아이작 아시모프의 저작물 목록
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이 문서는 아이작 아시모프의 저작물 목록을 나열한 것이다.
파운데이션 세계관
아이작 아시모프가 집필할 당시, 로봇 시리즈와 파운데이션 시리즈는 같은 세계관이 아니었다. 이후 은하 제국 시리즈가 파운데이션 시리즈의 미래로써, 같은 세계관을 지니게 되었고, 아시모프는 로봇 시리즈를 파운데이션 시리즈의 과거로 세계관을 통합했다.[1]
파운데이션 시리즈 세계관의 파운데이션 삼부작은 더블데이가 시리즈를 구입하기 전이었기 때문에 Gnome Books에서 출판했다.
- 로봇 시리즈:
- 은하 제국 시리즈:
- 파운데이션 시리즈:
- 오리지널 파운데이션 삼부작:
- 확장 파운데이션 시리즈:
럭키 스타 시리즈
모두 더블데이 & Co에서 출판했다.
노르비 연대기
모두 Walker & Company에서 출판했다.
- Norby, the Mixed-Up Robot (1983)
- Norby's Other Secret (1984)
- Norby and the Lost Princess (1985)
- Norby and the Invaders (1985)
- Norby and the Queen's Necklace (1986)
- Norby Finds a Villain (1987)
- Norby Down to Earth (1988)
- Norby and Yobo's Great Adventure (1989)
- Norby and the Oldest Dragon (1990)
- Norby and the Court Jester (1991)
시리즈에 속하지 않는 소설
(*)은 파운데이션 세계관과 약간의 연관성이 있다.
- The End of Eternity (1955), Doubleday (*)
- Fantastic Voyage (1966), Bantam Books (paperback) and Houghton Mifflin (hardback) (a novelization of the movie)
- The Gods Themselves (1972), Doubleday
- Fantastic Voyage II: Destination Brain (1987), Doubleday (not a sequel to Fantastic Voyage, but a similar, independent story)
- Nemesis (1989), Bantam Doubleday Dell (*)
- Nightfall (1990), Doubleday, with Robert Silverberg (based on "Nightfall", a 1941 short story written by Asimov)
- Child of Time (1992), Bantam Doubleday Dell, with Robert Silverberg (based on "The Ugly Little Boy", a 1958 short story written by Asimov)
- The Positronic Man (1993), Bantam Doubleday Dell, with Robert Silverberg (*) (based on The Bicentennial Man, a 1976 novella written by Asimov)
단편소설 모음
Black Widowers 시리즈
그 외 미스터리
대중 과학
F&SF의 아시모프 수필 모음
이 수필들은 판타지 & 사이언스 픽션(F&SF)의 월간 칼럼으로 발행되던 것을 더블데이 & CO가 수집한 것들이다.
- Fact and Fancy (1962)
- View from a Height (1963)
- Adding a Dimension (1964)
- Of Time and Space and Other Things (1965)
- From Earth to Heaven (1966)
- Science, Numbers, and I (1968)
- The Solar System and Back (1970)
- The Stars in Their Courses (1971)
- The Left Hand of the Electron (1972)
- The Tragedy of the Moon (1973)
- Asimov On Astronomy (updated version of essays in previous collections) (1974) ISBN 978-0-517-27924-3
- Asimov On Chemistry (updated version of essays in previous collections) (1974)
- Of Matters Great and Small (1975)
- Asimov On Physics (updated version of essays in previous collections) (1976) ISBN 978-0-385-00958-4
- The Planet That Wasn't (1976)
- Asimov On Numbers (updated version of essays in previous collections) (1976)
- Quasar, Quasar, Burning Bright (1977)
- The Road to Infinity (1979)
- The Sun Shines Bright (1981)
- Counting the Eons (1983)
- X Stands for Unknown (1984)
- The Subatomic Monster (1985)
- Far as Human Eye Could See (1987)
- The Relativity of Wrong (1988)
- Asimov on Science: A 30 Year Retrospective 1959–1989 (1989) (features the first essay in the introduction)
- Out of the Everywhere (1990)
- The Secret of the Universe (1991)
기타 과학수필
- Only a Trillion (1957), Abelard-Schuman, ISBN 978-0-441-63121-6
- Is Anyone There? (1967), Doubleday, ISBN 0-385-08401-3 (which includes the article in which he coined the term "spome")
- Today and Tomorrow and— (1973), Doubleday
- Science Past, Science Future (1975), Doubleday, ISBN 978-0-385-09923-3
- Please Explain (1975), Houghton Mifflin, ISBN 978-0-440-96804-7
- Life and Time (1978), Doubleday
- The Roving Mind (1983), Prometheus Books, new edition 1997, ISBN 1-57392-181-5
- The Dangers of Intelligence (1986), Houghton Mifflin
- Past, Present and Future (1987), Prometheus Books, ISBN 978-0-87975-393-1
- The Tyrannosaurus Prescription (1989), Prometheus Books
- Frontiers (1990), Dutton
- Frontiers II (1993), Dutton
기타 과학서적
- The Chemicals of Life (1954), Abelard-Schuman ISBN 978-0-451-62418-5
- Inside the Atom (1956), Abelard-Schuman, ISBN 978-0-200-71444-0
- Building Blocks of the Universe (1957; revised 1974), Abelard-Schuman, ISBN 0-200-71099-0 ISBN 978-0-200-71099-2
- The World of Carbon (1958), Abelard-Schuman, ISBN 978-0-02-091350-4
- The World of Nitrogen (1958), Abelard-Schuman, ISBN 978-0-02-091400-6
- Words of Science and the History Behind Them (1959), Houghton Mifflin ISBN 978-0-395-06571-6
- The Clock We Live On (1959), Abelard-Schuman, ISBN 978-0-200-71100-5
- Breakthroughs in Science (1959), Houghton Mifflin, ISBN 978-0-395-06561-7
- Realm of Numbers (1959), Houghton Mifflin, ISBN 978-0-395-06566-2
- Realm of Measure (1960), Houghton Mifflin
- The Wellsprings of Life (1960), Abelard-Schuman, ISBN 978-0-451-03245-4
- Life and Energy (1962), Doubleday, ISBN 978-0-380-00942-8
- The Genetic Code (1962), The Orion Press
- The Human Body: Its Structure and Operation (1963), Houghton Mifflin, ISBN 978-0-451-02430-5, ISBN 978-0-451-62707-0 (revised)
- The Human Brain: Its Capacities and Functions (1963), Houghton Mifflin, ISBN 978-0-451-62867-1
- Planets for Man (with Stephen H. Dole) (1964), Random House, reprinted by RAND in 2007 ISBN 978-0-8330-4226-2[2]
- An Easy Introduction to the Slide Rule (1965), Houghton Mifflin, ISBN 978-0-395-06575-4
- The Intelligent Man's Guide to Science (1965), Basic Books
- The title varied with each of the four editions, the last being Asimov's New Guide to Science (1984) ISBN 978-0-14-017213-3
- The Universe: From Flat Earth to Quasar (1966), Walker, ISBN 978-0-380-01596-2
- The Neutrino (1966), Doubleday, ASIN B002JK525W
- Understanding Physics Vol. I, Motion, Sound, and Heat (1966), Walker, ISBN 978-0-451-00329-4
- Understanding Physics Vol. II, Light, Magnetism, and Electricity (1966), Walker, ISBN 978-0-451-61942-6
- Understanding Physics Vol. III, The Electron, Proton, and Neutron (1966), Walker, ISBN 978-0-451-62634-9
- Photosynthesis (1969), Basic Books, ISBN 978-0-465-05703-0
- Our World in Space (1974), New York Graphic, ISBN 978-0-8212-0434-4
- Eyes on the Universe: A History of the Telescope (1976), Andre Deutsch Limited, ISBN 0-233-96760-5
- The Collapsing Universe (1977), Walker, ISBN 0-671-81738-8
- Extraterrestrial Civilizations (1979), Crown, ISBN 978-0-449-90020-8
- Visions of the Universe with illustrations by Kazuaki Iwasaki (1981), Cosmos Store, ISBN 978-0-939540-01-3
- Exploring the Earth and the Cosmos (1982), Crown, ISBN 978-0-517-54667-3
- The Measure of the Universe (1983), Harper & Row
- Think About Space: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going? with co-author Frank White (1989), Walker
- Asimov's Chronology of Science and Discovery (1989), Harper & Row, second edition adds content thru 1993, ISBN 978-0-06-270113-8
- Beginnings: The Story of Origins (1989), Walker
- Isaac Asimov's Guide to Earth and Space (1991), Random House, ISBN 978-0-449-22059-7
- Atom: Journey Across the Subatomic Cosmos (1991), Dutton, ISBN 978-1-4395-0900-5
- Mysteries of Deep Space: Quasars, Pulsars and Black Holes (1994) ISBN 978-0-8368-1133-9
- Earth's Moon (1988), Gareth Stevens, revised in 2003 by Richard Hantula ISBN 978-1-59102-122-3
- The Sun (1988), Gareth Stevens, revised in 2003 by Richard Hantula ISBN 978-1-59102-122-3
- The Earth (1988), Gareth Stevens, revised in 2004 by Richard Hantula ISBN 978-1-59102-177-3
- Jupiter (1989), Gareth Stevens, revised in 2004 by Richard Hantula ISBN 978-1-59102-123-0
- Venus (1990), Gareth Stevens, revised in 2004 by Richard Hantula ISBN 978-0-8368-3877-0
문학 작품
모두 더블데이가 출판했다.
- In Memory Yet Green: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1920–1954 (1979, Doubleday)
- In Joy Still Felt: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1954–1978 (1980, Doubleday)
- I. Asimov: A Memoir (1994, Doubleday)
- It's Been a Good Life (2002, Prometheus Books), condensation of Asimov's three volumes of autobiography, edited by his widow, Janet Jeppson Asimov
모두 호튼 미플린(Houghton Mifflin)에서 출판했다.
- The Sensuous Dirty Old Man (1971) (As Dr. A), Walker & Company, ISBN 0-451-07199-9
- Isaac Asimov's Treasury of Humor (1971), Houghton Mifflin
- Lecherous Limericks (1975), Walker, ISBN 0-449-22841-X
- More Lecherous Limericks (1976), Walker, ISBN 0-8027-7102-5
- Still More Lecherous Limericks (1977), Walker, ISBN 0-8027-7106-8
- Limericks, Two Gross, with John Ciardi (1978), Norton, ISBN 0-393-04530-7
- A Grossery of Limericks, with John Ciardi (1981), Norton, ISBN 0-393-33112-1
- Limericks for Children (1984), Caedmon
- Asimov Laughs Again (1992), HarperCollins
SF 소설 집필에 관하여
- Asimov on Science Fiction (1981), Doubleday
- Asimov's Galaxy (1989), Doubleday
그 외 논픽션
- Opus 100 (1969), Houghton Mifflin, ISBN 0-395-07351-0
- Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology (1964), Doubleday (revised edition 1972, ISBN 0-385-17771-2)
- Opus 200 (1979), Houghton Mifflin, ISBN 0-395-27625-X
- Isaac Asimov's Book of Facts (1979), Grosset & Dunlap, ISBN 0-517-36111-6
- Opus 300 (1984), Houghton Mifflin, ISBN 0-395-36108-7
- Our Angry Earth: A Ticking Ecological Bomb (1991), with co-author Frederik Pohl, Tor, ISBN 0-312-85252-5.
- ↑ Asimov, Isaac. 《Prelude to Foundation》 (Grafton, 1989) p. 9
- ↑ Dole, Stephen H.; Asimov, Isaac (2010년 9월 15일). “Planets for Man”. RAND. 2010년 7월 14일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2012년 6월 23일에 확인함.