Daiei (大永), also known as Taiei or Dai-ei, was a Japanese era name (年号,, nengō,, lit. "year name") after Eishō and before Kyōroku. This period started in August 1521 and ended in August 1528.[1] During this time, the emperors were Go-Kashiwabara-tennō (後柏原天皇)[2] and Go-Nara-tennō (後奈良天皇).[3]
Events of the Daiei era
24 January 1525 (Daiei 5, on the 1st day of the 1st month): All ceremonies in the court were suspended because of the lack of funds to support them.[4]
♯The Northern pretenders did not recognize the Genkō era. Gentoku was used in the Northern Court until 1332. ₪The Shōkyō era was recognized only by the Northern pretenders, not by the Southern Court. ‡ Upon reunification of the Northern and Southern Courts in 1392, Genchū was discontinued. Meitoku was used until 1394.