Рувен Фојерштајн

Рувен Фојерштајн
Датум рођења(1921-08-21)21. август 1921.
Место рођењаБотошаниРумунија
Датум смрти29. април 2014.(2014-04-29) (92 год.)
Место смртиЈерусалимИзраел

Рувен Фојерштајн (хебр. ראובן פוירשטיין; Ботошани, 21. август 1921 - Јерусалим, 29. април 2014) је био клинички, развојни и когнитивни психолог, познат по својој теорији интелигенције која каже „да она није 'фиксна', већ се може модификовати”.[1] Фојерштајн је познат по свом раду у развоју теорија и примењених система структуралне когнитивне модификације,[2] посредованог искуства учења,[3] когнитивне мапе, недостајућих когнитивних функција, уређаја за процену склоности учењу,[4] програма за инструментално обогаћивање,[5] и обликовање окружења за модификовање. Ове испреплетене праксе пружају наставницима вештине и алате за систематски развој когнитивних функција и операција ученика за изградњу мета-когниције.

Фојерштајн је био оснивач и директор Међународног центра за унапређење потенцијала учења (ICELP) у Јерусалиму, Израел. Више од 50 година, Фојерштајнове теорије и примењени системи су имплементирани како у клиничким, тако и у учионицама широм света, са више од 80 земаља које примењују његов рад. Фојерштајнова теорија о флексибилности интелигенције довела је до више од 2.000 научних истраживања и безброј студија случаја са различитим популацијама које уче (погледајте библиографију и публикацију о Фојрештајновом раду).


  1. ^ Brown, Hannah. „Professor Reuven Feuerstein: A personal remembrance from a very grateful mother”. JPost. Приступљено 2014-05-01. 
  2. ^ Feuerstein, R. (1990). The theory of structural modifiability. In B. Presseisen (Ed.), Learning and thinking styles: Classroom interaction. Washington, DC: National Education Associations.
  3. ^ Reuven Feuerstein; Pnina S. Klein; Abraham J. Tannenbaum, ур. (1999). Mediated Learning Experience (MLE): Theoretical, Psychosocial and Learning Implications. Freund Publishing House Ltd. ISBN 965-294-085-2. 
  4. ^ Feuerstein, R., Feuerstein, S., Falik, L & Rand, Y. (1979; 2002). Dynamic assessments of cognitive modifiability. ICELP Press, Jerusalem: Israel.
  5. ^ Feuerstein, R. Rand, Y., Hoffman, M.B., & Miller, R. (1980; 2004). Instrumental enrichment: An intervention program for cognitive modifiability. Baltimore, MD. University Park Press.


    • Richelle, M. and Feuerstein, R. (Under direction of Prof. Andre Rey, and in Jeannet) (1957). Enfants Juifs Nord-Africans. Tel Aviv: Youth Aliyah. collaboration with M.
    • Feuerstein, R. & Richelle, M. (Under direction of Prof. Andre Rey, and in collaboration with M. Jeannet) (1963). Children of the Mellah: Socio-cultural deprivation and its educational significance. Jerusalem: Szold Foundation (in Hebrew).
    • Feuerstein, R., Rand, Y., & Hoffman, M. (1979). The dynamic assessment of retarded performers: The learning potential assessment device (LPAD). Baltimore, MD: University Park Press.
    • Feuerstein, R., Rand, Y., & Hoffman, M., & Miller, R. (1980). Instrumental Enrichment: An intervention program for cognitive modifiability. Baltimore, MD: University Park Press. (Chinese translation, 1989)
    • Feuerstein, R., Rand, Y., Rynders, J. (1988). Don’t accept me as I am: Helping “retarded” people to excel. N.Y.: Plenum Press (Second revised edition published by Skylight in 1997; Dutch translation: Laat me niet zoals ik bem. Rotterdam: Leminscaat, 1993; Italian translation: Non accettarmi como sono. Milan: R.C.S. Libri, 1995; Japanese translation – 2000)
    • Wexler, M. and Feuerstein, R. (Eds.) (1988). Reconstructive plastic surgery for people with Down Syndrome as an element in shaping modifying environment. Jerusalem: Zak and Co. (in Hebrew).
    • Feuerstein, R. and Rand Y. (with Engels N. & Feuerstein, Ra S.) (2001). Don't accept me as I am. (New enlarged Hebrew edition). Jerusalem: ICELP Press. (Revised Italian translation: La disabilita non e un limite. Firenze: Libri Liberi, 2005; revised English edition, ICELP Press, 2006).
    • Feuerstein, R., Klein, P., & Tannenbaum, A. (Eds.)(1991). Mediated learning experience: Theoretical, psychosocial, and learning implications. Tel Aviv and London: Freund.
    • Feuerstein, R. (1998). The theory of mediated learning experience: About human as a modifiable Being. Jerusalem: Ministry of Defense Publications (in Hebrew).
    • Kozulin, A., Feuerstein, R., & Feuerstein, Ra. S. (Eds).(2001) Mediated learning experience in teaching and counseling (Proceedings of the international conferences "Models of teacher training" and "Educational advancement for youth at risk"). Jerusalem: ICELP Press.
    • Feuerstein, R., Falik, L., Rand, Y., & Feuerstein, Ra.S. (2002). The dynamic assessment of cognitive modifiability. Jerusalem: ICELP Press.
    • Feuerstein, R. et al. (2003). Feuerstein’s theory and applied systems: A reader. Jerusalem: ICELP Press.
    • Feuerstein, R. and Spire, A. (2006). La pédagogie à visage humain. Paris: Le Bord de l’Eau.
    • Feuerstein, R., Falik, L., Rand, Y., & Feuerstein, Ra.S. (2006). Creating and enhancing cognitive modifiability: The Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment program. Jerusalem: ICELP Press.
Поглавља, чланци и приручници
    • Feuerstein, R. & Richelle, M. (1958). Perception and drawing of the North African Jewish child. Megamot, 9: 156-162 (in Hebrew).
    • Feuerstein, R. & Krasilowsky, D. (1967). The treatment group technique. Israeli Annals of Psychiatry and Related Disciplines, 5: 61–90.
    • Feuerstein, R. and Shalom, H. (1967). Methods of assessing the educational level of socially and culturally disadvantaged children. Megamot, No 2-3: 177-187 (in Hebrew).
    • Feuerstein, R. (1968). The Learning Potential Assessment Device. In B.W.Richards (Ed.), Proceedings of the First Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency. Reigate, UK: Michael Jackson.
    • Feuerstein, R. (1970). Les differences de fonctionnement cognitif dans des groupes socio-ethniques differents. Ph.D. thesis. Sorbonne, Paris.
    • Feuerstein, R. (1970). A dynamic approach to causation, prevention, and alleviation of retarded performance. In C. Haywood (Ed.), Social-Cultural Aspects of Mental Retardation. N.Y.: Appleton, Century, Crofts.
    • Feuerstein, R., Hanegby, R., & Krasilovsky, D. (1970). The corrective object relations: Theory and treatment group technique. Psychological Processes, 1: 2.
    • Feuerstein, R. (1971). Low functioning children in residential and day settings for the deprived. In M.Wolins & M.Gottesman (Eds.), Group Care: An Israeli Approach. N.Y.: Gordon and Breach.
    • Feuerstein, R. (1971). The redevelopment of the socio-culturally disadvantaged adolescent in group care. In M.Wolins & M.Gottesman (Eds.), Group Care: An Israeli Approach. N.Y.: Gordon and Breach.
    • Feuerstein, R. (1972). Alleviation of retarded performance. In H.P.David (Ed.), Child Mental Health in International Perspective. New York: Harper and Row.
    • Feuerstein, R. (1972). Cognitive assessment of the socio-culturally deprived child and adolescent. In L.J. Cronbach and P.Drenth (Eds.), Mental tests and cultural adaptation. The Hague: Mouton.
    • Feuerstein, R. & Krasilowsky, D. (1972). Intervention strategies for the significant modification of cognitive functioning in the disadvantaged adolescent. The Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 11: 572–582.
    • Feuerstein, R., Krasilowsky, D., and Rand, Y. (1974). The evolvement of innovative educational strategies for the integration of high risk adolescents in Israel. Phi Delta Kappan, 35: 556–581.
    • Feuerstein, R. and Rand, Y. (1974). Mediated Learning Experience: An outline of proximal etiology for differential development of cognitive functions. Journal of International Council of Psychology, 9-10: 7–37.
    • Feuerstein, R. (1976). Dynamic assessment of cognitive modifiability in retarded performers: The Learning Potential Assessment Device. In B.B.Wolman (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis and Psychology, Section XII. New York.
    • Feuerstein, R., Hoffman, M., Krasilowsky, D., Rand, Y., & Tannenbaum, A. (1976). The effects of group care on the psychosocial habitation of immigrant adolescents in Israel, with special reference to high-risk children. International Review of Applied Psychology, 25: 189–201.
    • Feuerstein, R. (1977). Mediated Learning Experience (MLE): A theoretical basis for cognitive modifiability during adolescence. In P.Mittner (Ed.), Research to Practice in Mental Retardation: Education and Training, vol.2. Baltimore, MD: University Park Press.
    • Rand, Y. Feuerstein, R., Tannenbaum, A., Jensen, M., & Hoffman, M. (1977). An analysis of the effects of Instrumental Enrichment on disadvantaged adolescents. In P.Mittner (Ed.), Research to Practice in Mental Retardation: Education and Training, vol.2. Baltimore, MD: University Park Press.
    • Feuerstein, R., Krasilowsky, D., & Rand, Y. (1978). Modifiability during adolescence. In J. Anthony (Ed.), Yearbook of the International Association for Chile Psychiatry and Allied Professions. London: Wiley.
    • Feuerstein, R. (1979). Ontogeny of learning. in M.T.Brazier (Ed.), Brain Mechanisms in Memory and Learning. New York: Raven Press.
    • Rand, Y., Feuerstein, R., Hoffman, M., & Jensen, M. (1979). Cognitive modifiability in retarded adolescents. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 83: 539–550.
    • Rand, Y., Tannenbaum, A. & Feuerstein, R. (1979). Effects of Instrumental Enrichment on the psycho-educational development of low-functioning adolescents. Journal of Educational Psychology, 71: 751–763.
    • Feuerstein, R. & Jensen, M. (1980). Instrumental Enrichment: Theoretical basis, goals, and instruments. The Educational Forum, 44: 401–423.
    • Feuerstein, R. (1981). Mediated learning experience in the acquisition of kinesics. In R. Saint-Claire and B. Hoffer (Eds.), Developmental Kinesics: The Emerging Paradigm. Baltimore, MD: University Park Press.
    • Feuerstein, R., Miller, R., Rand, Y. & Jensen, M. (1981) Can evolving techniques better measure cognitive change? The Journal of Special Education, 15: 201–219.
    • Feuerstein, R. & Hoffman, M. (1982). Intergenerational conflict of rights: Cultural imposition and self-realization. Viewpoints in Teaching and Learning, 58: 44–63.
    • Feuerstein, R. (1984). On the desirability of preserving family and communal traditions. In The Integration of Immigrant Adolescent: A Selection of Articles of Youth Aliyah. Jerusalem: Jewish Agency.
    • Feuerstein, R., Jensen, M., Rand, Y., and Hoffman, M. (1984). Instrumental Enrichment: An intervention program for structural cognitive modifiability. In J.Segal, S. Chipman, and R. Glaser (Eds.), Thinking and Learning Skills, vol. 1. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum.
    • Feuerstein, R. & Klein, P. (1985). Environmental variables and cognitive development. In S. Harel and N.J. Anastasiow (Eds.), The At-Risk Infant: Psycho-Socio-Medical Aspects. Baltimore, MD: Paul Brookes.
    • Feuerstein, R. Rand, Y. Haywood, H.C., Hoffman, M.B., Jensen, M.R., et al. (1985). Learning Potential Assessment Device Manual. Jerusalem: HWCRI.
    • Feuerstein, R., Rand, Y., Jensen, M., Kaniel, S., Tzuriel, D., Ben Schachar, N., Mintzker, Y. (1985/86). Learning potential assessment. Special Services in the Schools, 2: 85–106.
    • Feuerstein, R. (1986). The foster home group experiment. In Y.Kashti and M.Arieli (Eds.), Residential Settings and the Community. Tel Aviv: Freund.
    • Feuerstein, R., Hoffman, M., Rand, Y. Jensen, M., Tzuriel, D., Hoffman, D. (1986). Learning to learn: Mediated learning experience and Instrumental Enrichment. Special Services in the Schools, 3: 49–82.
    • Feuerstein, R., Rand, Y., Jensen, M., Kaniel, S., & Tzuriel, D. (1987). Prerequisites for assessment of learning potential: The LPAD model. In C.Lidz (Ed.), The Dynamic Assessment. N.Y.: Guilford Press.
    • Arieli, M. & Feuerstein, R. (1987). The two-fold care organization: On the combination of group and foster situations. Child and Youth Care Quarterly, 16: 168–184.
    • Jensen, M. & Feuerstein, R. (1987). The LPAD: from philosophy to practice. In C.Lidz (Ed.), The Dynamic Assessment. N.Y.: Guilford Press.
    • Feuerstein, R., Jensen, M., Rand, Y., Kaniel, S. & Tzuriel, D. (1988). Cultural difference and cultural deprivation: A theoretical framework for differential intervention. In R.M.Gupta and P.Coxhead (Eds.), Cultural Diversity and Learning Efficiency. London: Macmillan.
    • Strauss, R., Mintzker, Y., Feuerstein, R., Wexler, M-R., Rand, Y. (1988). Social perception of the effects of Down Syndrome facial surgery: A school-based study of ratings by normal adolescents. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 81: 841–846.
    • Tzuriel, D. and Samuels, M.& Feuerstein, R. (1988). Non-intellective factors in dynamic assessment. In R.M.Gupta and P.Coxhead (Eds.), Cultural Diversity and Learning Efficiency. London: Macmillan.
    • Kaniel, S. & Feuerstein, R. (1989). Special needs of children with learning difficulties. Oxford Review of Education, 15: 165–179.
    • Feuerstein, R. (1990). The cognitive modifiability of persons with Down Syndrome. In E.Chigier (Ed.), Looking Up at Down Syndrome. Tel Aviv & London: Freund.
    • Feuerstein, R. (1990). Mediating cognitive processes to the retarded performer. In M.Schwebel, C.Maher, and N.Fagley (Eds.), Promoting Cognitive Growth over the Life-span. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum.
    • Feuerstein, R. (1990). The theory of structural cognitive modifiability. In B.Presseisen (Ed.), Learning and Thinking Styles: Classroom Interaction. Washington, DC: National Education Association.
    • Beker, J. & Feuerstein, R. (1990). Conceptual foundations of the modifying environment in group care and treatment settings *for children and youth. Journal of Child and Youth Care, 5: 23–33.
    • Falik, L. & Feuerstein, R. (1990). Structural cognitive modifiability: A new cognitive perspective for counseling and psychotherapy. International Journal of Cognitive Education and Mediated Learning, 1: 143–150.
    • Feuerstein, R. (1991). Cultural difference and cultural deprivation. Differential patterns of adaptability. In N.Bleichrodt and P.Drenth (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Cross-Cultural Psychology. Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlinger.
    • Feuerstein, R. & Feuerstein, S. (1991). Mediated learning experience: A theoretical review. In R. Feuerstein, P. Klein, & A. Tannenbaum,(Eds.), Mediated learning experience: Theoretical, Psychosocial, and Learning Implications. Tel Aviv and London: Freund.
    • Feuerstein, R., Rand, Y., Hoffman, M., Egozi, M., & Ben-Schachar, N. (1991). Intervention programs for retarded performers: Goals, means, and expected outcomes. In L.Idol and B.Jones (Eds.), Educational Values and Cognitive Instruction. Vol.2. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum. (Reprinted in M.Ben-Hur (Ed.), On Feuerstein’s Instrumental Enrichment. Palatine, IL: IRI/Skylight, 1994).
    • Feuerstein, R & Tannenbaum, A. (1991). Mediating the learning experience of gifted underachievers. In B. Wallace and H.Adams (Eds.), Worldwide Perspectives on the Gifted Underachievers. Bicester, UK: AB Academic Publishers.
    • Beker, J. & Feuerstein, R. (1991). Toward a common denominator in effective group care programming. Journal of Child and Youth Care, 7: 20–34.
    • Beker, J. & Feuerstein, R. (1991). The modifying environment and other environmental perspectives in group care. Residential Treatment of Children and Youth, 8: 21–37.
    • Kaniel, S., Tzuriel, D., Feuerstein, R., Ben-Schachar, N., & Eitan, T. (1991). Dynamic assessment: Learning and transfer abilities of Ethiopian immigrants to Israel. In Feuerstein, R., Klein, P., & Tannenbaum, A. (Eds.)(1991). Mediated Learning Experience: Theoretical, Psychosocial, and Learning Implications. Tel Aviv and London: Freund.
    • Tzuriel, D & Feuerstein, R. (1992). Dynamic assessment for prescriptive teaching. In C.Haywood and D.Tzuriel (Eds.), Interactive Assessment. New York: Springer.
    • Feuerstein, R. & Kozulin, A. (1995). The Bell Curve: Getting the facts straight. Educational Leadership, 52(7): 71–74.
    • Durkin, R., Beker, J., & Feuerstein, R. (1995). Can environments modify and enhance the development of personality and behavior? Residential Treatment for Children and Youth, 12: 1–14.
    • Feuerstein, R. and Hoffman, M.B. (1995). Instrumental Enrichment Teacher’s Guides. Palatine, IL: IRI/Skylight.
    • Feuerstein, R. et al. (1995). Learning Propensity Assessment Device: Manual. Jerusalem: ICELP Press.
    • Feuerstein, R. (1996). The mediated learning experience: Langeveld memorial lecture. University of Utrecht.
    • Feuerstein, R., Feuerstein, Ra., & Schur, Y. (1997). Process as content in education of exceptional children. In A.Costa & R. Liebman (Eds.), Supporting the Spirit of Learning: When Process is Content. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. (Reprinted in A. Kozulin, Ed., The Ontogeny of Cognitive Modifiability. Jerusalem: ICELP Press, 1997).
    • Feuerstein, R., Feuerstein, Ra., & Gross, S. (1997). The learning potential assessment device. In D.Flanagan, J.Genshaft, and P.Harrison (Eds.), Contemporary Intellectual Assessment. New York: Guilford Press.
    • Feuerstein, R., Falik, L., & Feuerstein, Ra. S. (1998). Feuerstein’s LPAD. In R.Samuda (Ed.), Advances in Cross-Cultural Assessment. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
    • Feuerstein, R., Jackson, Y., & Lewis, J. (1998). Feuerstein’s IE and structural cognitive modifiability. In R.Samuda (Ed.), Advances in Cross-Cultural Assessment. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
    • Feuerstein, R., Falik, L., & Feuerstein, Ra. S. (1998). Definition of essential concepts and terms: A working glossary of SCM, MLE, LPAD and IE. Jerusalem: ICELP Press.
    • Feuerstein, R., Gross, S., Brodsky Cohen, B., Levin, S. Rathner, A., Stevens, T., Brill, T., Falik, L (1998). Early detection: Blessing or curse. In S. Greenspan (Ed.), Approaches to developmental and learning disorders in infants and children (pp. 253–280). Bethesda, MD: ICDL (Revised version appeared in Oon-Seng Tan and A. Seok-Hoon Seng (Eds.), Enhancing cognitive functions. Singapore: McGraw Hill Asia, 2005)
    • Feuerstein, R., Feuerstein, Ra. S., and Schur, Y. (1999). Instrumental Enrichment: program development and implementation. In E. Peled, (Ed.), Fifty years of educational system in Israel. Jerusalem: Ministry of Education. (in Hebrew).
    • Feuerstein, R. (2000). MLE, IE and LPAD. In S. Greenspan and S. Wieder, (Eds.), International Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders Clinical Practice Guidelines. Silver Spring, MD: ICDL.
    • Feuerstein, R. and Feuerstein, Ra S. (2000). MLE and IE as a basis of the education of the blind. Educator, vol.12, pp. 1–19.
    • Feuerstein, R. and Falik, L. (2000). Cognitive modifiability: A needed perspective on learning in the 21st century. College of Education Review (San Francisco State University), vol.12, pp. 127–143
    • Feuerstein, R. and Feuerstein, Ra S. (2001) Is dynamic assessment compatible with the psychometric model? In A.Kaufman & N. Kaufman, (Eds.), Specific Learning Disabilities and Difficulties in Children and Adolescents. N.Y.: Cambridge University Press.
    • Feuerstein, R., Mintzker, Y, Feuerstein, Ra S., Ben Shachar, N., Cohen, M. and Rathner, A. (2001). Mediated Learning Experience: Guidelines for Parents. Jerusalem: ICELP Press.
    • Feuerstein, R. and Feuerstein, Ra S. (2002). The influence of MLE on the mediator. Talpiot College Yearbook. Tel-Aviv: Talpiot College (in Hebrew) (English translation available upon request at the ICELP)
    • Feuerstein, R., Feuerstein, Ra. S., & Feuerstein, A. (2003). Learning potential assessment device – Basic: Manual. Jerusalem: ICELP.
    • Feuerstein, Ra S., Feuerstein, R., & Falik, L. (2004). User’s Guide to the theory and practice of the Instrumental Enrichment-Basic. Jerusalem: ICELP.
    • Feuerstein, R., Kozulin, A. and Falik, L. (2005). Cultural difference and cultural deprivation as reflected in the dynamic assessment of Ethiopian immigrant children in Israel. Transylvanian Journal of Psychology: Special Issue on Dynamic Assessment, 1: 101–121.
    • Feuerstein, Ra S., Feuerstein, R. (2005). Learning disability or deficient learning? Permanent trait or changing state. In E.Paldi (Ed.), Education and challenge of Time – 2. Jerusalem: Histadrut Hamorim (in Hebrew).
    • Feuerstein, Ra S., Feuerstein, R., & Falik, L. (2005). The Feuerstein programs for early assessment and intervention: The LPAD-Basic and the IE-Basic. In Oon-Seng Tan and A. Seok-Hoon Seng (Eds.), Enhancing cognitive functions. Singapore: McGraw Hill Asia.
    • Feuerstein, R. (2007). Shaping modifying environments through inclusion. Transylvanian Journal of Psychology: Special Issue No 2: 9-23.