The Powerpuff Girls Movie is a 2002 American animated comedy-mystery action superhero adventure family movie based on the Cartoon Network animated television series The Powerpuff Girls. This movie is directed by series creator Craig McCracken and produced by Cartoon Network Studios and Warner Bros Pictures.
Townsville has been through crime. The Professor is buying ingredients to make girls for his experiment. As his lab monkey Jojo pushed him, breaking a vat of Chemical X, the girls were created. The Professor gave them their names; Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup.
Voice Cast
Cathy Cavadini - Blossom
Tara Strong - Bubbles
Elizabeth Daily - Buttercup
Tom Kane - Professor Utonium
Tom Kenny - Mayor Barney, Narrator, Cha-Ching, Pappy Wappy
Jennifer Hale - Ms. Keane
Jennifer Martin - Ms. Sara Bellum
Home media release
The movie was released on VHS and DVD on November 5, 2002. It is also available to stream on Cartoon Network On Demand and the Cartoon Network mobile app.