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Hsp70 proteinStruktur fragmen ATPase dari 70K heat-shock cognate protein.[1]IdentifikasiSimbolHSP70PfamPF00012Klan PfamCL0108InterProIPR013126PROSITEPDOC00269SCOP3hscSUPERFAMILY3hscStruktur protein yang tersedia:PfamstrukturPDBRCSB PDB; PDBe; PDBjPDBsumringkasan struktur Protein syok panas 70 kilodalton (bahasa Inggris: 70 kilodalton heat shock protein, disingkat Hsp70s atau DnaK) adalah kelompok protein syok panas terkonservasi yang diekspresikan di mana-mana. Protein dengan struktur...
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German World War II submarine U-570 Type VIIC submarine that was captured by the British in 1941. This U-boat is almost identical to U-925. History Nazi Germany NameU-925 Ordered25 August 1941 BuilderNeptun Werft AG, Rostock Yard number512 Laid down15 June 1942 Launched6 November 1943 Commissioned30 December 1943 FateMissing since 25 August 1944 General characteristics Class and typeType VIIC submarine Displacement 769 tonnes (757 long tons) surfaced 871 t (857 long tons) submerged Lengt...
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US Army Warrant Officer Career CollegeThe USAWOCC Shoulder Sleeve Insignia.Active1993–presentCountryUnited StatesBranchU.S. ArmyRoleWarrant Officer training and educationPart ofTraining and Doctrine Command and Combined Arms Center and Army UniversityGarrison/HQFort Novosel, AlabamaMotto(s)Strength in KnowledgeCommandersCurrentcommanderCOL Kevin E. McHughMilitary unit The United States Army's Warrant Officer Career College (USAWOCC), located at Fort Novosel, Alabama, functions as Trai...
Area VestinaPenne e il Gran Sasso Stati Italia Regioni Abruzzo Superficie634,23 km² Abitanti60 157[1] (31-12-2023) Densità94,85 ab./km² Fusi orariUTC+1 Nome abitantivestini L'area Vestina nella provincia di Pescara L'area Vestina è una zona geografica della provincia di Pescara che comprende molti comuni dell'entroterra pescarese a nord del fiume Pescara, e prende il nome dall'antico popolo italico dei Vestini che abitava la zona[2]. Molti...
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People from the country of Nigeria This article is about the people of Nigeria. It is not to be confused with Nigerien, those from Niger. For a specific analysis of the population of Nigeria, see Demographics of Nigeria. NigeriansRegions with significant populations Nigeria227,062,427 (2024 est.)[1] Benin6,000,000[2] Cameroon4,000,000[3] United States461,895[4] United Kingdom312,000 (2021)[5] Niger155,000[6] Ca...
Untuk tempat lain yang bernama sama, lihat Talang (disambiguasi). TalangKecamatanPeta lokasi Kecamatan TalangNegara IndonesiaProvinsiJawa TengahKabupatenTegalPemerintahan • CamatDrs. H. Imam Maskur, M.Si.Populasi • Total101,558 jiwa (BPS 2.016)[1] jiwaKode Kemendagri33.28.12 Kode BPS3328140 Luas18,37 km²[2]Desa/kelurahan19 Desa Talang (bahasa Jawa: ꦠꦭꦁ) adalah sebuah kecamatan di Kabupaten Tegal, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Kecamatan ini ber...
This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: As If American TV series – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (December 2017) (Learn how and when to remove this message) American TV series or program As IfCastBased onAs IfDeveloped byJonathan CollierStarring Tracie Thoms Derek Hughes Adrienne W...
برو إيفوليوشن سوكر 2006 الغلاف الأوروبي يظهر اللاعب أدريانو وجون تيري المطور كونامي الناشر كونامي الموزع نينتندو إي شوب سلسلة اللعبة برو إيفولوشن سوكر محرك اللعبة ريندر وير النظام مايكروسوفت ويندوز، بلاي ستيشن 2، بلاي ستيشن بورتبل، نينتندو دي إس، إكس بوكس 360 تاریخ ال...
American author Jim Fergus Jim Fergus (born 1950) is an American author.[1] He has a degree in English from Colorado College and has worked as a tennis teacher and full-time freelance writer. His first novel was One Thousand White Women: The Journals of May Dodd,[2] which won the 1999 Fiction of the Year Award from the Mountains & Plains Booksellers Association and sold over one million copies in the United States.[citation needed] The French translation was on the...
Ne doit pas être confondu avec Fontanes (Lot). Cet article est une ébauche concernant une commune du Lot. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?). Le bandeau {{ébauche}} peut être enlevé et l’article évalué comme étant au stade « Bon début » quand il comporte assez de renseignements encyclopédiques concernant la commune. Si vous avez un doute, l’atelier de lecture du projet Communes de France est à votre disposition pour vous aide...
NatérciacomuneNatércia – Veduta LocalizzazioneStato Brasile Stato federato Minas Gerais MesoregioneSul e Sudoeste de Minas MicroregioneSanta Rita do Sapucaí AmministrazioneSindacoCristiano Antônio Caetano Junho TerritorioCoordinate22°07′11″S 45°30′45″W22°07′11″S, 45°30′45″W (Natércia) Altitudine1 043 m s.l.m. Superficie188,719 km² Abitanti4 658[1] (2010) Densità24,68 ab./km² Altre informazioniPrefisso35 Fuso orarioUTC-3...
Coppa di GermaniaSport Pallavolo TipoClub FederazioneDVV Paese Germania OrganizzatoreDVV CadenzaAnnuale AperturaOttobre ChiusuraMarzo Partecipanti16 FormulaEliminazione diretta StoriaFondazione1990 Numero edizioni34 al 2024 Detentore MTV Stoccarda Record vittorie Schweriner (18) Ultima edizioneCoppa di Germania 2023-24 Prossima edizioneCoppa di Germania 2024-25 Modifica dati su Wikidata · Manuale La Coppa di Germania è una competizione pallavolistica per squadre di club ...
هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (مارس 2023) مهند الفلوجي الفلوجي عام 2013 معلومات شخصية الميلاد سنة 1952 (العمر 71–72 سنة) بغداد الإقامة لندن مواطنة العراق المملكة المتحدة عضو في كلي...
KNK크나큰Informasi latar belakangAsalKorea SelatanGenreK-popTahun aktif2016–sekarangLabel YNB Entertainment Universal Music Japan[1] 220 Entertainment Anggota Kim Jihun Jeong Inseong Oh Heejun Lee Dongwon Mantan anggota Kim Youjin Park Seoham KNK (Hangul: 크나큰; RR: ''Keunakeun''; lit. great or to be great) adalah boyband asal Korea Selatan yang beranggotakan lima orang dan dibentuk oleh YNB Entertainment. KNK merupakan singkatan dari K-pop knock, yang berarti mengetuk pintu ...
Ethics of online activities Not to be confused with Computer ethics or Information ethics. Hands are shown typing on a backlit keyboard to communicate with a computer Cyberethics is a branch of ethics concerned with behavior in an online environment.[1] In another definition, it is the exploration of the entire range of ethical and moral issues that arise in cyberspace while cyberspace is understood to be the electronic worlds made visible by the Internet.[2] For years, variou...