닥터 후 시리즈 4

닥터 후
시즌 4
화수13 (+ 외전 1개)
채널BBC One
기간2008년 4월 5일 (2008-04-05)~7월 5일 (2008-07-05)
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에피소드 목록

영국의 텔레비전 SF 드라마닥터 후》의 시리즈 4는 2007년 크리스마스 스페셜 에피소드 "Voyage of the Damned" (저주 받은 자들의 항해)를 시작으로 13화 분량의 정규 시리즈로 구성되었다. 2008년 4월 5일 첫번째 에피소드 "Partners in Crime"으로 시작, 석달 후 마지막 에피소드 "Journey's End"로 마무리되었다.

첫화 "Partners in Crime"는 도나 노블 (캐서린 테이트)가 10대 닥터의 정규 동행자로 처음 데뷔하는 에피소드다. 캐서린 테이트는 2006년 크리스마스 스페셜 "The Runaway Bride"에서 처음 모습을 비춘 바 있었다. 이와 더불어 지난 시즌에서 닥터의 동행자 마사 존스로 활약했던 프리마 아저먼이 다시 한번 출연하며, 마지막화에서는 존 버로우만, 엘리자베스 슬레이든, 노엘 클라크, 카밀 코두리도 출연한다. 빌리 파이퍼로즈 타일러 역으로 마지막 세 에피소드에 출연하였다.

시리즈 제작은 2007년 8월 8일에 시작되어 2008년 3월 29일에 끝났다. 정규 시리즈 뿐만 아니라 Voyage of the Damned"의 앞선 시점을 다루는 단편 스페셜 에피소드 "Time Crash"가 제작되어 칠드런 인 니드 프로그램에서 공개되었으며, 2008년 7월 시리즈 4 종영 후 닥터 후 프롬에서 첫 공개된 미니 에피소드 "Music of the Spheres"도 제작됐다. 시리즈 4는 데이비드 테넌트가 닥터로 출연하는 동시에 러셀 T 데이비스가 프로듀서를 맡는 마지막 정규 시즌이며, 2008~2010년 스페셜을 끝으로 하차하였다.

이번 시리즈에서는 지구에서 벌이 사라지는 현상이 반복되어 언급되고, 여러 행성과 달이 사라지는 기이한 사건들로 구성된 느슨한 떡밥으로 이뤄져 있다.

에피소드 목록

스토리 시리즈
제목 감독 작가 방송 날짜 제작 번호 시청자 수
(100만) [1]
AI지수 [1]
188"Voyage of the Damned"제임스 스트롱러셀 T 데이비스2007년 12월 25일 (2007-12-25)4X13.3186
타이타닉호에 타디스가 충돌하자 즉시 복구에 나선 10대 닥터. 알고 보니 역사 속의 타이타닉호가 아닌, 우주여객선이라는 사실을 깨닫는다. 배에 몰래 잠입한 닥터는 선내 웨이트리스로 근무하던 애스트리드 페스를 만나고, 승객들과 함께 지구의 런던 나들이에 나선다. As part of cruise line owner Max Capricorn's revenge plot after Max's board votes him out of his company, Captain Hardaker drops the vessel's shielding, causing meteors to be pulled toward the ship. The vessel begins plunging toward the Earth. Max has the Heavenly Host androids kill any survivors. The Host take the Doctor to Max Capricorn. Following the Doctor, Astrid uses a forklift to push Max into the ship's engine, seemingly killing herself too. Reaching the bridge, the Doctor uses the heat from the re-entry to restart and stabilise the ship. The Doctor retrieves Astrid's pattern from her teleport bracelet, before her ghostly remains dissipate into space.
본 시즌
1891"Partners in Crime"제임스 스트롱러셀 T 데이비스2008년 4월 5일 (2008-04-05)4.19.1488
Donna Noble finds herself regretting declining the Doctor's invitation to travel in the TARDIS two years ago, and investigates conspiracy theories in the hope that she will find him again. The Doctor and Donna, neither aware of the other's involvement, both investigate Adipose Industries, which is marketing a special diet pill. The pills use body fat to parthenogenetically create small white aliens called Adipose. The Doctor and Donna separately infiltrate Adipose Industries. As they explore the building, they encounter each other through opposite windows in an office. They are confronted by Miss Foster, an alien who is using Britain's population to create Adipose babies. The Doctor creates a diversion and escapes, so Miss Foster accelerates her plans. Throughout London, the Adipose begin to spawn and soon number several thousand. The Doctor and Donna prevent the plan from killing those who had taken the pill, and the remainder of the young Adipose make their way to Adipose Industries. The Adiposian First Family arrive in a spaceship and collect their young. The Doctor refrains from killing the young Adipose because they are children, to which Donna remarks that Martha Jones made him more human. Donna accepts the Doctor's offer to travel in the TARDIS.
1902"The Fires of Pompeii"콜린 티그제임스 모런2008년 4월 12일 (2008-04-12)4.39.0487
The Doctor and Donna arrive in Pompeii one day before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79. They discover that the TARDIS was sold to sculptor Lobus Caecilius, and they search for it. At Caecilius's house, the Doctor and Donna meet the local augur, Lucius Petrus Dextrus, who has arrived to collect what resembles an oversized circuit board Caecilius has sculpted. The Doctor breaks into Lucius' house with Caecilius's son Quintus, and finds numerous circuit boards made by multiple sculptors without the others knowing. The Doctor deduces that the circuits will form an energy converter. The Doctor discovers that the Sibylline Sisterhood soothsayers are being slowly turned into stone creatures called Pyroviles. He escapes with Donna into the heart of Mount Vesuvius, and is faced with the choice of either erupting the volcano and killing Pompeii's inhabitants, or letting the Pyroviles use the converter to turn all of humanity into Pyroviles. The Doctor and Donna trigger the eruption and run for the TARDIS, leaving Caecilius and his family, but Donna begs the Doctor to go back and save them. The Doctor relents and saves Caecilius and his family, leaving them on a hill overlooking Pompeii.
1913"Planet of the Ood"그레이엄 하퍼키스 템플2008년 4월 19일 (2008-04-19)4.27.5087
The Doctor and Donna land on the Ood's home planet, the Ood-Sphere where a company called Ood Operations has been selling the Ood as slaves. A member of Friends of the Ood, Dr Ryder, infiltrates the company and lowers the settings on the force field which blocks the giant brain that telepathically connects all of the Ood. The Ood start a revolution. Halpen murders Dr Ryder, but transforms into an Ood because of his personal Ood, Ood Sigma, uses Halpen's hair loss medication to slowly convert Halpen into an Ood. Sigma promises to take care of Halpen. The Doctor shuts down the force-field, freeing the Ood.
192a4"The Sontaran Stratagem"더글라스 매키넌헬런 레이너2008년 4월 26일 (2008-04-26)4.47.0687
Martha Jones calls the Doctor for assistance during an investigation by UNIT. Minutes after the TARDIS materialises, Martha authorises the raid of an ATMOS factory. ATMOS is marketing a satellite navigation system developed by young prodigy Luke Rattigan. The system also reduces carbon dioxide emissions to zero; UNIT requested the Doctor's help because the technology may be alien, and they are also concerned about 52 early simultaneous deaths that occurred spontaneously. The Doctor investigates the system at Rattigan's private school and discovers a plot by an alien warrior race known as the Sontarans. Instead of an outright invasion, they are taking control with a combination of human clones, mind control, and ATMOS; Martha is captured and cloned to provide a mole within UNIT. Donna returns home to her mother Sylvia and grandfather Wilfred. The Doctor investigates the ATMOS devices and discovers it can emit a poisonous gas. Wilfred attempts to take the car off the road, but is trapped when all 400 million ATMOS devices installed in cars worldwide are activated. The Doctor stares helplessly at a street full of cars emitting the gas, while the Sontarans prepare themselves for battle.
192b5"The Poison Sky"더글라스 매키넌헬렌 레이너2008년 5월 3일 (2008-05-03)4.56.5388
Sylvia frees Wilfred. The Doctor and Donna return to the ATMOS factory, where the Doctor warns UNIT not to engage the Sontarans. The Doctor tells Donna to stay in the TARDIS, but the Sontarans teleport the TARDIS aboard their ship. The Sontarans defeat UNIT at the factory and take it over. UNIT manages a counterattack. Finding the TARDIS missing, the Doctor tells Donna to re-engage the teleport pods. The Doctor enters the factory and awakens the real Martha. The Doctor learns from Martha's clone that the gas is being used to convert Earth into a breeding world for the Sontarans. The Doctor tells Donna how to use the pods and teleport the TARDIS to Earth. The Doctor constructs an atmospheric converter at Rattigan's academy, which harmlessly ignites the gas and allows the humans to breathe. He calibrates the converter so it can ignite the Sontarans on board their ship, and teleports on board. The Doctor offers Staal the chance to retreat, but Staal encourages him to destroy them. Rattigan switches places with the Doctor, sacrificing himself to destroy the Sontarans. Martha is trapped on the TARDIS when it takes flight on its own.
1936"The Doctor's Daughter"앨리스 트로턴스티븐 그린혼2008년 5월 10일 (2008-05-10)4.67.3388
The TARDIS takes the Doctor, Martha, and Donna to the planet Messaline. They are met by soldiers working for General Cobb. The soldiers force the Doctor into a progenation machine, which uses his DNA to generate a soldier who becomes the Doctor's daughter. The other occupants of the planet, the Hath, attack, taking Martha hostage. The Doctor and Donna are taken to see Cobb, and Donna names the Doctor's daughter "Jenny". Elsewhere, Martha tends to an injured Hath, and they take her back to their command center. The General explains that they were meant to live with the Hath, but a dispute arose over "the Source". The Doctor inadvertently reveals its location to the humans and the Hath, and the two sides prepare for battle. The Source turns out to be a terraforming device. The Doctor, Martha, Donna, and Jenny make their way to the Source before both armies arrive. The Doctor declares the war to be over and releases the terraforming agent. Cobb went snap and tries to shoot the Doctor, but Jenny takes the bullet to the chest and dies. Later, Jenny revives and commandeers a rocket to leave the planet.
1947"The Unicorn and the Wasp"그레이엄 하퍼개러스 로버츠2008년 5월 17일 (2008-05-17)4.78.4186
The Doctor and Donna invite themselves to a dinner party in 1926, hosted by Lady Clemency Eddison and Hugh Curbishley, where one of the guests is Agatha Christie. The Doctor realises that they have arrived on the day Agatha inexplicably disappears. A giant shapeshifting alien wasp in human form called a Vespiform kills three of the guests with methods similar to the murders in Agatha's murder mysteries. The Vespiform is revealed to be Lady Eddison's illegitimate half-human son, Reverend Golightly. Golightly, who has a telepathic link with Lady Eddison through her necklace, became aware of his alien nature and absorbed the details of The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, an Agatha Christie murder mystery his mother was reading at the time. He transforms into the Vespiform and threatens the guests. Agatha lures him towards the Silent Pool. Donna throws the necklace into the water, and the wasp dives after it and drowns. Due to her own connection with the necklace, Agatha falls unconscious and suffers from amnesia. This becomes the event that gave her the amnesia during her disappearance, and the Doctor drops her off at the Harrogate Hotel.
195a8"Silence in the Library"유로스 린스티븐 모팻2008년 5월 31일 (2008-05-31)4.96.2789
The Doctor and Donna are summoned to a planet-sized library in the 51st century. A scan for life shows the Doctor and Donna as the only humanoid life signs but trillions of nonhuman life forms they cannot see or hear are present. A team of explorers led by River Song (who summoned the Doctor) arrives, and River acts like she knows the Doctor. She discovers the Doctor has not met her yet. The Library's operation system appears to be connected to the mind of the girl living in 21st-century Earth. The girl’s psychiatrist Dr. Moon visits the girl, telling her that the library is actually real, and he implores her to save the people in the library. The Vashta Nerada kill two of the team; the Doctor and Donna learn that the team are wearing communication devices which can store their thought patterns after death. The Doctor explains that the Vashta Nerada are creatures that appear as shadows. The creatures use Dave's suit to chase the others. The Doctor teleports Donna back to the TARDIS, but the teleport fails. The Doctor later finds an information node with Donna's face which tells him Donna has been saved.
195b9"Forest of the Dead"유로스 린스티븐 모팻2008년 6월 7일 (2008-06-07)4.107.8489
Strackman Lux explains that the Library was constructed by his grandfather, who had a giant computer constructed at Library's core to preserve Lux’s aunt Charlotte's mind. Charlotte "saved" the thousands of missing patrons' minds to the data core to escape the Vashta Nerada. Donna has also been uploaded to the simulation in the core. One of the dead team, Evangelista, reminds Donna her world is not real. After the Vashta Nerada kill more of the expedition, the Doctor discovers the Vashta Nerada’s forests were used to create the books of the Library. The Doctor tries sacrificing himself by giving the computer memory space from his mind to allow the patrons to be teleported back; River knocks the Doctor out and takes his place. The Doctor tries to stop her, but River insists that his death now would prevent her meeting him in her own past. As River initiates the connection, the patrons stored inside the computer re-materialise in the Library. The Doctor finds a data recorder inside the sonic screwdriver his future self gave River, which has preserved her consciousness, and he uploads her pattern, upon which River wakes up in the simulation with her dead crew mates.
19610"Midnight"앨리스 트로턴러셀 T 데이비스2008년 6월 14일 (2008-06-14)4.88.0586
The Doctor and Donna visit the resort planet Midnight, the surface of which is bathed in lethal radiation. The Doctor plans to take a shuttle tour to visit a waterfall made of sapphires, and decides to take the trip with other tour-goers. Mid-route, the shuttle stops; the Doctor joins Driver Joe and Mechanic Claude in the cockpit and see all systems appear operational, but they are simply not moving. Joe calls in for a rescue shuttle. The Doctor returns to the cabin, before knocking begins on the sides of the shuttle. When the shuttle is rocked violently, the hostess finds the cockpit has been ripped out. Sky begins repeating what the Doctor and passengers are saying. Sky starts to only repeat what the Doctor says, and soon is speaking simultaneously with him, and eventually starts saying things before the Doctor repeats them. While most of the other passengers begin to sacrifice the Doctor, believing him to now be possessed, the hostess begins to believe in the Doctor. The hostess grabs Sky and sacrifices herself by pulling the two of them into the radiation. The Doctor returns to normal, and the shuttle passengers are rescued and returned to the resort.
19711"Turn Left"그레이엄 하퍼러셀 T 데이비스2008년 6월 21일 (2008-06-21)4.118.0988
A fortune teller approaches Donna, who helps her recall what led to her meeting the Doctor. Donna remembers she was driving to get a new job, and turned left instead of right to get a temp position. When the fortune teller convinces Donna to turn right instead, a large beetle working for the Trickster attaches itself to her back. Donna's decision creates an alternate reality, where she never met the Doctor, so the Doctor drowned after killing the Racnoss children. Sarah Jane and Martha die. The spaceliner Titanic crashes into Buckingham Palace, killing millions in London's destruction and Britain is placed under martial law. Rose appears to Donna to save her and her family from the destruction of London, but they are forcibly displaced. Explaining that the stars are going out in every universe, Rose insists that Donna travel back and turn left. Donna is transported back, and is hit by a passing truck, creating a traffic jam that causes her past self to turn left. As Donna dies, Rose whispers a message to her. The alternate universe disappears, and Donna wakes up. Donna recalls Rose's message was the words: "Bad Wolf". The Doctor announces that the universe is in danger.
198a12"The Stolen Earth"그레이엄 하퍼러셀 T 데이비스2008년 6월 28일 (2008-06-28)4.128.7891
The Doctor contacts the Shadow Proclamation to find Earth after it is teleported away. They determine twenty-seven missing planets automatically reorganise into a specific pattern when placed near each other. The Doctor traces the planets to the Medusa Cascade, an inter-universal rift. A Dalek force, led by their creator Davros, quickly subjugate Earth. Davros, alive after the Time War, was saved by Dalek Caan, who become precognitive at the cost of his sanity. The Doctor's former companions Captain Jack Harkness, Martha Jones, Sarah Jane Smith, and Rose Tyler hide in various places. They are all contacted by former prime minister Harriet Jones through a secret "Subwave Network". They attempt to reach the Doctor by amplifying the subwave signal. The Doctor receives the transmission and traces the signal: the Doctor, and consequently the Daleks, are able to locate Earth in a pocket universe, and Harriet is killed. The Doctor lands on the same street as Rose, but is shot by a Dalek. Carried into the TARDIS, the Doctor begins to regenerate.
198b13"Journey's End"그레이엄 하퍼러셀 T 데이비스2008년 7월 5일 (2008-07-05)4.1310.5791
The Doctor is regenerating, and part-way through the process, he halts the transformation by transferring the remaining energy into his severed hand. The TARDIS is transported to the Daleks' flagship the Dalek Crucible. The Supreme Dalek orders the TARDIS to be destroyed, with Donna locked inside. Donna touches the severed hand filled with regeneration energy, causing a new, cloned Doctor to form, which saves the TARDIS from destruction. Davros explains that the stolen planets form a "Reality Bomb" which has the potential to destroy all matter in every universe. The clone Doctor and Donna arrive and try to refocus the bomb, but fail. Donna becomes imbued with Time Lord knowledge from the clone Doctor, and she disables the bomb. She and the two Doctors relocate the missing planets apart from Earth. The new Doctor destroys the Daleks and the Crucible; Davros refuses to be saved. The companions "tow" the Earth back into its original orbit with the TARDIS. The Doctor returns Rose to her universe, and sends the cloned Doctor with her. Donna's mind becomes overwhelmed by the Time Lord knowledge; the Doctor is forced to wipe her mind against her wishes, and returns her home.

보조 에피소드

번호 제목 감독 작가 방송 날짜 제작 번호 시청자 수
1"Time Crash"그레이엄 하퍼스티븐 모팻2007년 11월 16일 (2007-11-16)CIN211.0[2]
마사와 헤어진 닥터. 출발하려던 그때 갑자기 타디스가 거칠게 흔들리며 경보를 울린다. 시스템을 체크하던 닥터는 똑같이 시스템을 체크하고 있던 5대 닥터와 부딪힌다. 10대 닥터는 과거의 자신임을 단번에 알아보고 특징을 하나하나 짚으며 재밌어한다. 하지만 10대 닥터가 타디스로 침입해 들어온 광팬이라 여긴 5대 닥터는 짜증을 낸다. 그 와중에 두 개의 타디스가 결합되어 거대 블랙홀을 일으킬 만한 패러독스를 발생시킬 위기가 터졌음을 두 닥터가 알게 된다. 10대 닥터는 이전에 미래의 자신이 어떻게 대처했는지를 기억해내고 초신성을 끌어다 위기를 해결한다. 이에 5대 닥터는 10대 닥터가 정말 자기 자신임을 알게 된다. 10대 닥터는 5대 닥터를 별개의 타임라인 속으로 분리시키고, 두 사람은 작별 인사를 나눈다. 사라지기 직전 5대 닥터는 10대 닥터에게 타디스 보호막을 올려두라는 충고를 남기지만, 그럴 새도 없이 타디스에 타이타닉호가 충돌하고 만다.


  1. “Ratings Guide”. 《Doctor Who News》. 2015년 10월 18일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2014년 12월 27일에 확인함. 
  2. Pixley, Andrew (2008년 8월 14일). “Time Crash”. 《Doctor Who Magazine》. The Doctor Who Companion: Series 4권 Special Edition 20호 (Royal Tunbridge Wells: Panini Comics). 6–9쪽. 

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Yang TerhormatVasundhara Raje ScindiaVasundhara Raje Ketua Menteri Rajasthan ke-22 & ke-24PetahanaMulai menjabat 13 Desember 2013 (2013-12-13)PendahuluAshok GehlotPenggantiPetahanaMasa jabatan9 Desember 2003 (2003-12-09) – 10 Desember 2008 (2008-12-10)PendahuluAshok GehlotPenggantiAshok Gehlot Informasi pribadiLahir8 Maret 1953 (umur 71)MumbaiPartai politikPartai Bharatiya JanataSuami/istriHemant SinghKerabatJivajirao Scindia (Putra) Dushyant Singh (...


This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove these template messages) This article relies largely or entirely on a single source. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page. Please help improve this article by introducing citations to additional sources.Find sources: Universiti Malaysia Terengganu – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (November 2013) This...

2012 video game 2012 video gameJust Dance Wii 2Developer(s)Ubisoft ParisPublisher(s)NintendoProducer(s)UbisoftSeriesJust DancePlatform(s)WiiReleaseJP: July 26, 2012Genre(s)Music, rhythmMode(s)Single-player, multiplayer Just Dance Wii 2[a] is a 2012 dance rhythm game developed by Ubisoft Paris and published by Nintendo. It is part of the Just Dance video game series published by Ubisoft and the second Japanese installment of the series. It was announced in a Nintendo Direct on 21 April...


American basketball player Rodney PurvisPurvis with UConn in January 2015No. 5 – SpartakPositionShooting guardLeagueBulgarian National Basketball LeaguePersonal informationBorn (1994-02-14) February 14, 1994 (age 30)Plymouth, North Carolina, U.S.Listed height6 ft 4 in (1.93 m)Listed weight205 lb (93 kg)Career informationHigh schoolUpper Room Christian Academy(Raleigh, North Carolina)College NC State (2012–2013) UConn (2014–2017) NBA draft2017: undra...


Pour l’article homonyme, voir Kongens Nytorv (métro de Copenhague). Kongens Nytorv Situation Coordonnées 55° 40′ 49″ nord, 12° 35′ 09″ est Pays Danemark Ville Copenhague Quartier(s) Indre By Début 1570 Morphologie Type Place Géolocalisation sur la carte : Copenhague modifier  Kongens Nytorv (français : Nouvelle Place du Roi)[note 1] est une place située au cœur du centre-ville historique d'Indre By à Copenhague, la capitale et ...

American-Lebanese basketball player Omari SpellmanSpellman with Villanova in 2018Free agentPositionPower forwardPersonal informationBorn (1997-07-21) July 21, 1997 (age 26)Cleveland, OhioNationalityAmerican / LebaneseListed height6 ft 8 in (2.03 m)Listed weight245 lb (111 kg)Career informationHigh school North Royalton(North Royalton, Ohio) MacDuffie School(Granby, Massachusetts) St. Thomas More School(Oakdale, Connecticut) CollegeVillanova (2017–2018)NBA draft...


الموثوقية في الإحصاء والقياسات النفسية هي التطابق العام للقياس.[1] يُقال إن المقياس يتمتع بموثوقية عالية في حال نتج عنه نتائج مماثلة في ظل ظروف ثابتة. «إنّه خصائص مجموعة من درجات الاختبار التي تتعلق بكمية الخطأ العشوائي لعملية القياس والتي قد تكون مضمّنة في الدرجات. ال...


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Cinema of ParaguayNo. of screens71 (2016)[1] • Per capita0.5 per 100,000 (2010)Main distributors[2]Produced feature films (2002-2015)[3]Total76 (average)Fictional40Animated0Documentary36 The cinema of Paraguay has historically been small. However, this has begun to change in recent years with films like El Toque del Oboe (1998); María Escobar (2002); O Amigo Dunor (2005), which competed for Best Movie in the Rotterdam International Film Festival;[...


La Mission Marathon désigne une action de la Résistance menée en Belgique et en France durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, entre avril et septembre 1944. Il s'agit de la création d'un réseau de camps-refuges destiné à héberger des aviateurs alliés abattus en territoire occupé. Commanditée par le Renseignement militaire britannique, le MI9, l'action s'est concrétisée sur le terrain grâce à des agents du réseau d'évasion Comète, des membres de la résistance locale et des citoy...


メルセデス・ジュニア・チーム(Mercedes Junior Team)は、ドイツの自動車メーカー、メルセデス・ベンツが運営するレーシングドライバー育成プログラムである。 沿革 詳細は「モータースポーツにおけるメルセデス・ベンツ#ジュニアドライバープログラム」を参照 1990年、世界スポーツプロトタイプ選手権 (WSPC) に参戦していたメルセデスは、数年後のF1参戦を見据えて若...

ボブスレー 滑走するボブスレー統括団体 国際ボブスレー・スケルトン連盟起源 1870年代スイス特徴カテゴリ そり競技用品 ボブスレー等競技場 専用滑走場実施状況オリンピック 正式種目世界選手権 IBSF世界選手権パラリンピック 行われないテンプレートを表示 4人乗りボブスレーのスタート ダボスのボブスレーチーム(1910年ころ) ボブスレー(英: Bobsleigh, Bobsled)�...


Schism within the Church of Scotland The Disruption Assembly by David Octavius Hill Disruption brooch showing the graves of Andrew Melville, John Knox, David Welsh, James Renwick, and Alexander Henderson. Chalmers, Dunlop and Candlish are also mentioned.[1] The Disruption of 1843, also known as the Great Disruption,[2] was a schism in 1843[3][4] in which 450 evangelical ministers broke away from the Church of Scotland[5] to form the Free Church of Scotl...