Mox in bibliotheca Musei Britannici operam dedit, ubi in opusculo suo Ninety-One Cataloguing Rules regulas catalogizationis librorum impressorum omnino refecit et ad gradum bibliothecarii principalis anno 1856 accessit. Bibliothecam optimo successu ordinavit itaque praecepit:
I want a poor student to have the same means of indulging his learned curiosity, of following his rational pursuits, of consulting the same authorities, of fathoming the most intricate inquiry as the richest man in the kingdom, as far as books go, and I contend that the Government is bound to give him the most liberal and unlimited assistance in this respect.[1]
Ob labores bibliothecarios eques a regina Victoria anno 1869 creatus est. Nihilominus cum Thomasso Carlyle historico aliquos annos contendit qui tandem, impedimentis a Panizzi oppositis iratus, cum amicis nonnullis Bibliothecam Londiniensem condidit.
1823 : Dei processi e delle sentenze contra gli imputati di lesa maestà e di aderenza alle Sette proscritte negli Stati di Modena. "Madrid: per Roberto Torres" (opus re vera Lugano Helvetiae divulgatum)
1828 : An elementary Italian grammar for the use of students in the London University. Londinii
1828 : Extracts from Italian prose writers for the use of students in the London University. Londinii
1830 : Stories from Italian writers with a literal interlinear translation by A. Panizzi. Londinii
1830-1831 : Orlando innamorato di Bojardo; Orlando furioso di Ariosto; with an essay on the romantic poetry of the Italians, memoirs and notes by A. Panizzi. 9 voll. Londinii: Pickering vol. 123456789
1831 : Bibliographical notices of some early editions of the Orlando innamorato and furioso. Londinii
1834 : Orlando furioso di Ariosto with memoirs and notes by Antonio Panizzi. 4 voll. Londinii
1839 : Catalogue of scientific books in the Library of the Royal Society. Londinii