"I die the king’s good servant, and God’s first."
"[…] qu’il mouroit son bon serviteur et de Dieu premierement."
(Translation of the Paris Newsletter account, August 4, 1535)
Litterae Apostolicae motu proprio datae, 31.X.2000, quibus sanctus Thomas Morus gubernatorum politicorum virorum ac mulierum proclamatur patronus
Opus epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami, ed. P. S. Allen, H. M. Allen et H. W. Garrod, 11 tomi et index (Oxoniae: Clarendon P, 1906--47, 1958), I: #222, 460/20--21; cf. Encomium Moriae, Vol. 4/3 Operarum omniarum Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami, ed. C. H. Miller (Amstelodamum-Novi Eboraci: North Holland Co., 1979) 67/18--68/1.
Dialogue of Divers Matters Concerning Heresies 1528
Supplication of Souls 1529
Confutation of Tyndale's Answer 1532/33
A letter Impugning Fryth 1532/33
Apology 1533
Debellation of Salem and Bizance (1533)
Treaties upon the Passions 1534
Dialogue of Comfort agaynst Tribulacyon 1534
Thomas More, A Fruteful and Pleasaunt Worke of the Beste State of a Publyque Weale, and of the Newe Yle Called Utopia (prima translatio Anglice) ed. Robinson, Londinii 1551
Thomae Mori opera omnia, ed. Basileae 1557
The Workes of Sir Thomas More Knyght, Somtymes Lorde Chaucellour of England, Wrytten by Him in the Englysh Tonge, ed. W. Rastell, Londinii 1557
Thomae Mori Opera omnia Latina, ed. Francofurti a. M. 1689/1963
Thomae Mori Utopia, ed. V. Michels/Th. Ziegler, Berolini 1895
Thomae Mori Utopia, ed. J. H. Lupton, Oxoniae 1895
The English Works of Sir Thomas More, 2 tomi, ed. W. E. Campbell et al., Londinii/Novi Eboraci 1931
The Yale Edition of the Complete Works of St. Thomas More, ed. L. L. Martz et al., New Haven/Londinii 1963 sqq.
The Yale Edition of the Complete Works of St. Thomas More, Letter to Bougenhagen, Supplication of souls, Letter against Frith, ed. L. L. Martz et al., New Haven/Londinii 1990
Thomas More Studies database: contains several of More's English works, including dialogues, early poetry and letters, as well as journal articles and biographical material
↑Opus epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami, ed. P. S. Allen, H. M. Allen et H. W. Garrod, 11 tomi et index (Oxoniae: Clarendon P, 1906--47, 1958), I: #222, 460/20--21; cf. Encomium Moriae, in: Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami, Vol. 4/3, ed. C. H. Miller (Amstelodamum-Novi Eboraci: North Holland Co., 1979) 67/18--68/1.