Avro 679 Manchester je bil britanski dvomotorni težki bombnik, ki ga je razvil Avro med 2. svetovno vojno. Uporabljali sta ga Kraljeve letalske sile (RAF) in Kraljeve kanadske letalske sile (RCAF). Posebnost Manchestra je, da je za pogon uporabljal X-motorja in sicer dva 24-valjna Rolls-Royce Vulture. Kljub 1760 konjskim silam vsak, sta bila motorja za to letalo prešibka in nezanesljiva. Manchester je imel bombni tovor slabih pet ton, kar je bilo sorazmerno veliko za dvomotorni bombnik tistega časa. Proizvodnja Manchestra je trajala samo dve leti in obsegala okrog 200 letal. Je bil Manchester predhodnik zelo uspešnega Avro Lancastra.
Specifikacije (Manchester Mk I)
Podatki iz Aircraft of the Royal Air Force 1918-57, Avro Aircraft since 1908
Lake, Jon. The Great Book of Bombers: The World's Most Important Bombers from World War I to the Present Day. Zenith Imprint, 2002. ISBN 0-76031-347-4.
Lewis, Peter. The British Bomber since 1914. London: Putnam, Second edition, 1974. ISBN 0-37010-040-9.
Mason, Francis K. (1994). The British Bomber since 1914. London: Putnam. ISBN9780851778617.
Sinnott, Colin. The RAF and Aircraft Design 1923–1939: Air Staff Operational Requirements (Studies in Air Power). London: Frank Cass, 2001. ISBN 978-0-7146-5158-3.
Thetford, Owen. Aircraft of the Royal Air Force 1918-57. London: Putnam, First edition, 1957. ISBN 0-37000-101-X.
Chant, Christopher. Lancaster: The History of Britain's Most Famous World War II Bomber. Bath, UK: Parragon, 2003. ISBN 0-75258-769-2.
Holmes, Harry. Avro: The History of an Aircraft Company. Marlborough, UK: Crowood Press Ltd, Second edition, 2004. ISBN 1-86126-651-0.