↑Total population unknown but thought to be locally common – it is the most common dolphin found around the Falkland Islands
↑Estimates of various stocks throughout the North Atlantic give an overall value into the high tens or low hundreds of thousands.
↑Varying population estimates for areas around California and the North Pacific give a total of up to 400,000
↑Surveys suggest this is the most common dolphin off of Chilean waters.
↑The population around the continental shelf of the United States has been recorded to be in excess of 60,000. In the Pacific, a census recorded 175,000 individuals in eastern tropical waters and 85,000 in the west. No global estimate of population exists.
↑Estimates for eastern tropical Pacific are 45,000 and another recent survey estimates population to be 1,200 for the eastern Sulu Sea, no global estimate is known.
↑The only population estimate is of 38,900 individuals in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean
↑The total population is unknown. The eastern Pacific was estimated to have in excess of 40,000 individuals and is probably the home of the largest grouping.
↑Local estimates include 70–80,000 in the Antarctic, 8,000 in the tropical Pacific (although tropical waters are not the orca's preferred environment, the sheer size of this area — 19 million square kilometres — means there are thousands of orcas), up to 2,000 off Japan, 1,500 off the cooler northeast Pacific and 1,500 off Norway.
↑Total population is not known. There are estimated to be in excess of 200,000 in the Southern Ocean. The North Atlantic population is not known.
↑Total population not known. There are 150,000 individuals in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. There are estimated to be more than 30,000 animals in the western Pacific, off the coast of Japan.
↑Aerial surveys suggest a population of around 20,000 individuals. When submerged animals are also taken into account, the true figure may be in excess of 25,000.
↑There are estimated to be 40,000 individuals in the Beaufort Sea, 25,000 in Hudson Bay, 18,000 in the Bering Sea and 28,000 in the Canadian High Arctic. The population in the St. Lawrence estuary is estimated to be around 1000Archived 2008년 1월 30일 - 웨이백 머신.
↑There are not enough data to place finless porpoises on the endangered species list, except in China, where they are endangered. Their propensity for staying close to shore places them in great danger from fishing.
↑There are no good estimates of the animals' abundance. However a comparison of two surveys, one from the late 1970s and the other from 1999/2000 shows a decline in population and distribution.
↑Several surveys have been taken, although large gaps of data are missing, so an overall value cannot be achieved. In the eastern Pacific Ocean: Central California 4,120; Northern California 9,250; Oregon and Washington 26,175. In the Atlantic Ocean: Gulf of Maine 67,500; Skagerrak and Belt Seas 36,046; North Sea 279,367; Ireland and western UK 36,280.
↑Only few serious attempts have been made to estimate the total size of the vaquita population. Varying numbers have been obtained although an average of about 500 is usually found.
↑Nothing is known of the abundance of this porpoise. It was the most commonly encountered species during preliminary beach surveys undertaken on Tierra del Fuego.
↑The most recent estimate for the North Pacific and Bering Sea is 1,186,000.
↑The total number of sperm whales throughout the world is unknown. Crude estimates, obtained by surveying small areas and extrapolating the result to all the world's oceans, range from 200,000 to 2,000,000 individuals.
↑ 가나No global population estimates have been made. One survey estimated a population of about 11,000 in the eastern Pacific.
↑Because of the difficulty of identifying the species the total global population is unknown.
↑Arnoux's beaked whales seem to be relatively abundant in Cook Strait during summer
↑Virtually nothing is known about the abundance of Baird's beaked whales, except they are not rare as was formerly thought.
↑Nothing is known about the relative abundance of this species or its population composition.
↑A 2002 survey estimates there are 766 animals around Hawaii. No other population estimates exist for other locales.
↑Total population is unknown but likely to be of the order of 10,000.
↑A survey from November–December 2006 failed to find any individuals. Another survey, from 1997, counted only 13 individuals. In 1986, surveys estimated the number to be at about 300.
↑Estimates give values of 1,100 Indus river dolphins and maybe as few as 20 Ganges river dolphins.