Rufus Oldenburger

Rufus Oldenburger (Grand Rapids, 6 de julho de 19081969) foi um matemático e engenheiro mecânico estadunidense.[1]

Education and career

Oldenburger obteve um doutorado na University of Chicago em 1934.[1][2]

Foi palestrante convidado do Congresso Internacional de Matemáticos em Oslo (1936).

Em 1968 foi o primeiro recipiente da Medalha Rufus Oldenburger.

Publicações selecionadas



  • Mathematical engineering analysis. [S.l.]: Macmillan. 1950 [3] Dover reprint. [S.l.: s.n.] 1961 
  • as editor: Frequency response. [S.l.]: Macmillan. 1956 
  • Optimal control. [S.l.]: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1966 
  • as editor: Optimal and self-optimizing control. [S.l.]: M.I.T. Press. 1966 
  • with R. C. Boyer: Self-oscillations in sampled-data systems with saturation. Col: Industrial Engineering Bulletin, vol. 50, no. 5. Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind.: [s.n.] 1966. 92 páginas 


  • "Non-linear speed and load governor for alternators." U.S. Patent No. 2,908,826. 13 Oct. 1959.
  • "Method and apparatus for controlling a condition." U.S. Patent No. 2,960,629. 15 Nov. 1960.
  • with Forrest Drake George: "Method and apparatus for hydraulic control systems." U.S. Patent No. 2,931,342. 5 Apr. 1960.
  • with F. D. George: "Hydraulic differentiation." U.S. Patent No. 2,992,650. 18 Jul. 1961.
  • "Hydraulic governors." U.S. Patent No. 3,051,138. 28 Aug. 1962.
  • "Automatic control system." U.S. Patent No. 3,163,813. 29 Dec. 1964.
  • "Hydraulic governor mechanism having plural error detecting means." U.S. Patent No. 3,238,956. 8 Mar. 1966.


  1. a b Concordia, Charles (1970). «Rufus Oldenburger (1908–1969)». Automatica. 6: 355–356. doi:10.1016/0005-1098(70)90050-6  reprinted in «Remembering a Master». IEEE Control Systems Magazine. Agosto 2010. p. 10 
  2. Rufus Oldenburger (em inglês) no Mathematics Genealogy Project
  3. Mises, R. v. «Review: Mathematical Engineering Analysis by Rufus Oldenburger». Science. 114 (2955): 191–192. Bibcode:1951Sci...114R.191O. doi:10.1126/science.114.2955.191