영국의 SF 드라마 《닥터 후》의 시리즈 13 (Doctor Who Series 13, 뉴 시즌 13)은 2021년 10월 31일부터 2021년 12월 5일까지 방영된 시즌이다. 크리스 칩널이 대표 작가이자 총괄 프로듀서를 맡은 세번째 시즌이며, 전체 시즌으로는 39번째 시즌에 해당된다. 2019년 11월 해당 시즌이 수요일 밤에 방영되는 마지막 시즌이라는 소식이 발표되었으며 이는 시리즈 11 이래 세 번째다. 이듬해 2022년에는 세 편의 스페셜이 방영되었다.
영국 경찰 박스 모양의 타임머신인 타디스를 타고 시간여행을 다니는 주인공 닥터의 한 모습, 13대 닥터 역의 조디 휘태커가 출연하는 세번째이자 마지막 정규 시즌이다. 닥터의 동행자 역으로 야스민 칸 역의 만디프 길, 단 루이스 역의 존 비숍도 출연한다. 이번 시즌의 줄거리는 닥터와 두 동행자가 '플럭스' (Flux)라는 이름의 우주 종말 국면을 파헤치는 한편으로 닥터의 지난 적과 과거의 비밀을 다시 마주하는 이야기로 구성되어 있다.
에피소드는 총 6편으로 구성되나 스토리는 단 하나로, 모든 에피소드가 전부 연결된 형식을 취했다. 감독은 제이미 매그너스 스톤과 아저 살렘이 맡았으며, 이 가운데 스톤은 이전 시즌의 감독을 맡았고 아저 살렘은 이번이 첫 감독 참여이다. 각본은 6편 모두 크리스 칩널이 맡았으나 한 편은 이전 시즌에서 각본을 맡았던 맥신 올더턴과 공동 집필했다. 촬영작업은 2020년 11월에 시작되어 2021년 8월에 마무리되었다. 시즌 방영 당시 평론가들로부터 엇갈린 평가를 받았다.
각 에피마다 다른 이야기가 담긴 그간의 시즌 구성과는 달리, 이번 시리즈 13은 하나의 시즌에 단 하나의 이야기를 담고 있는 구성이다. 이는 1978년~1979년 방영된 〈The Key to Time〉과 1986년 방영된 〈The Trial of a Time Lord〉에 이어 역대 세 번째 사례다.[1] 스토리 넘버링의 경우에도 297번째 이야기로 통하였는데, 〈The Key to Time〉은 개별 넘버링을 취했으므로 이번이 두번째 사례가 되었다.[2]
The Doctor and Yaz pursue Karvanista, of the Lupari species, to Liverpool, where he kidnaps tradesman Dan Lewis. The Doctor experiences a psychic vision of the mysterious Swarm, who claims to share a history with her, escaping from his imprisonment by the Time Lord Division. Before leaving Liverpool the Doctor and Yaz meet Claire, a woman from their future. Shortly after, a Weeping Angel sends Claire to 1965. On Karvanista's ship, Yaz rescues Dan while the Doctor confronts Karvanista over his connection to the Division, before addressing the Lupari's apparent invasion plan. Karvanista tells them the Lupari are actually saving humanity from Earth's destruction by the Flux, an unknown, all-consuming phenomenon that defies all laws of space and time. The Flux causes Vinder, the sole occupant of a remote space outpost, to evacuate, and catches the attention of the Sontarans. Following another psychic interaction between the Doctor and Swarm, the Flux accelerates its attack on Earth. The Doctor has Karvanista form a defensive shield with the other Lupari ships, protecting Earth from the Flux. Unable to transport behind the shield, the TARDIS is overtaken by the Flux, with the Doctor, Yaz and Dan inside.
The Doctor, Yaz and Dan wake up in Crimean War-era Sevastopol, where the Sontarans have replaced the Russians throughout history, and meet Mary Seacole and General Logan. The Flux's effects send Dan back to 2021 Liverpool, and Yaz to a damaged temple full of dying priests, beside Joseph Williamson and Vinder. The Doctor deduces that the Sontarans slipped past the Lupari's defences. Dan infiltrates the Sontarans' shipyard. Swarm arrives at the temple and reveals it to be in the Atropos region on the planet Time, killing the priests and taking Yaz and Vinder hostage. The Doctor enlists Seacole to gather intelligence on the Sontaran camp, then summons the Sontarans to negotiate a retreat, only to be arrested by Logan's soldiers, who later fight a disastrous battle with them. The Doctor regroups with Seacole and Logan's men, and they disrupt the Sontarans' supplies, but Logan reneges and bombs the camp. The Sontarans discover Dan, but Karvanista rescues him before destroying the shipyard, which resets the timeline. The Doctor manages to recover the TARDIS and collect Dan, but it is hijacked and brought to the temple, where they are forced to watch as Swarm is about to kill Yaz and Vinder.
The Doctor jumps into the temple's time storm and stalls Swarm by hiding Dan, Yaz and Vinder in their pasts, albeit with many details changed. Vinder reluctantly relives his time assisting the dictatorial Grand Serpent, and his demotion upon revealing the Serpent's misdeeds. Bel, a survivor of the Flux, travels through its ruins in a Lupari ship, evading Daleks, Sontarans and Cybermen. The Doctor jumps into her own timestream and recovers memories of her past incarnation, the Fugitive Doctor, and her time in the Division. It is revealed that she and Karvanista had previously raided the temple to defeat Swarm and rescue the priests. The present Doctor finds the priests and encourages them to return to life and the temple, but they separate her from her past to protect her. A mysterious old entity reprimands the Doctor. Bel is revealed to be searching for Vinder as his paramour, and is carrying his child. The Doctor returns Yaz, Dan and Vinder to the present and fixes the timestreams. She returns Vinder to his Flux-ravaged home planet, after which a Weeping Angel that had been stalking Yaz intercepts the TARDIS.
The Doctor reboots the TARDIS, forcing the Angel out and stranding them in the English village of Medderton, 1967. Former soldier Professor Jericho conducts psychic experiments on Claire, who been sent back in time by the same Angel that had hijacked the TARDIS. An Angel sends Yaz and Dan back to Medderton in 1901, where they find a missing girl named Peggy. They discover a barrier to 1967 and Peggy's future self, who had to live out the rest of her life until then. The Doctor, Claire, and Jericho barricade themselves in his basement as the Angels close in. Claire reveals she is having visions of becoming an Angel, hosting one that has taken residence in her mind. Connecting to the Angel telepathically, the Doctor discovers the Angel is hiding from the other Angels, who are after it under orders from the Division. The Doctor and Claire escape through a tunnel surrounded by Angels, whilst Jericho is sent to 1901. The Doctor learns the Angels have taken the village out of time to capture the rogue Angel, who reveals it has offered the Doctor to the Angels for its own safety. The Doctor is turned into an Angel and transported to the Division, stranding the others in 1901. Bel arrives on Puzano and sees Swarm's accomplice Azure tricking survivors into being harvested for energy. She saves a local from falling into their trap and leaves a message for Vinder.
The Weeping Angels transport the Doctor to the Division where she meets the entity that had previously chastised her, revealed to be her adoptive mother, Tecteun. She reveals that the Division orchestrated the Flux, an antimatter wave, to kill the Doctor for interfering with their plans, and that they have knowledge of the multiverse. In 1904, Yaz, Dan, and Jericho search the world for artifacts and psychics to decipher when the world will end. They meet Williamson, who had discovered several doorways that led to various other places while excavating tunnels under Liverpool. Over many years, the Grand Serpent infiltrates UNIT as an officer, eliminating those who pose a threat to him. After being threatened by Kate Stewart, he deactivates all UNIT defences, allowing the Sontarans to enter Earth. Vinder discovers Swarm harvesting energy from Flux survivors, but he is caught and trapped in a device called a Passenger, where he meets Dan's friend Diane, who had been kidnapped earlier by Swarm and Azure. The Doctor watches helplessly as Swarm arrives, disintegrating Tecteun and threatening to do the same to her.
The Doctor is split into three copies due to time distortion, as Azure reveals that she and Swarm plan to engineer the Flux into a vehicle of constant universal destruction. Yaz, Dan, Jericho, and Williamson travel to 2021 and meet Kate Stewart and the second copy, who tells Claire and Jericho to infiltrate the Sontarans and takes her TARDIS from Kate. The third crashes Bel's ship into the Sontaran command. The Sontarans remove the third copy, whom the second rescues, and commit genocide against the Lupari. They offer an alliance with the Cybermen and Daleks, a ruse to sacrifice them to the Flux while the Lupari shield ensconces the Sontarans. Claire escapes the Sontarans; Jericho cannot. The two copies rescue Vinder and Diane, and reform the Lupari shield behind the Sontarans, leaving the Flux to consume the Sontarans, Jericho, Daleks and Cybermen, and be absorbed by the Passenger. Azure and Swarm bring the first copy to Atropos to sacrifice her to Time, but Time destroys the duo and reunifies the Doctor, telling her to beware the forces that mass against her, and their master. Using the tunnel doors, Kate and Vinder maroon the Serpent on a small asteroid. Vinder and Bel decide to travel with Karvanista. Diane refuses Dan's date offer, as the Doctor invites Dan to join her and Yaz. She deposits her lost memories deep into the TARDIS interior, deciding to live without them.
↑해당 제목 앞에 '챕터 1' 하는 식으로 붙거나 전체 시리얼명인 'Flux'를 붙여 소개하고 있다.