草酸铀酰 ,化学式UO2 C2 O4 ,是一种浅黄色的铀酰 化合物。它在核燃料循环 的前端和后端,以及在工业核反应 中经常遇到。由于其吸湿性 ,草酸铀酰的无水物较稀有,通常是以三水合物 (UO2 C2 O4 ·3H2 O) 的形式存在。[ 1] 在常温下,这种粉末为单斜晶系 ,空间群 P 21 /c 。[ 2]
三水合草酸铀酰可以由硝酸铀酰 的六水合物和草酸 反应而成。[ 3]
草酸铀酰可用于曝光计 中。[ 4]
^ Thompson, Nathan B. A.; Stennett, Martin C.; Gilbert, Matthew R.; Hyatt, Neil C. Nuclear forensic signatures and structural analysis of uranyl oxalate, its products of thermal decomposition and Fe impurity dopant . Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 2021-01-06. ISSN 0236-5731 . doi:10.1007/s10967-020-07538-2 .
^ Jayadevan, N. C.; Chackraburtty, D. M. The crystal and molecular structure of uranyl oxalate trihydrate. Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry. 1972-11-15, 28 (11): 3178–3182. ISSN 0567-7408 . doi:10.1107/s0567740872007691 .
^ Tel, H; Bülbül, M; Eral, M; Altaş, Y. Preparation and characterization of uranyl oxalate powders . Journal of Nuclear Materials. November 1999, 275 (2): 146–150. Bibcode:1999JNuM..275..146T . ISSN 0022-3115 . doi:10.1016/s0022-3115(99)00119-1 .
^ Bryce-Smith, D. Photochemistry . Royal Society of Chemistry. : 279. ISBN 978-0-85186-015-2 (英语) .
铀(II) 铀(III)
铀(IV,V) 铀(V) 铀(V,VI) 铀(VI) 铀(XII)