"On the Laws of Change of the Price System in an Economy which Contains Complementary Goods", 1952, Osaka Economic Papers.
"Consumer Behavior and Liquidity Preference", 1952, Econometrica.
"An Analysis of the Capitalist Process of Reproduction", 1956, Metroeconomica.
"Notes on the Theory of Stability of Multiple Exchange", 1957, Review of Economic Studies.
"A Contribution to the Non-Linear Theory of the Trade Cycle", 1958, ZfN.
"A Dynamic Analysis of Structural Change in a Leontief Model", 1958, Economica.
"Prices Interest and Profits in a Dynamic Leontief System", 1958, Econometrica.
"Some Properties of a Dynamic Leontief System with a Spectrum of Techniques", 1959, Econometrica.
"Existence of Solution to the Walrasian System of Capital Formation and Credit", 1960, ZfN.
"On the Three Hicksian Laws of Comparative Statics", 1960, Review of Economic Studies.
"A Reconsideration of the Walras-Cassel-Leontief Model of General Equilibrium", 1960, in Arrow, Karlin and Suppes, editors, Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences.
"Economic Expansion and the Interest Rate in Generalized von Neumann Models", 1960, Econometrica.
"Proof of a Turnpike Theorem: The `No Joint Production' Case", 1961, Review of Economic Studies.
"Aggregation in Leontief Matrices and the Labor Theory of Value", with F. Seton, 1961, Econometrica.
"Generalizations of the Frobenius-Wielandt Theorems for Non- Negative Square Matrices", 1961, J of London Mathematical Society.
"The Stability of Exchange Equilibrium: An alternative approach", 1962, International Economic Review.
"A Refutation of the Non-Switching Theorem", 1966, Quarterly Journal of Economics.
"A Generalization of the Gross Substitute System", 1970, Review of Economic Studies.
"Consumption-Investment Frontier, Wage-Profit Frontier and the von Neumann Growth Equilibrium", 1971, ZfN.
"The Frobenius Theorem, Its Solow-Samuelson Extension and the Kuhn-Tucker Theorem", with T. Fujimoto, 1974, Journal of Mathematical Economics.
"General Equilibrium Theory in the 21st Century", 1991, Economic Journal.