지치아과(--亞科, 학명: Boraginoideae 보라기노이데아이[*])는 지치과의 아과이다.[1] 지치목 워킹 그룹(Boraginales Working Group)의 2016년 분류에 따른 지치과의 아과 3개 가운데 하나이다.[2]
하위 분류
- 보리지족(Boragineae Rchb.)[3]
- 보리지속(Borago L.)
- 컴프리속(Symphytum Tourn. ex L.)
- Anchusa L.
- Brunnera Steven
- Cynoglottis (Gusul.) Vural & Kit Tan
- Gastrocotyle Bunge
- Melanortocarya Selvi, Bigazzi, Hilger & Papini
- Moritzia DC. ex Meisn.
- Nonea Medik.
- Pentaglottis Tausch
- Pulmonaria L.
- Thaumatocaryon Baill.
- Trachystemon D.Don
- 지치족(Lithospermeae Dumort.)[4]
- 알칸나속(Alkanna Tausch)
- 지치속(Lithospermum L.)
- Aegonychon Gray
- Ancistrocarya Maxim.
- Arnebia Forssk.
- Buglossoides Moench
- Cerinthe L.
- Choriantha Riedl
- Cystostemon Balf.f.
- Echiostachys Levyns
- Echium Tourn. ex L.
- Glandora D.C.Thomas, Weigend & Hilger
- Halacsya Dörfl.
- Lithodora Griseb.
- Lobostemon Lehm.
- Maharanga DC.
- Mairetis I.M.Johnst.
- Moltkia Lehm.
- Moltkiopsis I.M.Johnst.
- Neatostema I.M.Johnst.
- Onosma L.
- Paramoltkia Greuter
- Podonosma Boiss.
- Pontechium Böhle & Hilger
- Stenosolenium Turcz.
- ↑ Arnott, George Arnott Walker. Botany 122. 1832.
- ↑ Chacón, Juliana; Luebert, Federico; Hilger, Hartmut H.; Ovchinnikova, Svetlana; Selvi, Federico; Cecchi, Lorenzo; Guilliams, C. Matt; Hasenstab-Lehman, Kristen; Sutorý, Karel; Simpson, Michael G.; Weigend, Maximilian (2016). “The borage family (Boraginaceae s.str.): A revised infrafamilial classification based on new phylogenetic evidence, with emphasis on the placement of some enigmatic genera”. 《Taxon》 (영어) 65 (3): 523‒546. doi:10.12705/653.6.
- ↑ Reichenbach, Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig. Flora Germanica Excursoria 1(3): 340. 1831.
- ↑ Dumortier, Barthélemy Charles Joseph. Florula belgica, opera majoris prodromus, auctore ... 39. 1827.