Efeito Scharnhorst

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Em Física o efeito Scharnhorst consiste na variação da velocidade da luz quando esta é submetida a espaços confinados. Este efeito se encontra relacionado ao famoso efeito Casimir.

Fundamentos Teóricos

O que se denomina espaço vazio ou vácuo, na visão da Física Moderna, especialmente da teoria quântica de campos, está longe de corresponder à noção filosófica do nada.

O que se prevê, contrariamente ao senso comum e à física tradicional até o século XIX, é que existe um mínimo de energia, usualmente indetectável, mesmo no espaço vazio. Essa noção tem seu início com o próprio desenvolvimento da teoria quântica, no trabalho de Planck sobre as características da radiação do corpo negro. Quando ele desenvolveu a noção de energia quantizada, atribuindo valores discretos à grandeza energia, a energia do ponto zero está presente como o nível de energia mais baixo do sistema. De fato, a pesquisa ulterior de Heisenberg, através do seu famoso princípio da incerteza, preve um mínimo de energia pelo fato mesmo de que a medida da energia não pode ser efetivada a menos de uma precisão da ordem de constante de Planck h.

De foram independente e paralela, o desenvolvimento da teoria da relatividade começou a provar a tangibilidade do espaço, sendo que este deixou de ser um conceito abstrato, passando a ser considerado como um aspecto de um ente misto, o espaço-tempo. Na relatividade geral, o espaço-tempo adquiriu um status ainda mais destacado, passando a ser considerado recurvado pela presença da matéria e da energia.

Bem mais recentemente, com o desenvolvimento da teoria quântica dos campos, essa idéia é levada ainda mais longe: o espaço vazio passou a ser considerado como um campo fundamental, de onde as partículas surgem como excitações deste.

Neste arcabouço teórico da teoria dos campos, surge a explicação do efeito Casimir. Em 1948 o físico holandês Hendrik Brugt Gerhard Casimir estudava, junto com seu colega D. Polder, as interações entre as partículas coloidais de quartzo nos laboratórios de pesquisa da Philips. O resultados experimentais sugeriam que as forças de Van der Waals não explicavam corretamente a atração entre as ditas partículas. Por sugestão de Niels Bohr, Casimir considerou que a finitude da velocidade da luz e a existência da energia do ponto zero explicavam o fenômeno.

Em 22 de fevereiro de 1990, Klaus Scharnhorst da Universidade de Humboldt em Berlin, na então Alemanha Oriental usou a teoria da eletrodinâmica quântica (QED, uma teoria quântica de campo) para calcular o que aconteceria entre duas placas paralelas e condutoras. Ele previu então que a luz propagando-se perpendicularmente às placas sofreria uma debilíssima aceleração de uma parte em 10^36, ao passo que a luz se propagando paralelamente não sofreria alterações em sua velocidade. À mesma conclusão chegou Gabriel Barton, da Universidade de Sussex, em Brighton, Inglaterra, por uma abordagem levemente diferente. Isso se deve ao fato de a luz interagir com os pares de partículas surgidas no vácuo, em decorrência da energia do ponto zero, prevista pelo princípio da incerteza e legitimada pela QED

Em frequências muito menores que aquelas correspondentes à massa do elétron, a bem estabelecida interação de Euler-Heinsenberg prevê para o vácuo um índice de refração proporcional à intensidade e não dispersivo. Mas, como se sabe das considerações teóricas que explicam o efeito Casimir, a intensidade do campo do ponto-zero entre espelhos paralelos é menor que o do espaço não limitado, para o qual a luz perpendicular aos espelhos impõe um índice de refração n < 1 e uma velocidade c/n > c, como Scharnhorst descobriu. Diversamente, a radiação ordinária do corpo negro apresenta n > 1. O efeito previsto é muitíssimo débil, embora as implicações teóricas sejam interessantes em si mesmas.


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R.D. Daniels, G.M. Shore: `Faster than light' photons and charged black holes; Nuclear Physics B 425(1994)634-650 [hep-th/9310114].

K. Scharnhorst: A functional integral equation for the complete effective action in quantum field theory; University of Leipzig Preprint NTZ 16/1993, hep-th/9312137, 88 pp.. International Journal of Theoretical Physics 36(1997)281-343, abbreviated version.

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H.D. Froning, Jr., T.W. Barrett: Space coupling by specially conditioned electromagnetic fields; Space Technology and Applications Forum - 1998. 1st Conference on Global Virtual Presence, 1st Conference on Orbital Transfer Vehicles, 2nd Conference on Applications of Thermophysics in Microgravity, 3rd Conference on Commercial Development of Space, 3rd Conference on Next Generation Launch Systems, 15th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, NM January 1998, Editor Mohamed S. El-Genk. AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 420. American Institute of Physics, Woodbury, NY, 1998, pp. 1449-1454.

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M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, A. Tort: Fermionic Casimir effect in an external magnetic field; University of Rio de Janeiro Preprint IF-UFRJ-98-67, hep-th/9809215, 7 pp..

K. Scharnhorst: The velocities of light in modified QED vacua; Proceedings of the Workshop Superluminal(?) Velocities: Tunneling Time, Barrier Penetration, Non-Trivial Vacua, Philosophy of Physics, June 1998, Cologne, Guest Editors P. Mittelstaedt, G. Nimtz; Annalen der Physik (Leipzig), 8. Series, 7(1998)700-709 [hep-th/9810221]. = paper [26]

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M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, F.C. Santos, A. Tort: The speed of light in confined QED vacuum: Faster or slower than c?; Physics Letters B 446(1999)170-174.

M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, M.R. Negrão, A. Tort: Bosonic Casimir effect in external magnetic field; Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 32(1999)4457-4462.

M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, F.C. Santos, A. Tort: QED vacuum between a conducting and a permeable plate; Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 32(1999)4463-4474 [ hep-th/9811062].

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W. Dittrich, H. Gies: Applications of the light cone condition for various perturbed vacua; The Casimir Effect 50 Years Later, Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Quantum Field Theory under the Influence of External Conditions, Leipzig, Germany, September 14-18, 1998, Editor M. Bordag; World Scientific, Singapore 1999, pp. 247-259 [hep-ph/9903469].

M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, F.C. Santos, A. Tort: The speed of light between an unusual pair of plates; The Casimir Effect 50 Years Later, Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Quantum Field Theory under the Influence of External Conditions, Leipzig, Germany, September 14-18, 1998, Editor M. Bordag; World Scientific, Singapore 1999, pp. 260-264.

F.C. Santos, A. Tenório, A.C. Tort: Zeta function method and repulsive Casimir forces for an unusual pair of plates at finite temperature; Physical Review D 60(1999)105022, 9 pp. [quant-ph/9903064].

H. Gies: Light cone condition for a thermalized QED vacuum; Physical Review D 60(1999)105033, 9 pp. [hep-ph/9906303].

H. Gies: Probing the quantum vacuum - Perturbative effective action approach in QED and QCD and its applications; Doctoral Thesis, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen 1999, 264 pp..

C.D. Fosco, N.F. Svaiter: Finite size effects in the anisotropic lambda (phi14 + phi24)d /4! model; CBPF Rio de Janeiro Preprint CBPF-NF-052-99, hep-th/9910068, 33 pp..

S.K. Lamoreaux: Resource letter CF-1: Casimir force; American Journal of Physics 67(1999)850-861.

H.D. Froning, Jr.: Fast space travel by vacuum zero-point field perturbations; Space Technology and Applications Forum - 1999. Conference on International Space Station Utilization, Conference on Global Virtual Presence, Conference on Applications of Thermophysics in Microgravity and Breakthrough Propulsion Physics, Conference on Next Generation Launch Systems, 16th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, NM, February 1999, Editor Mohamed S. El-Genk. AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 458. American Institute of Physics, Woodbury, NY, 1999, pp. 920-925.

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H. Gies: QED effective action at finite temperature: Two-loop dominance; Physical Review D 61(2000)085021, 18 pp. [hep-ph/9909500].

D T. Alves, C. Farina, A.C. Tort: Spontaneous emission between two parallel plates, one or both infinitely permeable; Physical Review A 61(2000)034102, 4 pp.

B.A. Bassett, S. Liberati, C. Molina-París, M. Visser: Geometrodynamics of variable-speed-of-light cosmologies; Physical Review D 62(2000)103518, 18 pp. [astro-ph/0001441].

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V.A. De Lorenci, R. Klippert, M. Novello, J.M. Salim: Light propagation in non-linear electrodynamics; Physics Letters B 482(2000)134-140 [gr-qc/0005049].

M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, A. Tort: O efeito Casimir [The Casimir effect]; Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 22(2000)122-132 [in Portuguese].

M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, M.S. Ribeiro, A.C. Tort: Permissidade elétrica do vácuo da EDQ escalar sob condições de contorno [Electric permittivity of the vacuum in scalar quantum electrodynamics with boundary conditions]; XXI Encontro Nacional de Física de Partículas e Campos [Proceedings of 21th Brazilian National Meeting on Particles and Fields], São Lourenço, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 23 - 27 Oct 2000 [in Portuguese].

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H.D. Froning, Jr., R.L. Roach: Preliminary simulations of vehicle interactions with the zero-point vacuum by fluid-dynamic approximations. Paper presented at the 36th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, July 17-19, 2000, Huntsville, AL, USA. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Report AIAA 2000-3478, 10 pp..

S. Liberati, S. Sonego, M. Visser: Scharnhorst effect at oblique incidence; Physical Review D 63(2001)085003, 10 pp. [quant-ph/0010055].

D.A.R. Dalvit, F.D. Mazzitelli, C. Molina-París: One-loop graviton corrections to Maxwell's equations; Physical Review D 63(2001)084023, 12 pp. [hep-th/0010229].

M.D. Roberts: Vacuum energy; Poster contribution to the Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Modern Physics (Lüderitz 2000), Lüderitz, Namibia, South Africa, 13-17 Nov 2000, hep-th/0012062, 153 pp..

C. Barceló, S. Liberati, M. Visser: Analogue gravity from field theory normal modes?; Classical and Quantum Gravity 18(2001)3595-3610 [gr-qc/0104001].

M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, A. Tort: The influence of an external magnetic field on the fermionic Casimir effect; Brazilian Journal of Physics 31(2001)84-88.

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R.G. Cai: Superluminal noncommutative photons; Physics Letters B 517(2001)457-461 [hep-th/0106047].

E.J. Ferrer, V. de la Incera, A. Romeo: Photon propagation in space-time with a compactified spatial dimension; Physics Letters B 515(2001)341-341 [hep-ph/0107229].

S. Liberati, S. Sonego, M. Visser: Faster-than-c signals, special relativity, and causality; Annals of Physics (New York) 298(2002)167-185 [gr-qc/0107091].

E.J. Ferrer, V. de la Incera, A. Romeo: Spontaneous CPT violation in confined QED; Theoretical High Energy Physics - MRST 2001, a Tribute to Roger Migneron, London, Ontario, Canada, 15-18 May 2001; Editors V. Elias, D.G.C. McKeon, V.A. Miranski. AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 601. American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2001, pp. 235-241.

K.A. Milton: The Casimir Effect - Physical Manifestations of Zero-Point Energy. World Scientific, New Jersey, 2001.

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M. Visser, C. Barceló, S. Liberati: Bi-refringence versus bi-metricity; gr-qc/0204017, 10 pp..

C. Fonseca-Barbatti, M. Novello, J.M. Salim, R.C. Arcuri: Creation of a wormhole due to nonlinear electrodynamics; Modern Physics Letters A 17(2002)1305-1314.

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M.I. Caicedo, N.F. Svaiter: Effective Lagrangians for scalar fields and finite size effects in field theory; Journal of Mathematical Physics 45(2004)179-196 [hep-th/0207202].

K. Svozil: On the possibility of supercavitation in the quantum ether; physics/0210091, 4 pp..

J. Kåhre: The Mathematical Theory of Information. The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, Vol. 684. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Dordrecht, London, 2002.

H.D. Froning, Jr., R.L. Roach: Preliminary simulations of vehicle interactions with the quantum vacuum by fluid-dynamic approximations. Paper presented at the 38th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, July 7-10, 2002, Indianapolis, IN, USA. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Report AIAA 2002-3925, 11 pp..

M. Visser: Coda; Artificial Black Holes, Editors M. Novello, M. Visser, G. Volovik; World Scientific, Singapore 2002, pp. 365-382.

N. Bilić, H. Nikolić: Superluminal pions in a hadronic fluid; Physical Review D 68(2003)085008, 7 pp. [hep-ph/0301275].

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H. Nikolić: Causal paradoxes: a conflict between relativity and the arrow of time; gr-qc/0403121, 6 pp..

D. Arteaga, R. Parentani, E. Verdaguer: Gravity-mediated modifications of the dispersion relation in nontrivial backgrounds; Proceedings of the Peyresq Physics 8 Meeting, The Early Universe - Confronting Theory with Observations, Peyresq, France, 12-27 Jun 2003, Guest Editors E. Gunzig, V. Mukhanov, E. Verdaguer. International Journal of Theoretical Physics 43(2004)731-747.

E. Elizalde, E.J. Ferrer, V. de la Incera: Neutrino propagation in a strongly magnetized medium; Physical Review E 70(2004)043012, 19 pp. [hep-ph/0404234 ].

H. Nikolić: Relativistic quantum mechanics and the Bohmian interpretation; Foundations of Physics Letters 18(2005)549-561 [quant-ph/0406173].

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E.W. Davis: Teleportation physics study; US Air Force Research Laboratory Special Report AFRL-PR-ED-TR-2003-0034. US Air Force Research Laboratory, Edwards Air Force Base, 2004, 75 pp..

H. Nikolić: Superluminal pions in the linear sigma model; Particle Physics and the Universe, Proceedings of the 9th Adriatic Meeting, Sept. 2003, Dubrovnik, Editors J. Trampetić, J. Wess. Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 98. Springer, Berlin, 2005, pp. 169-172.

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M. Marklund, P.K. Shukla: Nonlinear collective effects in photon-photon and photon-plasma interactions; hep-ph/0602123, 47 pp..

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Recipient of the Victoria Cross (1831–1874) This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Frederick Miller VC – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (July 2019) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) For other people named Frederick Miller, see Frederick Miller (disambiguation)....

Cet article est une ébauche concernant le sport automobile et une personnalité autrichienne. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. Manfred StohlBiographieNaissance 7 juillet 1972 (51 ans)VienneNationalité autrichienneActivités Mécanicien, pilote de rallyeAutres informationsSport Rallye automobileSite web www.stohl.at/manfred.phpmodifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata Manfred Stohl est...


HLA-DOA التراكيب المتوفرة بنك بيانات البروتينHuman UniProt search: PDBe RCSB قائمة رموز معرفات بنك بيانات البروتين 4I0P المعرفات الأسماء المستعارة HLA-DOA, HLA-DNA, HLA-DZA, HLADZ, major histocompatibility complex, class II, DO alpha معرفات خارجية الوراثة المندلية البشرية عبر الإنترنت 142930 MGI: MGI:95924 HomoloGene: 1601 GeneCards: 3111 علم الوجود �...


The Letter: A Message for our EarthSutradaraNicolas BrownProduserOff The Fence ProductionsBerdasarkanLaudato si'PemeranPaus FransiskusRaniero CantalamessaLorna GoldRidhima PandeyArouna KandeCacique DadáGreg AsnerRobin MartinPenata musikWilliam GoodchildDistributorYouTube OriginalsTanggal rilis 4 Oktober 2022 (2022-10-04) (Rome) Durasi80 menitNegaraBritania RayaBahasaInggris The Letter: A Message for our Earth adalah film dokumenter tahun 2022 yang dipersembahkan oleh YouTube O...

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North Korean politician (1925–2022) In this Korean name, the family name is Ri. Ri Yong-muKorean nameChosŏn'gŭl리용무Hancha李勇武Revised RomanizationRi Yong-muMcCune–ReischauerRi Yong-mu Ri Yong-mu (Korean: 리용무; 25 January 1925 – 27 January 2022) was a North Korean senior official who was a member of the Politburo of the Workers' Party of Korea, vice-chairman of the National Defence Commission of North Korea and vice-marshal of the Korean People's Army.[1]...


American basketball player and coach For the Melbourne Football Club president, see Joe Blair. Joseph BlairBlair with the Washington Wizards in 2022Washington WizardsPositionAssistant coachLeagueNBAPersonal informationBorn (1974-06-12) June 12, 1974 (age 49)Akron, OhioNationalityAmericanListed height6 ft 10.75 in (2.10 m)Listed weight265 lb (120 kg)Career informationHigh schoolC.E. King (Houston, Texas)CollegeArizona (1992–1996)NBA draft1996: 2nd round, 35th ov...

NFL team season 2015 Detroit Lions seasonOwnerMartha Firestone FordGeneral managerMartin Mayhew (fired Nov. 5)Sheldon White (interim)Head coachJim CaldwellHome fieldFord FieldResultsRecord7–9Division place3rd NFC NorthPlayoff finishDid not qualifyPro BowlersEzekiel Ansah, DECalvin Johnson, WR ← 2014 Lions seasons 2016 → The 2015 Detroit Lions season was the franchise's 86th season in the National Football League, their 82nd as the Detroit Lions and the second unde...


Chief executive of the U.S. state of Hawaii For a list, see List of governors of Hawaii. The governor of Hawaii (Hawaiian: Ke Kiaʻaina o Hawaiʻi) is the head of government of the U.S. state of Hawaii and its various agencies and departments, as provided in the Hawaii State Constitution Article V, Sections 1 through 6. It is a directly elected position, votes being cast by popular suffrage of residents of the state. Governor of HawaiiHawaiian: Ke Kiaʻaina o HawaiʻiGubernatorial logoStandar...


النيل الوطنية للنقل النهريالنيل الوطنية للنقل النهريمعلومات عامةالبلد  مصر التأسيس 1960النوع مقاولة الشكل القانوني مؤسسات مملوكة للدولة المقر الرئيسي جمهورية مصر العربيةموقع الويب nationalniletrans.com (العربية) المنظومة الاقتصاديةالشركة الأم جهاز الصناعات والخدمات البحرية لل...

For the Nazi Germany facilities for the V-1 flying bomb and the V-2 missile, see Peenemünde Airfield and Peenemünde Army Research Center. Municipality in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GermanyPeenemünde MunicipalitySeaport Coat of armsLocation of Peenemünde within Vorpommern-Greifswald district Peenemünde Show map of GermanyPeenemünde Show map of Mecklenburg-VorpommernCoordinates: 54°08′N 13°46′E / 54.133°N 13.767°E / 54.133; 13.767CountryGermanyStateMecklenburg...


أمن المعلوماتمعلومات عامةصنف فرعي من أمنتقانة المعلومات جزء من risk management information systems (en) جانب من جوانب إدارة الأمن ممثلة بـ security pattern (en) السريةسلامة البياناتdata availability (en) Mastodon instance URL https://infosec.exchange[1][2]https://freeradical.zone[3]https://ioc.exchange[4] تعديل - تعديل مصدري - تعديل ويكي ...


Pour les articles homonymes, voir Albert Mahieu. Albert Mahieu Fonctions Ministre de l'Intérieur 20 février 1932 – 3 juin 1932 (3 mois et 14 jours) Premier ministre André Tardieu Gouvernement Gouvernement André Tardieu (3) Législature XIVe législature Prédécesseur Pierre Cathala (Radical-socialiste) Successeur Camille Chautemps (Radical-socialiste) Sénateur du Nord(Vice-président du Sénat 1936 à 1939)[1] 6 janvier 1924 – 31 décembre 1941 (17 ans, 11 mois ...

Disambiguazione – Se stai cercando altri significati, vedi Impero tedesco (disambigua). Impero tedesco (dettagli) (dettagli) Motto: (DE) Gott mit uns(IT) Dio con noi Impero tedesco - LocalizzazioneL'Impero tedesco nel 1914, alla vigilia della prima guerra mondiale (senza le colonie) Dati amministrativiNome completoReich tedesco Nome ufficialeDeutsches Reich Lingue ufficialiTedesco Lingue parlateFrancesePolaccoCecoOlandeseSoraboBasso tedescoAlto tedescoLituanoYiddishFrisone settentrionaleDa...


  关于郑州地铁车站,请见「圃田西站 (地铁)」。 圃田西站Putianxi Railway Station车站站房其他名称郑州东站火车货运东站(郑州公交)位置河南省郑州市管城回族区二里岗货栈街142号[1]地理坐标34°44′06″N 113°41′58″E / 34.735002°N 113.699562°E / 34.735002; 113.699562运营者郑州铁路局途经线路陇海线、郑州东北联络线、郑州东西南联络线其他信息车站代�...