佩罗牛属第一具被发现的化石是在阿尔及利亚塞提夫市附近的布塞勒姆河(Bou Sellam River)地区发现的一个头骨,当地人在为一个新磨坊挖掘地基时,在挖到一米深处时发现了一个头骨,随后它由一位名叫里博维勒(M.Favre de Ribauvillers)的人运到巴黎。[3][4]这个头骨现在被归类为古佩罗牛,乔治·路易斯·迪韦尔诺瓦(Georges Louis Duvernoy)最初将其描述为一种水牛,他在1851年将其命名为Bubalus(Arni) Antiquis。带着些许敬畏,迪韦尔诺瓦对头骨说:“這尺寸太出色了...向我展現了這個物種過去曾生存於此。”[3]1978年,它被归为佩罗牛属。[5]1994年,古佩罗牛被移到了非洲水牛属,随后,许多研究者也开始关注它。[6]
^ 1.01.1Alan Turner & Mauricio Anton: Evolving Eden, An Illustrated Guide to the Evolution of the African Large-Mammal Fauna. Columbia University Press, New York 2004 ISBN0-231-11944-5 (pp. 159-167)
^ 2.02.1Ronald M. Nowak: Walker's Mammals of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999 ISBN0-8018-5789-9
^Klein, Richard G. The Long-Horned African Buffalo (Pelorovis antiquus) is an Extinct Species. Journal of Archaeological Science. November 1994, 21 (6): 725–733. doi:10.1006/jasc.1994.1072(英语).
^Martínez-Navarro, Bienvenido; Narjess, Karoui-Yaakoub; Oms, Oriol; Amri, Lamjed; López-García, Juan Manuel; Zerai, Kamel; Blain, Hugues-Alexandre; Mtimet, Moncef-Saïd; Espigares, María-Patrocinio; Ben Haj Ali, Nebiha; Ros-Montoya, Sergio; Boughdiri, Mabrouk; Agustí, Jordi; Khayati-Amma, Hayet; Maalaoui, Kamel; Om El Khir, Maahmoudi; Sala, Robert; Othmani, Abdelhak; Hawas, Ramla; Gómez-Merino, Gala; Solè, Àlex; Carbonell, Eudald; Palmqvist, Paul. The early Middle Pleistocene archeopaleontological site of Wadi Sarrat (Tunisia) and the earliest record of Bos primigenius. Quaternary Science Reviews. April 2014, 90: 37–46 [3 January 2020]. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.02.016.
^Hassanin, Alexandre. Systematic and evolution of Bovini. Melletti, D.R.; Burton, J. (编). Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour of Wild Cattle: Implications for Conservation. Cambridge University Press. January 2014: 7–21.