Gualterus de Bibbesworth praeclarus est ob opusculum Le tretiz in versibus Francogallicis cum glossis Anglicis scriptum, Dionysiae de Monte Canisio dicatum ad instructione liberorum eius, ut melius vocabula Francogallica de rebus rusticis et de vita quotidiana intellegerent.
Le tretiz (vocabularium rurale linguarum Anglicae et Francogallicae)
Karen K. Jambeck, "The "Tretiz" of Walter of Bibbesworth: cultivating the vernacular" in Albrecht Classen, ed., Childhood in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (Berolini: Walter De Gruyter, 2005) pp. 159-184 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
W. Rothwell, "A Mis-Judged Author and a Mis-Used Text: Walter de Bibbesworth and His "Tretiz"" in Modern Language Review vol. 77 (1982) pp. 282-293
W. Rothwell, "Stratford Atte Bowe and Paris" in Modern Language Review vol. 80 (1985) pp. 39-54
W. Rothwell, "Stratford Atte Bowe Re-Visited" in Chaucer Review vol. 36 (2001) pp. 184-207
Josiah C. Russell, "Some Thirteenth-Century Anglo-Norman Writers" in Modern Philology vol. 28 (1931) pp. 257-269