Lista över småplaneter

Detta är en lista över numrerade småplaneter.

I september 2018 hade man upptäckt 789 084 småplaneter varav 523 800 fått ett nummer och 21 778 hade fått ett namn.

Fem småplaneter har blivit klassificerade som dvärgplaneter. Fem objekt är samtidigt klassificerade som kometer och åtminstone två objekt misstänks vara borttappade raketsteg. (2009)[1]

De flesta upptäckta (443 023) småplaneterna finns i asteroidbältet. Innanför asteroidbältet har man upptäckt 6 163 aten-, apollo- och amor-asteroider. En asteroid (2002 AA29) går i samma omloppsbana som jorden. (2009)

Trojanska asteroider har sina omloppsbanor i planeternas lagrangepunkter. Man har upptäckt 4 stycken till Mars, 2 958 till Jupiter och 6 till Neptunus.(2009)

I kuiperbältet har man hittat 1 093 och bland centaurer och scattered disc 242 stycken. Sedna räknas här i en egen kategori av Oorts moln objekt.[2]

Lista över småplaneter

Listan är för lång för att rymmas på en enda sida. Se undersidor för detaljer.

1–500 10001–10500 20001–20500 30001–30500 40001–40500
501–1000 10501–11000 20501–21000 30501–31000 40501–41000
1001–1500 11001–11500 21001–21500 31001–31500 41001–41500
1501–2000 11501–12000 21501–22000 31501–32000 41501–42000
2001–2500 12001–12500 22001–22500 32001–32500 42001–42500
2501–3000 12501–13000 22501–23000 32501–33000 42501–43000
3001–3500 13001–13500 23001–23500 33001–33500 43001–43500
3501–4000 13501–14000 23501–24000 33501–34000 43501–44000
4001–4500 14001–14500 24001–24500 34001–34500 44001–44500
4501–5000 14501–15000 24501–25000 34501–35000 44501–45000
5001–5500 15001–15500 25001–25500 35001–35500 45001–45500
5501–6000 15501–16000 25501–26000 35501–36000 45501–46000
6001–6500 16001–16500 26001–26500 36001–36500 46001–46500
6501–7000 16501–17000 26501–27000 36501–37000 46501–47000
7001–7500 17001–17500 27001–27500 37001–37500 47001–47500
7501–8000 17501–18000 27501–28000 37501–38000 47501–48000
8001–8500 18001–18500 28001–28500 38001–38500 48001–48500
8501–9000 18501–19000 28501–29000 38501–39000 48501–49000
9001–9500 19001–19500 29001–29500 39001–39500 49001–49500
9501–10000 19501–20000 29501–30000 39501–40000 49501–50000
50001–50500 60001–60500 70001–70500 80001–80500 90001–90500
50501–51000 60501–61000 70501–71000 80501–81000 90501–91000
51001–51500 61001–61500 71001–71500 81001–81500 91001–91500
51501–52000 61501–62000 71501–72000 81501–82000 91501–92000
52001–52500 62001–62500 72001–72500 82001–82500 92001–92500
52501–53000 62501–63000 72501–73000 82501–83000 92501–93000
53001–53500 63001–63500 73001–73500 83001–83500 93001–93500
53501–54000 63501–64000 73501–74000 83501–84000 93501–94000
54001–54500 64001–64500 74001–74500 84001–84500 94001–94500
54501–55000 64501–65000 74501–75000 84501–85000 94501–95000
55001–55500 65001–65500 75001–75500 85001–85500 95001–95500
55501–56000 65501–66000 75501–76000 85501–86000 95501–96000
56001–56500 66001–66500 76001–76500 86001–86500 96001–96500
56501–57000 66501–67000 76501–77000 86501–87000 96501–97000
57001–57500 67001–67500 77001–77500 87001–87500 97001–97500
57501–58000 67501–68000 77501–78000 87501–88000 97501–98000
58001–58500 68001–68500 78001–78500 88001–88500 98001–98500
58501–59000 68501–69000 78501–79000 88501–89000 98501–99000
59001–59500 69001–69500 79001–79500 89001–89500 99001–99500
59501–60000 69501–70000 79501–80000 89501–90000 99501–100000
100001–100500 110001–110500 120001–120500 130001–130500 140001–140500
100501–101000 110501–111000 120501–121000 130501–131000 140501–141000
101001–101500 111001–111500 121001–121500 131001–131500 141001–141500
101501–102000 111501–112000 121501–122000 131501–132000 141501–142000
102001–102500 112001–112500 122001–122500 132001–132500 142001–142500
102501–103000 112501–113000 122501–123000 132501–133000 142501–143000
103001–103500 113001–113500 123001–123500 133001–133500 143001–143500
103501–104000 113501–114000 123501–124000 133501–134000 143501–144000
104001–104500 114001–114500 124001–124500 134001–134500 144001–144500
104501–105000 114501–115000 124501–125000 134501–135000 144501–145000
105001–105500 115001–115500 125001–125500 135001–135500 145001–145500
105501–106000 115501–116000 125501–126000 135501–136000 145501–146000
106001–106500 116001–116500 126001–126500 136001–136500 146001–146500
106501–107000 116501–117000 126501–127000 136501–137000 146501–147000
107001–107500 117001–117500 127001–127500 137001–137500 147001–147500
107501–108000 117501–118000 127501–128000 137501–138000 147501–148000
108001–108500 118001–118500 128001–128500 138001–138500 148001–148500
108501–109000 118501–119000 128501–129000 138501–139000 148501–149000
109001–109500 119001–119500 129001–129500 139001–139500 149001–149500
109501–110000 119501–120000 129501–130000 139501–140000 149501–150000
150001–150500 160001–160500 170001–170500 180001–180500 190001–190500
150501–151000 160501–161000 170501–171000 180501–181000 190501–191000
151001–151500 161001–161500 171001–171500 181001–181500 191001–191500
151501–152000 161501–162000 171501–172000 181501–182000 191501–192000
152001–152500 162001–162500 172001–172500 182001–182500 192001–192500
152501–153000 162501–163000 172501–173000 182501–183000 192501–193000
153001–153500 163001–163500 173001–173500 183001–183500 193001–193500
153501–154000 163501–164000 173501–174000 183501–184000 193501–194000
154001–154500 164001–164500 174001–174500 184001–184500 194001–194500
154501–155000 164501–165000 174501–175000 184501–185000 194501–195000
155001–155500 165001–165500 175001–175500 185001–185500 195001–195500
155501–156000 165501–166000 175501–176000 185501–186000 195501–196000
156001–156500 166001–166500 176001–176500 186001–186500 196001–196500
156501–157000 166501–167000 176501–177000 186501–187000 196501–197000
157001–157500 167001–167500 177001–177500 187001–187500 197001–197500
157501–158000 167501–168000 177501–178000 187501–188000 197501–198000
158001–158500 168001–168500 178001–178500 188001–188500 198001–198500
158501–159000 168501–169000 178501–179000 188501–189000 198501–199000
159001–159500 169001–169500 179001–179500 189001–189500 199001–199500
159501–160000 169501–170000 179501–180000 189501–190000 199501–200000
200001–200500 210001–210500 220001–220500 230001–230500 240001–240500
200501–201000 210501–211000 220501–221000 230501–231000 240501–241000
201001–201500 211001–211500 221001–221500 231001–231500 241001–241500
201501–202000 211501–212000 221501–222000 231501–232000 241501–242000
202001–202500 212001–212500 222001–222500 232001–232500 242001–242500
202501–203000 212501–213000 222501–223000 232501–233000 242501–243000
203001–203500 213001–213500 223001–223500 233001–233500 243001–243500
203501–204000 213501–214000 223501–224000 233501–234000 243501–244000
204001–204500 214001–214500 224001–224500 234001–234500 244001–244500
204501–205000 214501–215000 224501–225000 234501–235000 244501–245000
205001–205500 215001–215500 225001–225500 235001–235500 245001–245500
205501–206000 215501–216000 225501–226000 235501–236000 245501–246000
206001–206500 216001–216500 226001–226500 236001–236500 246001–246500
206501–207000 216501–217000 226501–227000 236501–237000 246501–247000
207001–207500 217001–217500 227001–227500 237001–237500 247001–247500
207501–208000 217501–218000 227501–228000 237501–238000 247501–248000
208001–208500 218001–218500 228001–228500 238001–238500 248001–248500
208501–209000 218501–219000 228501–229000 238501–239000 248501–249000
209001–209500 219001–219500 229001–229500 239001–239500 249001–249500
209501–210000 219501–220000 229501–230000 239501–240000 249501–250000
250001–250500 260001–260500 270001–270500 280001–280500 290001–290500
250501–251000 260501–261000 270501–271000 280501–281000 290501–291000
251001–251500 261001–261500 271001–271500 281001–281500 291001–291500
251501–252000 261501–262000 271501–272000 281501–282000 291501–292000
252001–252500 262001–262500 272001–272500 282001–282500 292001–292500
252501–253000 262501–263000 272501–273000 282501–283000 292501–293000
253001–253500 263001–263500 273001–273500 283001–283500 293001–293500
253501–254000 263501–264000 273501–274000 283501–284000 293501–294000
254001–254500 264001–264500 274001–274500 284001–284500 294001–294500
254501–255000 264501–265000 274501–275000 284501–285000 294501–295000
255001–255500 265001–265500 275001–275500 285001–285500 295001–295500
255501–256000 265501–266000 275501–276000 285501–286000 295501–296000
256001–256500 266001–266500 276001–276500 286001–286500 296001–296500
256501–257000 266501–267000 276501–277000 286501–287000 296501–297000
257001–257500 267001–267500 277001–277500 287001–287500 297001–297500
257501–258000 267501–268000 277501–278000 287501–288000 297501–298000
258001–258500 268001–268500 278001–278500 288001–288500 298001–298500
258501–259000 268501–269000 278501–279000 288501–289000 298501–299000
259001–259500 269001–269500 279001–279500 289001–289500 299001–299500
259501–260000 269501–270000 279501–280000 289501–290000 299501–300000
300001–300500 310001–310500 320001–320500 330001–330500 340001–340500
300501–301000 310501–311000 320501–321000 330501–331000 340501–341000
301001–301500 311001–311500 321001–321500 331001–331500 341001–341500
301501–302000 311501–312000 321501–322000 331501–332000 341501–342000
302001–302500 312001–312500 322001–322500 332001–332500 342001–342500
302501–303000 312501–313000 322501–323000 332501–333000 342501–343000
303001–303500 313001–313500 323001–323500 333001–333500 343001–343500
303501–304000 313501–314000 323501–324000 333501–334000 343501–344000
304001–304500 314001–314500 324001–324500 334001–334500 344001–344500
304501–305000 314501–315000 324501–325000 334501–335000 344501–345000
305001–305500 315001–315500 325001–325500 335001–335500 345001–345500
305501–306000 315501–316000 325501–326000 335501–336000 345501–346000
306001–306500 316001–316500 326001–326500 336001–336500 346001–346500
306501–307000 316501–317000 326501–327000 336501–337000 346501–347000
307001–307500 317001–317500 327001–327500 337001–337500 347001–347500
307501–308000 317501–318000 327501–328000 337501–338000 347501–348000
308001–308500 318001–318500 328001–328500 338001–338500 348001–348500
308501–309000 318501–319000 328501–329000 338501–339000 348501–349000
309001–309500 319001–319500 329001–329500 339001–339500 349001–349500
309501–310000 319501–320000 329501–330000 339501–340000 349501–350000
350001–350500 360001–360500 370001–370500 380001–380500 390001–390500
350501–351000 360501–361000 370501–371000 380501–381000 390501–391000
351001–351500 361001–361500 371001–371500 381001–381500 391001–391500
351501–352000 361501–362000 371501–372000 381501–382000 391501–392000
352001–352500 362001–362500 372001–372500 382001–382500 392001–392500
352501–353000 362501–363000 372501–373000 382501–383000 392501–393000
353001–353500 363001–363500 373001–373500 383001–383500 393001–393500
353501–354000 363501–364000 373501–374000 383501–384000 393501–394000
354001–354500 364001–364500 374001–374500 384001–384500 394001–394500
354501–355000 364501–365000 374501–375000 384501–385000 394501–395000
355001–355500 365001–365500 375001–375500 385001–385500 395001–395500
355501–356000 365501–366000 375501–376000 385501–386000 395501–396000
356001–356500 366001–366500 376001–376500 386001–386500 396001–396500
356501–357000 366501–367000 376501–377000 386501–387000 396501–397000
357001–357500 367001–367500 377001–377500 387001–387500 397001–397500
357501–358000 367501–368000 377501–378000 387501–388000 397501–398000
358001–358500 368001–368500 378001–378500 388001–388500 398001–398500
358501–359000 368501–369000 378501–379000 388501–389000 398501–399000
359001–359500 369001–369500 379001–379500 389001–389500 399001–399500
359501–360000 369501–370000 379501–380000 389501–390000 399501–400000
400001–400500 410001–410500 420001–420500 430001–430500 440001–440500
400501–401000 410501–411000 420501–421000 430501–431000 440501–441000
401001–401500 411001–411500 421001–421500 431001–431500 441001–441500
401501–402000 411501–412000 421501–422000 431501–432000 441501–442000
402001–402500 412001–412500 422001–422500 432001–432500 442001–442500
402501–403000 412501–413000 422501–423000 432501–433000 442501–443000
403001–403500 413001–413500 423001–423500 433001–433500 443001–443500
403501–404000 413501–414000 423501–424000 433501–434000 443501–444000
404001–404500 414001–414500 424001–424500 434001–434500 444001–444500
404501–405000 414501–415000 424501–425000 434501–435000 444501–445000
405001–405500 415001–415500 425001–425500 435001–435500 445001–445500
405501–406000 415501–416000 425501–426000 435501–436000 445501–446000
406001–406500 416001–416500 426001–426500 436001–436500 446001–446500
406501–407000 416501–417000 426501–427000 436501–437000 446501–447000
407001–407500 417001–417500 427001–427500 437001–437500 447001–447500
407501–408000 417501–418000 427501–428000 437501–438000 447501–448000
408001–408500 418001–418500 428001–428500 438001–438500 448001–448500
408501–409000 418501–419000 428501–429000 438501–439000 448501–449000
409001–409500 419001–419500 429001–429500 439001–439500 449001–449500
409501–410000 419501–420000 429501–430000 439501–440000 449501–450000
450001–450500 460001–460500 470001–470500 480001–480500 490001–490500
450501–451000 460501–461000 470501–471000 480501–481000 490501–491000
451001–451500 461001–461500 471001–471500 481001–481500 491001–491500
451501–452000 461501–462000 471501–472000 481501–482000 491501–492000
452001–452500 462001–462500 472001–472500 482001–482500 492001–492500
452501–453000 462501–463000 472501–473000 482501–483000 492501–493000
453001–453500 463001–463500 473001–473500 483001–483500 493001–493500
453501–454000 463501–464000 473501–474000 483501–484000 493501–494000
454001–454500 464001–464500 474001–474500 484001–484500 494001–494500
454501–455000 464501–465000 474501–475000 484501–485000 494501–495000
455001–455500 465001–465500 475001–475500 485001–485500 495001–495500
455501–456000 465501–466000 475501–476000 485501–486000 495501–496000
456001–456500 466001–466500 476001–476500 486001–486500 496001–496500
456501–457000 466501–467000 476501–477000 486501–487000 496501–497000
457001–457500 467001–467500 477001–477500 487001–487500 497001–497500
457501–458000 467501–468000 477501–478000 487501–488000 497501–498000
458001–458500 468001–468500 478001–478500 488001–488500 498001–498500
458501–459000 468501–469000 478501–479000 488501–489000 498501–499000
459001–459500 469001–469500 479001–479500 489001–489500 499001–499500
459501–460000 469501–470000 479501–480000 489501–490000 499501–500000
500001–500500 510001–510500 520001–520500 530001–530500 540001–540500
500501–501000 510501–511000 520501–521000 530501–531000 540501–541000
501001–501500 511001–511500 521001–521500 531001–531500 541001–541500
501501–502000 511501–512000 521501–522000 531501–532000 541501–542000
502001–502500 512001–512500 522001–522500 532001–532500 542001–542500
502501–503000 512501–513000 522501–523000 532501–533000 542501–543000
503001–503500 513001–513500 523001–523500 533001–533500 543001–543500
503501–504000 513501–514000 523501–524000 533501–534000 543501–544000
504001–504500 514001–514500 524001–524500 534001–534500 544001–544500
504501–505000 514501–515000 524501–525000 534501–535000 544501–545000
505001–505500 515001–515500 525001–525500 535001–535500 545001–545500
505501–506000 515501–516000 525501–526000 535501–536000 545501–546000
506001–506500 516001–516500 526001–526500 536001–536500 546001–546500
506501–507000 516501–517000 526501–527000 536501–537000 546501–547000
507001–507500 517001–517500 527001–527500 537001–537500 547001–547500
507501–508000 517501–518000 527501–528000 537501–538000 547501–548000
508001–508500 518001–518500 528001–528500 538001–538500 548001–548500
508501–509000 518501–519000 528501–529000 538501–539000 548501–549000
509001–509500 519001–519500 529001–529500 539001–539500 549001–549500
509501–510000 519501–520000 529501–530000 539501–540000 549501–550000


  1. ^ Se 1991 VG och 2000 SG344
  2. ^ Known populations of solar system objects: May 2009 Arkiverad 9 juni 2019 hämtat från the Wayback Machine. Hämtat 27 maj 2009

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TV programming block, mostly animation Not to be confused with Zoonami or Toon Army. ToonamiNetwork Cartoon Network (1997–2008) Kids' WB (2001–02) Adult Swim (2012–present) Launched March 17, 1997; 27 years ago (1997-03-17) (Cartoon Network) May 26, 2012; 11 years ago (2012-05-26) (Adult Swim) ClosedSeptember 20, 2008; 15 years ago (2008-09-20) (Cartoon Network)Country of originUnited StatesOwnerThe Cartoon Network, Inc.(Warner Bros....

Sporting event delegationPalau at theOlympicsIOC codePLWNOCPalau National Olympic Gold 0 Silver 0 Bronze 0 Total 0 Summer appearances2000200420082012201620202024 NOC symbol of Palau Palau had its debut at the Summer Olympic Games in 2000 in Sydney. Palau has not yet participated in any Winter Olympic Games. Palau sent two sprinters and a swimmer at the London 2012 Olympics.[1] To date, no athlete from Palau has ever won an Olympic medal...


Umupuia Beach, late afternoon, view from Duder Regional Park View from Duder Regional Park across Duders Beach Umupuia Beach, also known as Duders Beach, is located in the Auckland Region of New Zealand, to the east of Maraetai[1] on the North Road from Clevedon. Duder Regional Park is on the headland immediately to the east. The land was purchased in 1866 from the original Maori owners Ngāi Tai by Thomas Duder. Today the beach is divided between the public beach and a private beach...


Disambiguazione – Arbitrio rimanda qui. Se stai cercando altri significati, vedi Arbitrio (disambigua). Ercole al bivio, dipinto di Annibale Carracci (1596), raffigurante l'indecisione dell'eroe fra le alternative della virtù e del vizio. Il libero arbitrio è un concetto filosofico e teologico secondo il quale ogni persona ha il potere di decidere gli scopi del proprio agire e pensare, tipicamente perseguiti tramite volontà, nel senso che la sua possibilità di scelta ha origine...

  لمعانٍ أخرى، طالع الوكيل (توضيح). جزء من سلسلة مقالات حولالله في الإسلام مصطلحاتالتسبيح: سبحان الله التكبير: الله أكبر الحمد: الحمد لله التشهّد: لا إله إلّا الله تعابير مرتبطة جلَّ جلاله سبحانه وتعالى عزَّ وجلّ أخرى إنَّا لله بسم الله إن شاء الله ما شاء الله استغفر الل...


У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Парк аттракционов (значения). Волшебный парк Джунангл. Wonder Park Жанры комедия, приключения, семейный Техника анимации компьютерная Режиссёр Дилан Браун Авторы сценария Андре НемецДжош Аппелбаум Роли озвучивали Дженнифе�...


Este artículo o sección necesita ser wikificado, por favor, edítalo para que cumpla con las convenciones de estilo.Este aviso fue puesto el 8 de agosto de 2019. Puerto de La Coruña Vista general del puerto.UbicaciónPaís España EspañaDivisión Galicia GaliciaSubdivisión La CoruñaLa CoruñaLocalidad La CoruñaArteijoCoordenadas 43°21′52″N 8°23′38″O / 43.36447, -8.39382Datos generalesÁmbito internacionalInauguración Época RomanaTipo marítimoActi...

American politician Andrew MathewsMember of the Minnesota SenateIncumbentAssumed office January 3, 2017Preceded byDave BrownConstituency15th district (2017-2023)27th district (2023-present) Personal detailsBorn1987 (age 36–37)Political partyRepublicanResidence(s)Milaca, Minnesota, U.S.Alma materOak Brook College of LawOccupationpastor, caseworker Andrew Mathews is an American politician and member of the Minnesota Senate. A member of the Republican Party of Minnesota, he repres...


In algebraic geometry, an algebraic variety or scheme X is normal if it is normal at every point, meaning that the local ring at the point is an integrally closed domain. An affine variety X (understood to be irreducible) is normal if and only if the ring O(X) of regular functions on X is an integrally closed domain. A variety X over a field is normal if and only if every finite birational morphism from any variety Y to X is an isomorphism. Normal varieties were introduced by Zariski (19...


Voce principale: Phoenix Suns. Phoenix SunsStagione 2020-2021Sport pallacanestro Squadra Phoenix Suns Head CoachMonty Williams ProprietarioRobert Sarver General managerJames Jones NBA51–21 (70,8%)Division: 1ª (Pacific)Conference: 2ª (Western) PlayoffFinali NBA(perso vs Milwaukee 2–4) StadioPhoenix Suns Arena 2019-2020 2021-2022 Dati aggiornati al 21 luglio 2021 La stagione 2020-2021 dei Phoenix Suns è stata la 53ª stagione della franchigia nella NBA. Indice 1 Draft 2 Roster ...

Keeping a fixed angle on a distant source of light for orientation This article relies largely or entirely on a single source. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page. Please help improve this article by introducing citations to additional sources.Find sources: Transverse orientation – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (March 2011) Transverse orientation, keeping a fixed angle on a distant source of light for orientation, is a propr...


KY-5 redirects here. For the state route, see Kentucky Route 5. U.S. House district for Kentucky Kentucky's 5th congressional districtInteractive map of district boundaries since January 3, 2023RepresentativeHal RogersR–SomersetDistribution76.49% rural[1]23.51% urbanPopulation (2022)739,149[2]Median householdincome$42,736[3]Ethnicity93.7% White2.6% Two or more races1.5% Hispanic1.4% Black0.4% Asian0.3% otherCook PVIR+32[4] Sign in front of the McCracken, Kent...