Institutum Lowellianum

Institutum Lowellianum est educationalis societas fundata Americana Bostoniae Massachusettae sita, quae acroases publicas lectionesque provectas gratis praebet.[1] Eius pecunia ex legato $250,000 ab Ioanne Lowell Minore donato venit,[2] qui mortuus est anno 1836. Institutum opus publicum hieme anni 18391840 coepit, cum prima acroasis die 31 Decembris 1839 ab Eduardo Everett haberetur.[3]

Nexus interni


  1. Hugh Chisholm, ed., "Lowell Institute," Encyclopedia Britannica (1911).
  2. Elias Nason, A Gazetteer of the State of Massachusetts (Bostoniae: B. B. Russell, 1874), 103.
  3. George Edwin Rines, "Lowell, John, American merchant and philanthropist," Encyclopedia Americana (1920).


  • Park, Charles F. 1931. A History of the Lowell Institute School, 1903–1928. Cantabrigiae: Harvard University Press.
  • Rossiter, Margaret W. 1971. Benjamin Silliman and the Lowell Institute: The Popularization of Science in Nineteenth-Century America. New England Quarterly 44(4, Decembri).
  • Smith, Harriette Knight. 1898. The History of the Lowell Institute. Bostoniae: Lamson, Wolffe and Company.
  • Wach, Howard M. 1995. Expansive Intellect and Moral Agency: Public Culture in Antebellum Boston. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 3a series, 107.
  • Weeks, Edward. 1966. The Lowells and Their Institute. Bostoniae: Little, Brown.

Nexus externi