↑James H. CharlesworthThe Historical Jesus: An Essential Guide 2008 ISBN0687021677 "From twelve to thirty then are "Jesus' silent years," which does not denote he was silent. It means the Evangelists remain silent about what Jesus did." ... "Only Luke reports that Jesus was in the Temple when he was twelve, apparently for his bar mitzvah (2:42), and that he began his public ministry when he was "about thirty years of age" (3:23). What did Jesus do from age twelve to thirty?".
Charles Potter Lost Years of Jesus Revealed., Fawcett, 1985. ISBN0-449-13039-8
Elizabeth Clare ProphetThe Lost Years of Jesus: Documentary Evidence of Jesus's 17-Year Journey to the East. Gardiner, Mont.: Summit University Press, 1987. ISBN978-0-916766-87-0.