Geranilgeranil difosfat reduktaza
Geranilgeranil difosfat reduktaza (EC , geranilgeranilna reduktaza , CHL P ) je enzim sa sistematskim imenom geranilgeranil-difosfat:NADP+ oksidoreduktaza .[ 1] [ 2] [ 3] Ovaj enzim katalizuje sledeću hemijsku reakciju
fitil difosfat + 3 NADP+
⇌ ⇌ -->
{\displaystyle \rightleftharpoons }
geranilgeranil difosfat + 3 NADPH + 3 H+
Ovaj enzim takođe deluje na geranilgeranil-hlorofil a . Reakcija se odvija u tri koraka.
^ Soll, J., Schultz, G., Rudiger, W. and Benz, J. (1983). „Hydrogenation of geranylgeraniol : two pathways exist in spinach chloroplasts” . Plant Physiol . 71 : 849—854. PMID 16662918 .
^ Tanaka, R., Oster, U., Kruse, E., Rudiger, W. and Grimm, B. (1999). „Reduced activity of geranylgeranyl reductase leads to loss of chlorophyll and tocopherol and to partially geranylgeranylated chlorophyll in transgenic tobacco plants expressing antisense RNA for geranylgeranyl reductas” . Plant Physiol . 120 : 695—704. PMID 10398704 .
^ Keller, Y., Bouvier, F., d'Harlingue, A. and Camara, B. (1998). „Metabolic compartmentation of plastid prenyllipid biosynthesis—evidence for the involvement of a multifunctional geranylgeranyl reductase”. Eur. J. Biochem . 251 : 413—417. PMID 9492312 .
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