Lawrence "Larry" G. Roberts (Connecticut, 21 de dezembro de 1937[1] – Redwood City, 26 de dezembro de 2018)[2] foi um cientista da computação estadunidense.
Recebeu o Prêmio Charles Stark Draper de 2001[1] e o Prêmio Príncipe das Astúrias de 2002 "pelo desenvolvimento da Internet."[3]
Em 2012 Lawrence Roberts foi induzido no Internet Hall of Fame da Internet Society.[4]
Morreu no dia 26 de dezembro de 2018, vítima de um ataque cardíaco.
Ligações externas
- Larry Roberts - Visionary Entrepreneur, Internet Technology LinkedIn profile
- Personal website
- Oral history interview with Lawrence G. Roberts. Instituto Charles Babbage, University of Minnesota. Roberts directed the Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO) during 1968-1973 and was later chief operating officer of Network Express. The interview focuses on IPTO and the Advanced Research Projects Agency. Much of Roberts' description of the work of ARPA and IPTO is set within the context of his interactions with Congress on budget matters. Topics include J. C. R. Licklider, Ivan Sutherland, Steve Lukasik, Wesley Clark, ARPA and IPTO support of research in computer science, computer networks, and artificial intelligence, the ARPANET, the involvement of universities with ARPA and IPTO.
- Oral history interview with Robert E. Kahn. Instituto Charles Babbage, University of Minnesota. Kahn discusses the work of various DARPA and IPTO personnel including J. C. R. Licklider, Vinton Cerf, and Larry Roberts
- Lawrence G. Roberts' profile on Internet Evolution, "the macrosite for news, analysis, & opinion about the future of the internet."