『東方三博士の礼拝』(とうほうさんはかせいのれいはい、伊:Adorazione dei Magi)は円形 (トンド) 形式の絵画で、1492年にフラ・アンジェリコ作としてフィレンツェのメディチ・リッカルディ宮殿で記録された作品と推定されている「東方三博士の礼拝」の絵画である。15世紀半ばに制作され、現在はワシントンD.C.のナショナル・ギャラリーに所蔵されている。ほとんどの美術史家は、フィリッポ・リッピがオリジナルの作品の大半を描いており、数年後に他の芸術家が描き加えたと考えている。さらにフラ・アンジェリコとフィリッポ・リッピ両方の工房の助手による制作も含んでいると考えている。作品は『ワシントンのトンド』、そして『クックのトンド』として知られてきた。特に後者の名称は、作品がクックのコレクションを去った後も、50年以上にわたって使用され続けてきた[1]。
^Palazzo Medici, though they say "On the extreme right is a walled city, where the straggling tail of the Magi's cortege is clambering up a steep path with their camels", when they are clearly coming down the slope.
^The NGA writes "The nudes standing on the walls remain mysterious. Perhaps they are people who were formerly outcasts but who are now brought into the welcoming fold of the new religion".
Davies, Martin, revised by Gordon, Dillian, The Italian Schools before 1400, 1988, National Gallery Publications Ltd, ISBN 978-1-85709-918-8
Kanter, Laurence B., Palladino, Pia, Fra Angelico, 2005, Metropolitan Museum of Art, ISBN 1-58839-174-4, 978-1-58839-174-2
Lillie, Amanda, "Architectural Time", in Building the Picture: Architecture in Italian Renaissance Painting, published online 2014, The National Gallery, London, accessed 27 December 2014
"NGA": National Gallery of Art, "highlights" page on the painting, accessed 21 December 2014
"NGA Provenance": "Provenance", NGA
"Palazzo Medici": Adoration of the Magi, by Fra’ Angelico and Filippo Lippi, Mediateca di Palazzo Medici Riccardi, accessed 21 December 2014
Sale, J. Russell, Birds of a Feather: The Medici 'Adoration' Tondo in Washington, 2007, The Burlington Magazine, Vol. 149, No. 1246, Art in Italy (Jan., 2007), pp. 4–13, JSTOR
Schiller, Gertud, Iconography of Christian Art, Vol. I, 1971 (English trans from German), Lund Humphries, London, ISBN 0-85331-270-2
Stapleford, Richard, ed., Lorenzo De' Medici at Home: The Inventory of the Palazzo Medici in 1492, 2013, Penn State Press, ISBN 0-271-05641-X, 978-0-271-05641-8
Walker, John, The National Gallery, Washington, Thames & Hudson, London, 1964.
Berenson, Bernard, "Postscript 1949: The Cook Tondo Revisited", reprinted in Homeless Paintings of the Renaissance, ed. Hanna Kiel, 1965.
Berenson, Bernard, "Fra Angelico, Fra Filippo e la cronologia", 1932 Bollettino d'Arte, XXXVI (later translated into English)
Boskovits, Miklós, and David Alan Brown, et al. Italian Paintings of the Fifteenth Century, The Systematic Catalogue of the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 2003. Entry pp. 21–30.
Ruda, Jeffrey. "The National Gallery Tondo of the Adoration of the Magi and the Early Style of Filippo Lippi." Studies in the History of Art vol. 7 (1975), pp. 6–39. Ruda is the only art historian to think Lippi began the work.