尽管罗西耶未能如愿加入他原本计划记录的军事行动,他在东亚又停留了一段时间。1860年10月,罗西耶回到长崎,受时任英国领事乔治·S·莫里森(英语:George S. Morrison (diplomat))委托,以70美元的价格拍摄了长崎港的照片。这一数字非常可观,作为对比,14年后的另一宗照片交易中,内田九一(日语:内田九一)的一套500张照片以250美元的价格成交,相当于一位薪水丰厚的外国顾问月薪的3/4[9]:20[10]:137-138。在一封1860年10月13日寄出的信中,莫里森写道:“……考虑到罗西耶先生另有他事,……并且他不是专门贩卖照片的商人,我没有讨价还价的余地。”[4]罗西耶在日本拍摄的照片还出现于施美夫所著的书中以及一些平版印刷出版物[11]:49。1861年,伦敦新闻画报刊登了若干版画,反映中国的日常生活,图案取自罗西耶的摄影作品[12]:119。罗西耶的照片被内格雷迪和赞布拉公司用于宣传,其中一张《盛装的日本女人》成为日本第一张公开的商业摄影作品,同时也是日本最早的手工上色的照片[11]:47,49,fig. 45。
1862年初,罗西耶回到瑞士,在弗里堡和艾因西德伦经营摄影工作室。期间,罗西耶拍摄了大量立体照片和名片格式照片(英语:Carte de visite),题材包括人像和瑞士风光。若干瑞士机构和私人收藏中包括了罗西耶在瑞士的风光作品。1871年,弗里堡法语报纸《自由报(法语:La Liberté)》上刊登的广告出现了罗西耶拍摄的宗教艺术作品[12]:120。1865年10月,罗西耶和一位名为凯瑟琳的女子结婚,凯瑟琳1866年7月诞下一子。1867年4月4日,凯瑟琳逝世。1872年,罗西耶申请护照前往法国,在当地也拍摄了照片。1871年至1884年中的某个时间,罗西耶第二次结婚,结婚对象是摄影工作室的房东的女仆。他们的儿子出生于1884年3月16日,在沃韦经营一家小餐馆,逝世于1927年。罗西耶本人于1886年10月22日在巴黎逝世,終年57歲[1]。
^ Fuminori. "The Arrival of Photography". In The Advent of Photography in Japan / 寫眞渡來のころ. Tokyo: Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography; Hakodate: Hakodate Museum of Art, 1997. Exhibition catalogue with bilingual text.
^, Terry. The Search for Rossier: Early Photographer of China and Japan. Accessed 12 September 2006; cited above as "Bennett". Originally appeared in The PhotoHistorian-Journal of the Historical Group of the Royal Photographic Society, December 2004.
^Worswick, Clark. Japan: Photographs 1854–1905. New York: Pennwick/Alfred A. Knopf, 1979. ISBN 0-394-50836-X
Himeno, Junichi. "Encounters With Foreign Photographers: The Introduction and Spread of Photography in Kyushu". In Reflecting Truth: Japanese Photography in the Nineteenth Century, ed. Nicole Coolidge Rousmaniere, Mikiko Hirayama. Amsterdam: Hotei Publishing, 2004. ISBN 90-74822-76-2
Harris, David. Of Battle and Beauty: Felice Beato's Photographs of China. Santa Barbara: Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 1999. ISBN 0-89951-100-7 (paper), ISBN 0-89951-101-5 (hard)
^ 8.08.1
Thiriez, Régine. Barbarian Lens: Western Photographers of the Qianlong Emperor's European Palaces. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach, 1998. ISBN 90-5700-519-0
^Dobson, Sebastian. "Yokohama Shashin". In Art and Artifice: Japanese Photographs of the Meiji Era — Selections from the Jean S. and Frederic A. Sharf Collection at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Boston: MFA Publications, 2004. ISBN 0-87846-682-7 (paper), ISBN 0-87846-683-5 (hard)
Clark, John, John Fraser, and Colin Osman. "A revised chronology of Felice (Felix) Beato (1825/34?–1908?)". In Japanese Exchanges in Art, 1850s to 1930s with Britain, Continental Europe, and the USA: Papers and Research Materials. Sydney: Power Publications, 2001. ISBN 1-86487-303-5
Bennett, Terry. Old Japanese Photographs: Collector's Data Guide London: Quaritch, 2006. ISBN0-9550852-4-1 (hard)
Bennett, Terry. Photography in Japan: 1853–1912 Rutland, Vermont: Charles E. Tuttle, 2006. ISBN0-8048-3633-7 (hard)
Bennett, Terry. The Search for Rossier: Early Photographer of China and Japan. Accessed 12 September 2006; cited above as "Bennett". Originally appeared in The PhotoHistorian-Journal of the Historical Group of the Royal Photographic Society, December 2004.
Clark, John, John Fraser, and Colin Osman. "A revised chronology of Felice (Felix) Beato (1825/34?–1908?)". In Japanese Exchanges in Art, 1850s to 1930s with Britain, Continental Europe, and the USA: Papers and Research Materials. Sydney: Power Publications, 2001. ISBN1-86487-303-5
Dobson, Sebastian. "Yokohama Shashin". In Art and Artifice: Japanese Photographs of the Meiji Era — Selections from the Jean S. and Frederic A. Sharf Collection at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Boston: MFA Publications, 2004. ISBN0-87846-682-7 (paper), ISBN0-87846-683-5 (hard)
Harris, David. Of Battle and Beauty: Felice Beato's Photographs of China. Santa Barbara: Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 1999. ISBN0-89951-100-7 (paper), ISBN0-89951-101-5 (hard)
Himeno, Junichi. "Encounters With Foreign Photographers: The Introduction and Spread of Photography in Kyushu". In Reflecting Truth: Japanese Photography in the Nineteenth Century, ed. Nicole Coolidge Rousmaniere, Mikiko Hirayama. Amsterdam: Hotei Publishing, 2004. ISBN90-74822-76-2
Thiriez, Régine. Barbarian Lens: Western Photographers of the Qianlong Emperor's European Palaces. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach, 1998. ISBN90-5700-519-0
Worswick, Clark. Japan: Photographs 1854–1905. New York: Pennwick/Alfred A. Knopf, 1979. ISBN0-394-50836-X
Yokoe Fuminori. "The Arrival of Photography". In The Advent of Photography in Japan / 寫眞渡來のころ. Tokyo: Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography; Hakodate: Hakodate Museum of Art, 1997. Exhibition catalogue with bilingual text.