Hîlala Berhemdar

Xerîteya Hîlala Berhemdar

Hîlala Berhemdar,[1] Hîvika Biadan[2] yan Hîvika bi Adanî[3] (bi inglîzî: Fertile Crescent) li Rojhilata Navîn herêmeke bi şiklê hîlalê ye ku tê de hin beşên Iraq, Îran, Sûriye, Kurdistan, Libnan, Filistîn, Îsraêl, Urdun, Misir û Tirkiyeyê hene.[4][5] Li gorî hin nivîskaran Kîpros jî tê de ye.

Herêm yek ji dergûşên medeniyetê ye ji ber ku ew li devera ku çandiniya niştecih yekem car derketiye holê ye dema ku mirovan dest bi prosesa paqijkirin û guhartina nebatên tebîî kirin da ku nebatên nû werin kedîkirin. Medeniyetên ewil ên wekî sumeriyan li Mezopotamyayê di netîceya wê de çêbûne. Pêşkeftinên teknolojîk li herêmê pêşveçûna çandinî û bikaranîna avdaniyê, nivîsîn, teker û camê ne.


Xerîteya Hîlala Berhemdar (1916) ji aliyê James Henry Breasted ve, ku bikaranîna vê terimê populer kiriye.

Terma Fertile Crescent "Hîlala Berhemdar" ji aliyê arkeolog James Henry Breasted ve di Outlines of European History (1914) "Xetên sereke yên Tarîxa Ewropayê" û Ancient Times, A History of the Early World (1916) "Zemanê Antîk, Tarîxa Dinyaya Kevnare" de hatiye populerkirin.[6][7][8][9][10][11]


  1. ^ Mistefa, Ednan (zivistan 2021). "Bîrdoziya Şer Li Cem Kurdan" (PDF). Lêkolînên Stratejîk. 4: 6.
  2. ^ Kerîm, Alî Huseîn (2004). Destan-Helbest û Mîtolojiya Huriyan (PDF). Constanta: Instîtûta Kurdî ji bo Lêkolîn û Zanist-Almanya. r. 129. ISBN 3-93093-64-6. {{cite book}}: Nirxa |isbn= kontrol bike: length (alîkarî)
  3. ^ Erdnîgarî (PDF). Ji orîjînalê (PDF) di 30 çiriya pêşîn 2021 de hat arşîvkirin. Roja gihiştinê 29 adar 2021.
  4. ^ Haviland, William A.; Prins, Harald E. L.; Walrath, Dana; McBride, Bunny (13 kanûna paşîn 2013). The Essence of Anthropology (Çapa 3). Belmont, California: Cengage Learning. r. 104. ISBN 978-1111833442.
  5. ^ Ancient Mesopotamia/India. Culver City, California: Social Studies School Service. 2003. r. 4. ISBN 978-1560041665.
  6. ^ Abt, Jeffrey (2011). American Egyptologist: the life of James Henry Breasted and the creation of his Oriental Institute. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. rr. 193–194, 436. ISBN 978-0-226-0011-04.
  7. ^ Goodspeed, George Stephen (1904). A History of the ancient world: for high schools and academies. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. rr. 5–6.
  8. ^ Breasted, James Henry (1914). "Earliest man, the Orient, Greece, and Rome" (PDF). Bi Robinson, James Harvey; Breasted, James Henry; Beard, Charles A. (edîtor). Outlines of European history, Vol. 1. Boston: Ginn. rr. 56–57. "The Ancient Orient" map is inserted between pages 56 and 57.
  9. ^ Breasted, James Henry (1916). Ancient times, a history of the early world: an introduction to the study of ancient history and the career of early man (PDF). Boston: Ginn. rr. 100–101. "The Ancient Oriental World" map is inserted between pages 100 and 101.
  10. ^ Clay, Albert T. (1924). "The so-called Fertile Crescent and desert bay". Journal of the American Oriental Society. 44: 186–201. doi:10.2307/593554. JSTOR 593554.
  11. ^ Kuklick, Bruce (1996). "Essay on methods and sources". Puritans in Babylon: the ancient Near East and American intellectual life, 1880–1930. Princeton: Princeton University Press. r. 241. ISBN 978-0-691-02582-7. Textbooks...The true texts brought all of these strands together, the most important being James Henry Breasted, Ancient Times: A History of the Early World (Boston, 1916), but a predecessor, George Stephen Goodspeed, A History of the Ancient World (New York, 1904), is outstanding. Goodspeed, who taught at Chicago with Breasted, antedated him in the conception of a 'crescent' of civilization.