Majoritatea musulmanilor sunt suniți – circa 75–90% din toți musulmanii.[9][10] Al doilea și al treilea grup ca mărime sunt, Shia și Ahmadiyya, cu 10–20%[11] și 1%[12] respectiv. Cu circa 1,6 miliarde de adepți – aproape un sfert din populația Pământului,[6][13] Islamul este a doua cea mai mare religie.[14][15][16]
^Esposito, John L. (). What everyone needs to know about Islam. Oxford University Press. p. 21. ISBN978-0-19-515713-0. și Esposito, John (). Islam : the straight path (ed. Rev. 3rd ed., updated with new epilogue.). New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 2, 43. ISBN978-0-19-518266-8.
^"Muslim Population by Country". The Future of the Global Muslim Population. Pew Research Center. Retrieved 13 January 2015
„Sunnite”. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Accesat în . They numbered about 900 million in the late 20th century and constituted nine-tenths of all the adherents of Islām.
„Quick guide: Sunnis and Shias”. BBC News. . Accesat în . The great majority of Muslims are Sunnis - estimates suggest the figure is somewhere between 85% and 90%.
Sunni Islam: Oxford Bibliographies Online Research Guide "Sunni Islam is the dominant division of the global Muslim community, and throughout history it has made up a substantial majority (85 to 90 percent) of that community."
„Religions”. The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Arhivat din original la . Accesat în . Sunni Islam accounts for over 75% of the world's Muslim population
„Quick guide: Sunnis and Shias”. BBC News. . Accesat în . The great majority of Muslims are Sunnis - estimates suggest the figure is somewhere between 85% and 90%.
Sunni Islam: Oxford Bibliographies Online Research Guide "Sunni Islam is the dominant division of the global Muslim community, and throughout history it has made up a substantial majority (85 to 90 percent) of that community."
Breach of Faith. Human Rights Watch. iunie 2005. p. 8. Accesat în . Estimates of around 20 million would be appropriate
Larry DeVries, Don Baker, and Dan Overmyer. Asian Religions in British Columbia. University of Columbia Press. ISBN978-0-7748-1662-5. Accesat în . The community currently numbers around 15 million spread around the worldMentenanță CS1: Nume multiple: lista autorilor (link)
Juan Eduardo Campo. Encyclopedia of Islam. p. 24. ISBN0-8160-5454-1. Accesat în . The total size of the Ahmadiyya community in 2001 was estimated to be more than 10 million
^* „Islam Today”. Islam: Empire of Faith (2000). PBS. Accesat în . Islam, followed by more than a billion people today, is the world's fastest growing religion and will soon be the world's largest...
„No God But God”. Thomas W. Lippman. U.S. News & World Report. . Accesat în . Islam is the youngest, the fastest growing, and in many ways the least complicated of the world's great monotheistic faiths. It is a unique religion based on its own holy book, but it is also a direct descendant of Judaism and Christianity, incorporating some of the teachings of those religions—modifying some and rejecting others.