1907: The Determination of Flywheel Masses in Crank Drives
Obras destacadas
Critério de falha de von Mises, Bernstein–von Mises theorem, von Mises distribution, critério de Cramér–von Mises, Von Mises–Fisher distribution, Bivariate von Mises distribution, Método das potências, yield surface
Em 1933, Hitler ordenou retirar todos os professores judeus das universidades, e também aqueles que professassem a sua religião. Porém havia uma cláusula de isenção para os que tinham lutado na Primeira Guerra Mundial e, por isso, manteve a sua cadeira em Berlim (1933).
Como a isenção não era certa, mudou-se para a Universidade de Istambul (1933) e mais tarde, em 1939, emigrou para os Estados Unidos. Aí desenvolveu trabalhos com mecânica dos fluidos, aerodinâmica, aeronáutica, estatística e teoria de probabilidade.
Richard von Mises, Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und ihre Anwendungen in der Statistik und theoretischen Physik, 1931.
Richard von Mises, The critical external pressure of cylindrical tubes under uniform radial and axial load, (tradução de Kritischer Außendruck zylindrischer Rohre, 1917), U.S. Experimental Model Basin, Navy Yard, 1933.
Richard von Mises, P. Frank, H. Weber e B. Riemann, Die Differential- und Integralgleichungen der Mechanik und Physik, 2ª edição, 2 vols. Nova Iorque, Mary S. Rosenberg, 1943.
Richard Von Mises, Rilke in English: A tentative bibliography, The Cosmos Press, 1947
Richard von Mises, Notes on mathematical theory of compressible fluid flow, Harvard University, Graduate School of Engineering, 1948.
Richard von Mises, On Bergman's integration method in two-dimensional compressible fluid flow, Harvard University, Graduate School of Engineering, 1949.
Richard von Mises, On the thickness of a steady shock wave, Harvard University, Dept. of Engineering, 1951.
Presented to Richard von Mises by Friends, Colleagues and Pupils, Studies in Mathematics and Mechanics, Nova Iorque, 1954.
Richard von Mises, Positivism: A Study in Human Understanding, G. Braziller, 1956. ISBN 0-486-21867-8 (Paperback, Dover, 1968 ISBN 0-486-21867-8).
M. Pinl e L. Furtmüller, Mathematicians under Hitler, Em: Year Book XVIII of the Leo Baeck Institute, Londres, 1973.
Richard von Mises, Theodore Von Karman, Advances in Applied Mechanics, Academic Press, 1975. ISBN 0-12-002015-7
W. Roeder e H. A. Strauss, International Biographical Dictionary of Central European Émigrés 1933–1945, Saur, Munique, Nova Iorque, Londres, Paris, 1980–1983.
Richard von Mises, Probability, Statistics and Truth, 2nd rev. English ed., Nova Iorque, Dover, 1981. ISBN 0-486-24214-5
Richard von Mises, Kleines Lehrbuch des Positivismus. Einführung in die empiristische Wissenschaftsauffassung, Suhrkamp, 1990. ISBN 3-518-28471-1
Richard von Mises, Wolfgang Gröbner, Wolfgang Pauli, Österreichische Mathematik und Physik, Die Zentralbibliothek, 1993. ISBN 3-900490-03-1
Robert Winter, Das Akademische Gymnasium in Wien. Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, Viena, Colônia, Weimar, 1996.
R. Siegmund-Schultze, Mathematiker auf der Flucht vor Hitler. Quellen und Studien zur Emigration einer Wissenschaft, Braunschweig e Wiesbaden, Vieweg, 1998.