Konsonan koronal diartikulasi dengan bahagian fleksibel depan lidah. Hanya konsonan koronal dapat dibahagikan kepada konsonen hujung lidah, laminal (using the blade of the tongue), domed (with the tongue bunched up), or subapical (using the underside of the tongue), as well as a few rarer orientations[yang mana?], because only the front of the tongue has such dexterity. Coronals also have another dimension, grooved, that is used to make sibilants in combination with the orientations above.
Daerah artikulasi
Daerah artikulasi koronal termasuk konsonan gigi di bahagian gigi atas, [[konsonan alveolar di bahagian gusi atas (the alveolar ridge), the various postalveolar consonants (domed palato-alveolar, laminal alveolo-palatal, and apical retroflex) just behind that, the true retroflex consonants curled back against the hard palate, and linguolabial consonant with the tongue against the upper lip.
(The list below is missing linguolabial, alveolo-palatal and retroflex consonants)
See also