Названа в честь лауреата медали ЭдисонаОливера Бакли[англ.]. Награда учреждена в 1952 году[1], награждение проводится с 1953 года. Награда включает сертификат и 20 тысяч долларов США. Среди награждённых 17 лауреатов Нобелевской премии.
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«For his contribution concerning many-body and superexchange interactions, which have led to a new theoretical in-sights into superconductivity, liquid He3, plasmons and magetism»
«For having been the first to demonstrate experimentally the generation and amplification of optical radiation in solid crystals by stimulated emissions»
«For experimental inventiveness, originality and physical insight leading to significant results on the effects of extreme pressures on the electronic and molecular structure of solids»
«For their joint experimental investigations of superconductivity which have challenged theoretical understanding and opened up the technology of high field superconductors»
«For his synthesis of theoretical and empirical knowledge of band structures and optical properties, and for his use of this understanding to unify the physical and chemical approaches to crystalline bonding»
«For his development of electron nuclear double resonance, and the application of spin resonance to a wide range of problems in the physics of condensed matter»
«For outstanding contributions to the understanding of radiation-induced defects in semiconductors by the imaginative use of experimental techniques and theoretical models»
«For their effective development and application of photoelectron spectroscopy as an indispensable tool for study of bulk and surface electronic structure of solids»
«For his contributions to the understanding of the changes in matter at phase transitions, especially phenomena occur-ring in magnets, superconductors, and two dimensional solids»
«For his studies of conducting polymers and organic solids, and in particular for his leadership in our understanding of the properties of quasi-one-dimensional conductors»
«For his pioneering work on low energy excitations in amorphous materials and continued important contributions to the understanding of thermal transport in solids»
«For a series of pioneering experiments which led to fundamental discoveries in the study of two dimensional electron transport phenomena in silicon inversion layers»
«For his seminal transport studies of impurity band conduction near the metal-insulator transition and his leadership in our understanding of amorphous semi-conductors»
«For his discovery of universal conductance fluctuations and the h/e Aharonov Bohm effect in small disordered metallic conductors, and his leadership role in elucidating the physics of mesoscopic system»
«For his original and creative applications of the magnetic resonance techniques to elucidate the microscopic properties of condensed matter systems including, especially, superconductors»
«For fundamental contributions to the understanding of the quantum mechanics of electrons in random potentials and confined geometries, including pioneering work on the interplay of interactions and disorder»
«For seminal contributions to the theory of condensed matter systems including the prediction and elucidation of the properties of new, partially ordered phases of complex materials»
«For groundbreaking experimental and theoretical contributions to the fundamental science and applications of liquid crystals, particularly their ferroelectric and chiral properties»
«For innovations in angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, which advanced the understanding of the cuprate superconductors, and transformed the study of strongly-correlated electronic systems»
«For seminal achievements in solar cells and strained quantum well lasers, and especially for creating the field of photonic crystals, spanning both fundamental science and practical applications of that science»
«For pioneering contributions that opened new directions in the field of soft condensed matter physics through innovative studies of colloids, polymers, and packing»