Носок крыла

Сечения профиля крыла с выделенным носком крыла
Носок крыла в разрезе

Носо́к крыла́ — передняя часть крыла от крайней передней точки до первого продольного силового элемента — стенки или переднего лонжерона.

Носок крыла может содержать следующую механизацию и системы:

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此條目或其章節极大或完全地依赖于某个单一的来源。 (2023年5月7日)请协助補充多方面可靠来源以改善这篇条目。致使用者:请搜索一下条目的标题(来源搜索:國立溪湖高級中學 — 网页、新闻、书籍、学术、图像),以检查网络上是否存在该主题的更多可靠来源(判定指引) 國立溪湖高級中學溪湖高中校門口的校名看板(書法家鄭禮勳題字)地址51452 彰化縣溪湖鎮大�...


Rededication of land in an urban environment to new construction For other uses, see Infill (disambiguation). In urban planning, infill, or in-fill, is the rededication of land in an urban environment, usually open-space, to new construction.[1] Infill also applies, within an urban polity, to construction on any undeveloped land that is not on the urban margin. The slightly broader term land recycling is sometimes used instead. Infill has been promoted as an economical use of existing...

Technical school in Marcy, New York State University of New York Polytechnic InstituteFormer namesUpper Division College at Herkimer/Rome/Utica (1966–1977)State University of New York College of Technology at Utica-Rome (1977–1989)State University of New York Institute of Technology at Utica-Rome (1989–2014)TypePublic universityEstablishedJune 14, 1966; 58 years ago (1966-06-14)Parent institutionState University of New YorkEndowmentUS $11.9 million (2022; Unaudited) ...


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