩周密,其後成為美國歷史上最偉大的演說之一。以不足三百字的字數,兩到三分鐘的時間,林肯訴諸獨立宣言所支持的「人皆生而平等」之原則,並重新定義這場內戰:不只是為聯邦存續而奮鬥,亦是「自由之新生」,將真平等帶給全體公民。
"Standing beneath this serene sky, overlooking these broad fields now reposing from the labors of the waning year, the mighty Alleghenies dimly towering before us, the graves of our brethren beneath our feet, it is with hesitation that I raise my poor voice to break the eloquent silence of God and Nature. But the duty to which you have called me must be performed; — grant me, I pray you, your indulgence and your sympathy."[11]
"But they, I am sure, will join us in saying, as we bid farewell to the dust of these martyr-heroes, that wheresoever throughout the civilized world the accounts of this great warfare are read, and down to the latest period of recorded time, in the glorious annals of our common country, there will be no brighter page than that which relates The Battles of Gettysburg."
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow—this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
五份已知的蓋茲堡演說手抄本,各以自林肯之手承接之相關人士命名。林肯給他的私人秘書約翰·喬治·尼古拉(英语:John George Nicolay)(John Nicolay)與约翰·海伊每人各一份。兩份皆在其11月19日演說日左右寫就,而其他三份演說稿本,埃弗里特本、班克罗夫特本(Bancroft)與布利斯本(Bliss),為林肯為慈善目的於11月19日後自撰。由於林肯對布利斯本下標題並署名及記下日期,該本成為大多數林肯蓋茲堡演說的複寫再製品之來源。
兩份最早的草稿互有關連,然兩者之存在與起源有若干的混淆與矛盾之處。尼古拉與海伊二人,由林肯之子罗伯特·托德·林肯於1874年指派為林肯文件的保管人。尼古拉本於1894年出現在约翰·尼古拉的文章之副本中;據猜測,其於尼古拉在1901年逝世後,混雜在其女海倫轉交給海伊的文件當中。羅伯特·林肯於1908年開始找尋原稿,海倫從而耗時數年追尋尼古拉本未成。在給林肯的信中,海倫寫道:「海伊先生在文件轉交後不久告訴我,令尊給了家父蓋茲堡演說的原稿。」林肯追尋的結果是在約翰·海伊裝訂成冊的論文本中發現一份蓋茲堡演說手抄本—即今稱『海伊稿本』("Hay Draft")者,其使用的紙張、每行字數、整篇的行數、以及林肯編校的手跡,皆不同於約翰·尼古拉在1894年印行的版本。八年後,1916年3月,符合海倫·尼古拉記憶與其父文章之今稱『尼古拉本』者,據報存於約翰·海伊的孫女愛麗絲·海伊·沃兹沃思(Alice Hay Wadsworth)的所有物中。(引據之註解在美国海伦博物馆)
蓋茲堡演說的班克罗夫特本[18]由林肯總統於1864年四月應乔治·班克罗夫特之請寫就。身為當時最知名的歷史學家,班克罗夫特計畫將這份副本納入《我國之肇建者身後真跡》(Autograph Leaves of Our Country's Authors),並於巴爾地摩的海陸軍衛生展覽場中拍賣。由於這第四個副本寫於紙張的兩面,故不適合於此目的。班克罗夫特先生獲允保留下來。這是唯一一份隨附林肯寄送手稿所用之原有信封,並有林肯手書地址及免費郵遞字樣者。這份副本留在班克罗夫特家族手中數年,後捐贈予康乃爾大學中的卡爾克勞區。
在發現其第四份手跡成為喬治·班克罗夫特收納的《身後真跡》後,林肯總統寫下第五稿。布利斯本[19]為林肯唯一署名之副本,曾一度為亞歷山大·布利斯(英语:Alexander Bliss)上校家族所有;他是班克罗夫特的繼子與《身後真跡》發行人。這是林肯所寫的最後一份手稿,由於其外觀經小心保存,也由於林肯於此副本下標題並署名及記下日期,它成為這場演講的標準版本。布利斯本成為大多數林肯蓋茲堡演說的複寫再製品之源頭。原稿今藏於白宮的林肯臥室(英语:Lincoln Bedroom),為前古巴駐美大使奧斯卡·B·辛塔斯(英语:Oscar B. Cintas)(Oscar B. Cintas)致贈的禮物。辛塔斯為富有的文物藝品收藏家,他於1949年在一場拍賣會中以五萬四千美元買下布利斯本,就公開拍賣的文件而言,其為史上最高價位。[20]
另一份當時講稿的原始資料為美聯社的有線服務(wire service)廣播,轉謄自記者約瑟夫·吉爾伯特(Joseph L. Gilbert)的速計筆記;同樣在一些小地方與草稿的本文有異。[21][需要完整来源][22][需要完整来源]
對於林肯當時的表現,現場目擊者的報導同樣也是各色觀點兼具。1931年,時年87歲的莎拉·庫克·麥爾斯夫人(Mrs. Sarah A. Cooke Myers),曾在19歲時參與揭幕式,她表示林肯演說後現場莊重肅靜:「我當時很靠近總統,聽完全部演講,但好像太短了。然後是一陣令人印象深刻的靜默,類似於我們的Menallen教友團契。他講完後並沒有掌聲。」[23]據歷史學家謝爾白·富特(Shelby Foote)所言,在林肯發表完演說後,掌聲遲疑、零亂、且「敷衍了事」。[24][25][需要完整来源]相對之下,宾夕法尼亚州州长安德魯·格雷格·柯廷直言:「他以全場清晰可聞的聲音宣講那場演說,在場群眾因總統站在面前而陷入寂靜…『太令人欽佩了!』是各人一致的評論。好一場演講,正如他們所說的一樣!」[26]
在《林肯在蓋茲堡:再造美國的字句》一書中,加里·威爾斯(英语:Garry Wills)表示這場演說受美式希臘復興(Greek Revival)及雅典的傳統葬禮演說之影響,以及一位論(上帝只有一位,而非三位一體)中的超越論與廢奴主義者西奥多·帕克(英语:Theodore Parker)(『全民共有,全民共治,全民共享』("of all the people, by all the people, for all the people")警句的原創者),還有丹尼爾·韋伯斯特對憲法的主張。[30]
作家以及內戰學者詹姆斯·M·麦克弗森對威爾斯著作之評述,擬之於古希腊史家修昔底德所述,雅典政治家佩里克利斯於伯羅奔尼撒戰爭期間的葬禮演說,並列舉若干特點與林肯的演說比較。[31]佩里克利斯的演說,一如林肯,以向可敬的先人致意為開端:『我須始於我輩先祖:是正確而適當者,其若齒及今日如此盛典,應感與有榮焉。』("I shall begin with our ancestors: it is both just and proper that they should have the honour of the first mention on an occasion like the present");再來是讚揚國家對民主的承諾獨一無二:『觀其律法,賦平等正義予全體人民』("If we look to the laws, they afford equal justice to all in their private differences"),尊崇亡者的犠牲:『故寧力拒而亡,不受辱而生者,已遠辱而犯險』("Thus choosing to die resisting, rather than to live submitting, they fled only from dishonour, but met danger face to face");並敦促生者繼續奮鬥:『爾等,其孓遺,須決心以不移之念以入沙場,庶可為適切之爭而禱。』("You, their survivors, must determine to have as unfaltering a resolution in the field, though you may pray that it may have a happier issue.")[32][33]
克雷格·R·史密斯(Craig R. Smith)於《對政治修辭與修養的完善之批判》("Criticism of Political Rhetoric and Disciplinary Integrity")表示韋伯斯特(Webster)的著名演講影響林肯在蓋茲堡演說中對政府觀點的闡釋,尤其是韋伯斯特的《對黑涅的二次回覆》("Second Reply to Hayne")。他在其中陳述:『此政府,可敬的先生,為公眾志願之產物,非州議會之創造,非也。尤有甚者,若須表述全部真理,則使其成真之人民、肇建、並擁護迄今者,為此之圖,連同他事,氣魄宏大而明確地強烈限制對州之最高主權。』("This government, Sir, is the independent offspring of the popular will. It is not the creature of State legislatures; nay, more, if the whole truth must be told, the people brought it into existence, established it, and have hitherto supported it, for the very purpose, amongst others, of imposing certain salutary restraints on State sovereignties.") [34][35]
有人注意到林肯以誕生、存活、消亡的比喻性手法用於國家的『肇建』("brought forth")、『孕育』("conceived")、以及必不自地球上『消亡』("perish")。另外,包含作家艾倫·歸爾佐(英语:Allen C. Guelzo)(Allen C. Guelzo)在內,曾表示林肯公式化的表述『八十有七』("four score and seven")間接來自英王欽定版聖經(King James Version of the Bible)Psalm 90 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)。聖經中對壽算之表述類於『六十有十』("three score and ten")[36][37]
一個廣為流傳的傳言稱,林肯於演說結束後,轉向其隨扈瓦德·希尔·拉蒙(英语:Ward Hill Lamon)(Ward Hill Lamon),評述自己的演說猶如敗犁,『不可扒梳』。據加里·威尔斯所言,這種說法毫無事實根據,大部分是來自拉蒙不可靠的記憶。[1]依威爾斯的觀點,『(林肯)已達其欲成(於蓋茲堡)者』。
1916年,文史學者胡適率先給出兩個版本的譯文,一為“吾民所自有、所自操、所自为之政府”,二为“此主于民、出于民,而又为民之政府。”後來,英語學者钱歌川在《英文疑难详解》譯為「為人民服務的(of the people),被人民選出的( by the people),治理人民的( for the people)」,從三個層次闡述了民選政府的職責(of the people)、由來(by the people)和功能(for the people)。[42]。這三個譯文最接近原文意思。
1917年2月21日,中華民國國父孫文在為其書《民權初步》作序時,序中表示:「何為民國?美國總統林肯氏有言曰:『民之所有,民之所治,民之所享。』此之謂民國也。」[43],後於1919年,孙文在《三民主义》文言本中表示:“林肯氏曰“为民而有,为民而治,为民而享”者,斯乃人民之政府也。有如此之政府,而民者始真为一国之主也。”[44],1921年6月,孙文演说《三民主义之具体办法》時說:“这句话的中文意思,没有适当的译文,兄弟就把它译作:民有、民治、民享。of the people就是民有,by the people就是民治,for the people就是民享。林肯所主張的這民有、民治和民享主義,就是兄弟所主張的民族、民權和民生主義!”[45]1924年孫文演講《三民主義》之『民生主義』第二講,末端表示:「我們三民主義的意思,就是民有、民治、民享;這個民有、民治、民享的意思,就是國家是人民所共有,政治是人民所共管,利益是人民所共享。」[46]
徐道鄰在中譯這篇演說時,將“of the people, by the people, for the people”譯成“民有、民治、民享”,應是根據孫文的中譯而來的;他又加以題解:“其論民主政治之真諦,以三介詞闡發無剩義,尤為神來之筆。他人千言萬語,徒為詞費矣。”[47]
^pp. 24-5, a p. 35, b pp. 34-5, c p. 36, Wills, Garry: Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words That Remade America. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992, ISBN 0-671-76956-1.
^Abraham Lincoln in the Wills House Bedroom at Gettysburg. URL accessed on 2005-12-18.
^Johnson, Martin P. "Who Stole the Gettysburg Address," Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association 24(2) (Summer 2003): 1-19.
^Abraham Lincoln at the Gettysburg Town Square. URL accessed on 2005-12-18.
^Saddle Used by Abraham Lincoln in Gettysburg. URL accessed on 2005-12-18.
^Edward Everett's complete "Gettysburg Oration". URL accessed on 2005-12-18.
^Library of Congress website, Nicolay Copy, page 1, page 2
^Nicolay, J. "Lincoln's Gettysburg Address," Century Magazine 47 (February 1894): 596–608, cited by Johnson, Martin P. "Who Stole the Gettysburg Address," Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association 24(2) (Summer 2003): 1-19.
^Library of Congress website, Top Treasures of the American Treasures exhibition
^Library of Congress website, Hay Copy, page 1, page 2
^Cornell University Library website, Bancroft Copy, page 1, page 2
^The Cornell Daily Sun - C.U. Holds Gettysburg Address Manuscript. URL accessed on 2005-12-18.
^Oscar B. Cintas foundation website.. URL accessed on 2005-12-23.
^V. The Speech at Gettysburg by Abraham Lincoln. America: II. (1818-1865). Vol. IX. Bryan, William Jennings, ed. 1906. The World's Famous Orations. URL accessed on 2005-12-18.
^History/Archives : The Associated Press. URL accessed on 2005-12-18.
^Recollections of Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg. URL accessed on 2005-12-18.
^Foote, Shelby, The Civil War, A Narrative: Fredericksburg to Meridian, Random House, 1958, ISBN 0-394-49517-9.
^Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg Cemetery (See above). URL accessed on 2005-12-18.
^Vosmeier, Matthew Noah. "Lincoln Lore: Gary Wills' Lincoln at Gettysburg Website of The Lincoln Museum, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Accessed December 16, 2005.
^Simon, et al., eds. The Lincoln Forum: Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg, and the Civil War. Mason City: Savas Publishing Company, 1999. ISBN 1-882810-37-6, p. 41.