↑Marius Biencourt, Une Influence du Naturalisme Français en Amérique: Frank Norris (Giard, 1933).
↑Charles Child Walcutt, American Literary Naturalism, a Divided Stream (University of Minnesota Press, 1956).
↑Richard Volney Chase, "Norris and Naturalism," in The American Novel and its Tradition (Doubleday, 1957).
↑Marian Frances Pehowski, Darwinism and the Naturalistic Novel: J. P. Jacobsen, Frank Norris and Shimazaki Tōson (University of Wisconsin–Madison, 1973).
↑Paul Civello, American Literary Naturalism and Its Twentieth-Century Transformations: Frank Norris, Ernest Hemingway, Don DeLillo (University of Georgia Press, 1994).
↑Malcolm Cowley, "Naturalism's Terrible McTeague," New Republic 116 (May 1947).
↑George W. Johnson, "The Frontier behind Frank Norris' McTeague," Huntington Library Quarterly 26(1), Nov. 1962.
↑Thomas C. Ware, "'Gold to Airy Thinness Beat': The Midas Touch in Frank Norris's McTeague," Interpretations 13(1), 1981.
↑Donna M. Campbell, "Frank Norris' 'Drama of a Broken Teacup': The Old Grannis-Miss Baker Plot in McTeague," American Literary Realism, 1870–1910, vol. 26(1), 1993.
↑George Wilbur Meyer, "A New Interpretation of The Octopus," College English 4 (March 1943).
↑Donald Pizer, "The Concept of Nature in Frank Norris' The Octopus," American Quarterly 14(1), 1962.
↑Leigh Ann Litwiller Berte, "Mapping The Octopus: Frank Norris' Naturalist Geography," American Literary Realism 37(3), spring 2005.
↑Frederic Taber Cooper, "Frank Norris,"The Bookman, December 1902.
↑"Now it makes no difference when or where or how a writer stumbles upon the idea which is to serve as his central purpose. It may spring from his head at a moment's notice like Athena, full armored — as was the case with the late Frank Norris, who, as has often been told, came one morning to his publisher's office, pale and trembling all over with excitement, and gasping out, almost inarticulately, "I've got a big idea! A great big idea! The biggest idea ever!" It was the outlined scheme for his trilogy of the Epic of the Wheat—the trilogy which began with The Octopus and The Pit, and which poor Norris did not live to round out with The Wolf."—Cooper, Frederic Taber. "The Author's Purpose." In The Craftsmanship of Writing, Dodd, Mead & Company, 1920.
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