Edlund, S. A. 1990. Vegetation, central Queen Elizabeth Islands, District of Franklin, Northwest Territories / vegetation compiled by S.A. Edlund from GSC Open File maps at 1:250 000 scale ; geological cartography by M. Sigouin, Geological Survey of Canada ; colour separations were produced using digital methods ; bathymetry by Canadian Hydrographic Service, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada. Ottavae: The Survey.
Hodgson, D. A. 1982. Surficial materials and geomorphological processes, Western Sverdrup and adjacent islands, District of Franklin (including Amund Ringnes, southern Ellef Ringnes, Cornwall, Graham and King Christian Islands). Ottavae: Geological Survey of Canada. ISBN 0660111160.
Miller, F. L., Richard H. Russell, et Anne Gunn. 1977. Distributions, movements, and numbers of Peary caribou and muskoxen on western Queen Elizabeth Islands, Northwest Territories, 1972–74. Ottavae: Fisheries and Environment Canada.